In your opinion, which race of women ages the best?

I'd rather not see any pics of any 60+ plus woman of any "race" ("ethnicity" for tight %#!%!). I'm just thinking should I be sofortunate enough to a) find a woman to spend the rest of my life with and b) God willing, live life into old age, then the woman I wake up next to shouldresemble something of a woman and not a Oatmeal cookie or anything like that.
Originally Posted by geminifly

Everybody knows Black don't crack, so I would say skin wise Black women age the best. Black women tend to lose their hair
and put on mad weight which I don't like
For every Halle Berry there are 20 or so Aretha Franklins.

Body wise tho, I feel like Hispanic women look the best. I see Cuban and Colombian women in their 40s that I would smash
in a heartbeat. They generally have nice feet too which I like.
Agree Black women tend to gain weight (because of junk/fast food and lose their hair eventually needing a good weave. What some people call thickothers will call fat. You do see a lot of the older black women looking like Aretha Franklin.

Hispanic women gain put on weight early and let their curvaceous body go.

White women get wrinkles and age in the face a lot.

Asain women tend to always stay the same because they have a strict diet (I've just seen something on CNN just early this morning and it said that Asianwomen maintain skinny figure because most of their foods are water based) they keep that skinny figure well into their late 40's.

I'm not Asian but Asian women age the best.
as said before... if you're strictly talking skin... it's black women and those with darker skin.
but "aging" involved many thing.. skin, body, overall appearance.... you can't nail one race/ethnicity down.

but hell.
I'll take this 40+ yr old anyday.

Asian girls look 9 until they're 24 then the next day look 100. If you're just going by the fact they're skinny the entire time fine, but otherthan that, no.
Black women.

My mom turns 50 this year but when she use to smoke (she quit a couple of years ago) she would always get carded
no offense but albanians(women) age the worse.

and im saying this from experience, when i met my ex's mom(she was albanian) i was stuck becuz she looked sooo old.


thank god we split ways...
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Asian girls look 9 until they're 24 then the next day look 100. If you're just going by the fact they're skinny the entire time fine, but other than that, no.
You always have me rolling. Anyway, from my familyexperience, I'd have to say we (Blacks) age pretty damn well. Lol, and on an unrelated note, a few of the older people in my family served in the military40 or 50 years ago so they have their lil Army/Navy tattoo's and they haven't really distorted or anything either. Another reason I don't muchworry about that argument...

Anyway, when it comes to age, if we're talking strictly looks, its Blacks. But if it comes to other things, I think its more of a toss-up. Don't Blackshave a shorter life span than...everybody? Also, aren't we more suspectible to various diseases? I could be wrong...
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