In your opinion, which race of women ages the best?

The whole black don't crack thing kind of is true. I don't mean to stereotype, even if it's a positiveone, but it's for the discussion.

My best friend from high school works at Washington Mutual, and when we were looking to get qualified for a mortgage, he set us up with a loan agent namedLionel. He is black, and we figured he was in his early thirties at best, but it turns out he was 43, divorced, with two kids. I never would have been ableto guess.

As for black women, I mean you really don't have a lot of definitive evidence besides a picture of Stacey Dash and Hally Berry (mixed). It's acompelling argument, but as others have mentioned, you're talking about a few anomalies out of millions. But I have to disagree that black women alone agethe best. You have to consider this - all of these women that you think are "smashable," thick, curvy, etc., are going to balloon by the time theyhit 30. They age horribly. The only sure factor for an overall healthy aging process is that you stay in good health, and you don't do anything toexcessively damage your body - such as soaking up way too much sun (lighter skinned), smoking(any ethnicity), eating too much fried food/fast food, so on andso forth.
Hispanic's age the worst. (Spanish people not included.)

Asian women age the best. Their face may not show it, but their body don't show no evidence of aging way into their 40's. A 40+ asian woman will havethe body of a 20 year old.

European people age pretty good.

But this has NOTHING to do with race. If you take care of your body, no matter what race you are, you will age very well.
People know that it's random and mostly genetic base right? I mean sure using lotion once you hit 30 and what not to take care of your skin. But geneticsdon't lie. And honestly I bet the ratio is the same for all races. At most there is maybe a 2-3% sway from one to another.
Asian women body show no evidence becuz there's no body to begin wit....blk women age best....hispanic women are iffy I do seem to find many middle agedones that are
and others that are
mustache be killin me
I think it all depends on the person and the genetics within the family. I say those with more melanin in their skin wrinkle less and sag instead.
I know my mom don't look no where near 50 and she's been smoking since 14.
Originally Posted by Tom Jooks

Asian women age the best. Their face may not show it, but their body don't show no evidence of aging way into their 40's. A 40+ asian woman will have the body of a 20 year old.
they have no body.. duh..
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by Tom Jooks

Asian women age the best. Their face may not show it, but their body don't show no evidence of aging way into their 40's. A 40+ asian woman will have the body of a 20 year old.
they have no body.. duh..

good one.

Genetics help also. My pops is 65 and looks barely 50.
Im 23 and can pass for 16...


and hearing asian is weird. I mean yea they never get that pregnant pouch thing but once they get that 30 it's all downhill
Everybody knows Black don't crack, so I would say skin wise Black women age the best. Black women tend to lose their hair
and put on mad weight which I don't like. For every Halle Berry there are 20 or so Aretha Franklins.

Body wise tho, I feel like Hispanic women look the best. I see Cuban and Colombian women in their 40s that I would smash
in a heartbeat. They generally have nice feet too which I like.
When I compare my dad's side of the family to my mom's side, it's really unfair. My grandmother will be 63 this year and she still doesn't havea wrinkle on her face. So...I'm going to say black women definitely age a lot better than most.
imo asians, however it definitely has to do with genetics. my mom is 41 and looks like she is in her 20's, people usually don't believe her until sheshows them her drivers license.

oh and shes white if it matters.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Exactly.... marry a young girl FTW!!

And just because a women "ages" better doesn't mean I'm going to prefer one race over another, so it's a mute point
Originally Posted by pr1nts

imo asians, however it definitely has to do with genetics. my mom is 41 and looks like she is in her 20's, people usually don't believe her until she shows them her drivers license.

oh and shes white if it matters.
umm i would think it matters considering what the thread is about
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by pr1nts

imo asians, however it definitely has to do with genetics. my mom is 41 and looks like she is in her 20's, people usually don't believe her until she shows them her drivers license.

oh and shes white if it matters.
umm i would think it matters considering what the thread is about
calm down no need to quote me and use a size 68 font, i forgot to put it in there so i just added it at the bottom
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Exactly.... marry a young girl FTW!!

And just because a women "ages" better doesn't mean I'm going to prefer one race over another, so it's a mute point
Moot point.

And asian women age the most gracefully, IMO.
Originally Posted by pr1nts

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by pr1nts

imo asians, however it definitely has to do with genetics. my mom is 41 and looks like she is in her 20's, people usually don't believe her until she shows them her drivers license.

oh and shes white if it matters.
umm i would think it matters considering what the thread is about
calm down no need to quote me and use a size 68 font, i forgot to put it in there so i just added it at the bottom
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