in their prime ...

**** that Clair all day I invied me hux.
****** sayin Willona ..smh the regal beagal right?? Lol
Ortiz n Beyonce

Yo Jodie Watley or down town Julie brown?
**** that Clair all day I invied me hux.
****** sayin Willona ..smh the regal beagal right?? Lol
Ortiz n Beyonce

Yo Jodie Watley or down town Julie brown?
You puffin on something strong bruh, Claire don't compete b.
free from 106 in park....(while she was on 106 and park, not last year free with the dunkzilla) or rosci 
Peg no doubt!!
Paula lil ****** fat cat ***..

You crazy. CLAIRE is GOAT wifey material.
Dat lil sexy look she used to give cliff when she wanted the dee. My god!
Unno Claire is just the ideal wife I've always wanted.

Yo Rosie Perez or Angie Martinez
Cuz Faith was wifey material and Kim was just a steady down *** side chick.


young man, you must be new to the game...

he choose Faith because Kim accepted being number two..

thats why dudes have side chicks for 10 years .... they accept it
No I'm not. You just seem to not know about what's been said about Big meeting Faith. If Kim didn't accept being the side chick he would've just dumped Kim once he met Faith. Simple as that.

Just as much as Faith was wifey marriage material, Kim was jump off material. Son told her get an abortion, she went and did that. Bet money Faith wouldn't have let that rock if he told her that and would've put a dent in his *** coming at her sideways. If you follow the history of the situation you'd know how Big treated Faith and what everyone said about how Big felt about Faith.

She was wifey marriage material to Big and Kim wasn't.
Cuz Faith was wifey material and Kim was just a steady down *** side chick.
From the accounts Kim look like she was more wifey material than faith ... Biggie turned Kim into the chick that we all got to know.
Maybe I shouldn't have said wifey cuz apparently that term is too associated with ghetto version of a wife that's not a wife. Faith was marriage material. A woman you build a future and have a family with or at least Big felt that way. Big treated her as such. Then married her.

Big may have loved Kim but he treated her like the dog that'll always be loyal and around. she accepted that for a while but that's not impacting that Big married Faith and he saw that her that way to begin with.

Yeah Big put Kim on the path career wise to sell sex and be the freak we know her to be but to Big she was still just the hood chick he got cool with. Besides it aint like Kim was some virginal saint before she met Big anyway.
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Lil kim is debatable
Willona is NOT getting wifed up, just getting some frame work
who said anything about wifing..... i mean look at the op question... I serious doubt dude was suggesting who you marry between lil kim and faith
No I'm not.

Just as much as Faith was wifey marriage material, Kim was jump off material. Son told her get an abortion he went and did that. Bet money Faith wouldn't have let that rock and would've put a dent in his *** coming at her sideways. If you follow the history of the situation you'd know how Big treated Faith and what everyone said about how Big felt about Faith.

She was wifey marriage material to Big and Kim wasn't.
Maybe I shouldn't have said wifey cuz apparently that term is too associated with ghetto version of a wife that's not a wife. Faith was marriage material. A woman you build a future and have a family with. Big treated her as such.

Big may have loved Kim but he treated her like the dog that'll always be loyal and around. she accepted that for a while but that's not impacting that Big married Faith and he saw that her that way to begin with.

Yeah Big put Kim on the path career wise to sell sex and be the freak we know her to be but to Big she was still just the hood chick he got cool with. Besides it aint like Kim was some virginal saint before she met Big anyway.
Oh word? Like Faith was ... She even brought a seed to the picture man .... Both chick cut from the same cloth only different one was light the other dark n u know how that is .... Just saying
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