Is a .22 really that dangerous? vol. bouncing bullets FTW???

Mar 7, 2003
Hi NT you guys usually don't steer me wrong so here I go again. My and a couple of friends were choppin it up and we get on the topic of firearms. Then itfocuses on the .22 cal pistol or better yet the ammo. Now I have heard for years that a .22 is virtually harmless unless its close quarters (I know thatswrong) but I have also heard that the .22 is one of the most deadliest firearms because of the ammo. One friend in particular stated that the ammo"bounces" around in your body before it settles. Like if I got shot in the foot the bullet might bounce around to my head(obvious exaggeration).Other stated they have had friends who get shot in the legs and have the bullets removed from their stomach area. Now is there any truth to this bouncing .22bullets theory, or are my friends just believers of urban myths? Thanks in advance.
When a bullet enters the body, it does whatever it wants no matter what the caliber.
It can choose to stay in an play, or exit with a piece of something vital attached.
I mean I have heard the same thing also, but I wouldn't really know......My boy told me some dude got hit with .22 in his thigh and they took the bulletout near his heart.
i know a dude who got shot with one and it didn't go through his jeans.
betterbelieve they will kill you though if you get shot in the stomach. the doctors cant find them.
Superman that like saying the sky will be blue when it wants to, that doesn't really help answer my question but I DO appreciate your input.
My homie got shot at with a deuce deuce after a fight barely went through the car door and grazed his elbow
It's bad to get shot in the head with one, because a .22 doesn't have the firewpower to push the bullet through and leave an exit yes, itwill stay there and "bounce around" a little instead of exiting.

From further away though, it might not penetrate the skull.

I bet the same goes for getting shot in the chest/torso. You'd rather the bullet exit than tear you up.
Pretty much what joseph said. Depends on the round i.e. jacketed or hollow point, the grain of the round, the distance, it might not even penetrate yourarticle of clothing depending on how far you were shot and how much you are wearing.

got shot with a .22 a couple years ago, went through the front shoulder area and came out of the top and couple years before that i got shot in the leg belowmy knee with a 9mm, that hit my bone and stopped
A friend of mine ( may he rest in peace ) was shot with a .22 just under his left armpit. According to the autopsy report, it pierced his left lung, kidney andliver and stopped just short of his right ventricle.

Another friend, who was shot with a 9mm more than once, the rounds were thru and thru, not penetrating any vital organs.

So, to answer your question.................yes.
that bouncing around business isn't a joke. one person i know got shot in the shoulder, bounced off his clavicle, then sternum, then pierced a lung. dudeis ok tho, was out and about a week later
i didnt read any of this but basically if your close enough for it to go thru then you got a usually doesnt have enough force to come back outthus the "bouncing around"

point blank range to the skull is an old mafia hit move...once it penetrates it'll just bounce around the brain then settle cause it doesnt have enoughpower to come back out the skull-
Originally Posted by felix88

A friend of mine ( may he rest in peace ) was shot with a .22 just under his left armpit. According to the autopsy report, it pierced his left lung, kidney and liver and stopped just short of his right ventricle.

Another friend, who was shot with a 9mm more than once, the rounds were thru and thru, not penetrating any vital organs.

So, to answer your question.................yes.

Strangely, that sounds like a magic bullet.
hitman technique

get the pistol up close to the target, point behind targets ear, let off one round, .22 will be playing pin-ball in and around the targets head.
Originally Posted by N3Hd3LS

hitman technique

get the pistol up close to the target, point behind targets ear, let off one round, .22 will be playing pin-ball in and around the targets head.

I learned that from CSI

But, yeah, I once saw a program that shows what the bullet does when it enters the body. It tumbles around your body the tip fragments and the little piecestear through whatever's in the way.
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