Is Colt Brennan the Real Deal?

Oct 31, 2004
Please don't construe this as a hate thread. I ask this because I've only seen him on television once this year. From what I've heard the scoutslike his accuracy and his ability to make all the throws a qb should be able to make. His size is good at 6'3'' and he could stand to put on somemore muscle,too. Also, he's second on the planet in TD passes to Tom Brady.

However, some may say he is a system qb and maintain that he'll be the next Timmy Changs or Tim Couch- both "system qb's".

For those who have seen Brennan play a lot--- is he the real deal? Worthy of a 1st round pick?

He is better than timmy chang....For the simple fact that he has a Cannon for an arm....

Think he's very good....
i think hes a very damn good college qb...and i think he has the potential to be a pretty good qb in the nfl. time will tell...but i think he will do well.
I think he is, if he ends up on the right team running the right system. Like if he ended up on the Lions
running the Mike Martz offense. He would definately excel in a system like that.
if he does good at the combine then he will prolly be a 1st round pick. He has the best accuracy i've seen from a QB all year, he really gets his chance toprove it against Georgia
tough to say...franchise qb's can pop out of anywhere. i think he's likely to be an A grade back up and a B+ grade starter...if that even makes sense.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

tough to say...franchise qb's can pop out of anywhere. i think he's likely to be an A grade back up and a B+ grade starter...if that even makes sense.

he can be but like he said they can come out of nowhere. I'm a Jags fan and i didnt think Garrard would come out his first year starting and be 1 ofthe top 10 QBs in the NFL
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Do you guys think he is a Franchise QB?

He could be, but it's so hard to say. There are many great college QB's that just don't excel in the league, and mediocre college QB's thatgiven the right personnel in the league can turn into studs. Look at Derek Anderson... he was good at Oregon State, but not great by any means. His size madehim more suited for basketball than football, but he's playing great football right now.
yes, he's the truth. what else does he have to prove beside play in an nfl game? he's primed imo
Peyton Manning was highly regarded coming out of Tennessee and rightfully so. He's produced during his tenure as quarterback of the Colts.

Tom Brady was a 6th round draft pick (#199) and look at the success he's having.

I really don't listen to people who "analyze" college quarterbacks because it's a big change from college to the NFL and only time will tellabout the performance of any player.
I'm a huge UH fan, and have seen many games of Timmy Chang and Colt Brennan. I was a fan of Chang, but Colt is head and shoulders above Chang. He has thearm strength, is super accurate, and the thing that separates him from Chang is his mentality. Colt has a lot more composure and poise, and it is a lotsmarter/makes better reads than Chang.

He is a GREAT college QB and I think can be a solid NFL QB. As mentioned before, if he is in the right system, Colt will be a superb QB. A few systems thatcome into mind would be the Lions, Patriots, and Saints.

It's unfortunate that many people never had the chance to watch Colt play. This kid is special. I consider myself fortunate to watch as many games as Idid.
I believe so. But every QB is a product of a system and it's all about if you can adapt to it or not. I can't see him running Baltimore or the Jetsoffense, but I can see him with Arizona, New England , Indy or Detroit ( as previously stated). He went to Mater Dei (same HS as Matt Leinart) so I'm surehe's capable of running a different system. But who knows, I could be wrong about Colt. I hope he does well though.
he would fit into denver system very well....hed be an upgrade over jay cutler even though they dont need him...the lions should draft him that seems like agood place to go
he would fit into denver system very well....hed be an upgrade over jay cutler even though they dont need him

Just stop. please. For a 2nd year QB, Cutler is doing pretty well. Plus, there would be a lot of irony in Brennan going back to play in Colorado. Won'thappen in a million years. Cutler is the franchise qb plain and simple

I could see a team towards the middle-end of round 1 taking Brennan with their pick. As much as his coach is vouching for him, the label of being a"system QB" is going to follow him all the way up until he takes his first snap as a pro. I'll be real interested to see how he fares in workoutsleading up to the draft as well as the Indy combine (assuming he's there). THe only thing you said that could make sense is Brennan being a nice fit inDetroit. Kitna is getting up there in age (even though he is still effective), but they need to groom a young QB, unless they are going all in w. Stanton. Whatabout Tampa Bay?
he's a damn good college QB, but i can't help but be reminded of David Carr. they both played in mid-major conferences, both were highly regarded fortheir accuracy, neither of them are exactly "mobile" QB's but they can both scramble to avoid the rush and they're roughly the same size (ithink Carr is actually a little bigger)

it's almost always a 50/50 crapshoot to be honest. you can break down every statistic, every physical aspect and none of it equates to a guaranteed stud ora bust. as far as my opinion, like i said he's a damn good college QB. i wouldn't be surprised if he ended up on either side of the spectrum in theNFL, but i'm leaning more towards the bust side
David Carr?? don't even ever say his name again in this boards, nobody will ever be as horrible as David Carr, he shouldnt even have a job in the NFL.
Originally Posted by arhymingape12

David Carr?? don't even ever say his name again in this boards, nobody will ever be as horrible as David Carr, he shouldnt even have a job in the NFL.
Ryan Leaf?Todd Marinovich?
David Carr?? don't even ever say his name again in this boards, nobody will ever be as horrible as David Carr, he shouldnt even have a job in the NFL.

I remember when the NT faithful thought Carr would excell outside of Houston. (DoubleJ's where you at

But anyway on to Colt. He is talented as talented as any QB coming out physically. If he can adapt to the NFL he will be fine I just dont know if he can. Ipersonally dont think he is going to be more then a backup/spot starter but that is my opinion.
When I see Colt play, I always think that he's a pretty damn good college QB

but he won't become a huge star in the NFL.

Maybe its the throwing motion, who knows..

but with that said, I enjoy watching UH games with Colt at the helm
You guys do realize that Brenan is running a pro Offense already right. The system he's in is the same run and shoot that the oilers and falcons ran fromyears past ran, and very similar to Mike Martz's offese in Detroit today. You guys do realize that Jones put in that pro offense at Hawaii the day he gotthere just like he did in the pros right. That is why he's saying Colt is already a proven NFL QB, becuase he's having to opperate a Pro offense andhe's exceling at it.
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