Is Colt Brennan the Real Deal?

Colt is good he just needs to learn to calm down at times. He tries to force things to much at times. Hes gonna get drafted in the first round. He reminds meof a Rich Gannon ( raiders days) dont ask me why he just does.
I wonder what his actualy height and weight is? He's listed at 196, but I have my doubts that he is over 185 TOPS....i'd even say he was 180.
Originally Posted by dreClark

David Carr holds the ball entirely too long....
Trying to make $^#&^& plays plays get rid of the damn ball, he disgusts me. Hopefully Brennan will excel best of luck to him. but Carrshould quit after all the money he cost me, makes me want to puke, vinny will be better than david carr when he is in is 60's
David Carr was the third stringer last week behind Matt Moore
That is what happens when you just have no confidence what so ever.

Thats one thing about Colt though. He got some SWAG. You got to being the Tim Tebow of Hawaii University rocking cornrows and what not.
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I wonder what his actualy height and weight is? He's listed at 196, but I have my doubts that he is over 185 TOPS....i'd even say he was 180.
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Yeah. He is built like an nba combo guard, but with some serious weight training he should be up to at least 220.
I feel that after Matt Ryan.. Colt Brennan is the 2nd best QB prospect.. of course.. he would fit in lovely with certain systems like the lions.. he has alightning quick release and can read defenses.. dont ever compare him to timmy chang.. look at how many INTs he threw throughout his career
I've seen almost every game that Colt has played at UH and in my opinion, as I've said many times before, he is the real deal.

I never liked Chang, I always rooted for him because he's from Hawaii, but he would drive me crazy with his poor decision making. That's how you knowsomeone is a system QB. Colt rarely makes the mental mistakes that Chang did.

Are his numbers inflated? Absolutely. But while the run and shoot inflates numbers it also shows who can make the reads the quickest, and who can make the mostaccurate throws. 58 tds to 12 ints last year is just ridiculous.

His throwing motion and his weight will hurt him a little. He has been bulking up so I don't think that will be a huge problem since he won't startnext year anyway. And I think scouts have enough footage to see that his throwing motion still gets results word to Kevin Martin.

And DoubleJs, I'd say that listing is pretty accurate. Me and Colt are about the same height, I weigh a little less than him and he has a lot more musclethan me.
Originally Posted by Guppetto

You guys do realize that Brenan is running a pro Offense already right. The system he's in is the same run and shoot that the oilers and falcons ran from years past ran, and very similar to Mike Martz's offese in Detroit today. You guys do realize that Jones put in that pro offense at Hawaii the day he got there just like he did in the pros right. That is why he's saying Colt is already a proven NFL QB, becuase he's having to opperate a Pro offense and he's exceling at it.

You do realize that the Run and Shoot Offense is NOT a pro offense right? It did not and does not work. The system is Nothing like whatMartz runs. NOTHING. You do realize the reason this same offensive system Jones implemented in college, is in college, is because HE GOTCANNED in the pros for running this same crap, right?

"Colt is already a proven NFL QB."
If you honestlybelieve that, Ive got some swamp land in the Everglades for sale, hit me up...


actin like you schoolin folks.
It's true, and even if it were a real pro offense, I still wouldn't call Colt a proven NFL QB. The same thing was said about Leinart in Norm Chow'soffense which is a pro offense and look at him now. Colt is still going to take a year or two to develop in the pros. But Colt's worth to me has nothing todo with stats, it's all about his ability to make quick reads and accurate throws. I've seen him do it enough times to show that he's more than asystem QB.
Colt has just as much chance to fail or succeed as any QB in this draft. I think he has a bigger upside then people give him credit for, but out of all the QBsprojected to go rnds 1 & 2, he's the one that if he were to be out the league in 4 yrs, I wouldnt be surprised
I feel that after Matt Ryan.. Colt Brennan is the 2nd best QB prospect.. of course.. he would fit in lovely with certain systems like the lions.. he has a lightning quick release and can read defenses.. dont ever compare him to timmy chang.. look at how many INTs he threw throughout his career

Don't sleep on Brian Brohm (sp?) from Louisville esp if the Falcons manage to draft him (assuming they hold on to Petrino). But I agree withDeadsetAce's first comment on the issue.
i think hes a very damn good college qb...and i think he has the potential to be a pretty good qb in the nfl. time will tell...but i think he will do well.
Yeah. He is built like an nba combo guard, but with some serious weight training he should be up to at least 220.

I dunno if he has the frame to put on that kind of weight. He seems more like a Jake Plummer body type....

I think he has a bigger upside then people give him credit for, but out of all the QBs projected to go rnds 1 & 2, he's the one that if he were to be out the league in 4 yrs, I wouldnt be surprised

He definitely is better than Timmy Chang was but I still don't think Colt will succeed on the NFL level...
I have to dissagree with you. Warren moon put up gawdy numbers in Houston as an Oiler running the run and shoot Pro offense. I suppose you'd say hisnumbers shouldn't count because he ran a college offense by your logic. If you think the Lions Offense isn't 80% run and shoot, you need to watch morefilm man. Just becuase they throw kevin Jones a Bone every now and again, don't fall for that. Martz Offense is 80% run and Shoot and 20% west coast. Ifyou notice, that's why Martz always needs a back that can catch the ball for his to work (I.E. Marshal Falk).
the basis of Mike Martz offense is running 25 yard ins deeper than the LBs and infront of the safeties. the run and shoot is based on site adjustments andshorter routes. Completely different offensive schemes. Just because Martz throws it around alot doesnt mean it is a Run and Shoot. thats why run and shoot Qbsavg less yards/ attempt then Martz System QB. COMPLETELY DIfferent schemes. Not every 3 and 4 WR set is "run and shoot"
on to Moon, and how many titles Moon won in Houston? How many playoff games? they had one really good playoff run, and they lost because they couldnt put awaya team when they had a 30 point lead, run and shoot offense is the blame.
stats dont mean nothign when u hold leads to win games. Why u think Buddy ryan punched Kevin gilbride in the face on the sideline during a game. U can not winin the NFL running the Run and shoot.

me, watch more film?

.... okay if you say so.
The system is Nothing like what Martz runs. NOTHING.
I dont know why the other guy said that he would be perfect for a mike martz offense.. but the reason I said it is because he has a good arm, canread defenses and the main thing is the lightning quick release.. compare kurt warner in martz offense when he was getting the ball out fast and then when hegot hurt and started to hold onto the ball... in no way is the hawaii offense even close to a nfl offense.. but you got to love this kids intensity andleadership.. he wants to win.. but I feel that he will be the 2nd best qb in the draft class after matt ryan.. but I think ryan, colt, brohm and woodson willall be good QBs and this is a solid class.. I also just saw some film on Josh Johnson from University of San Diego and I think hes worth taking in the 3rd-4thrd for a west coast offense... jim harbaugh did a good job with him
How old is he?
I think he is a NFL-ready QB. Would play well on a team playing the West-Coast offense.
No matter what other people say, whether it be the 'system' at Hawaii or what, but to be able to put up numbers like he has in his college career, heis a very good QB and deserves some attention in the Draft.
I've watched Chang since I was in middle school lighting up Hawaii high school teams for St. Louis.
I got to take many snaps with him at the speed and quickness clinics here and I'll be the first to tell you that he is definitely talented, but struggleswith reading and surveying the field. That is his biggest downfall. Many times I have cringed while watching him play for UH as he threw into coverage over andover again.

With Colt, I do not cringe. I watch in disbelief. This guy is so accurate and can squeeze in the tightest spirals on the money. Watch that last game-winningdrive vs UW. When he's on it, he's scary good. 40+ passes a game and he completes around 70% of them.

His accuracy, vision and quick release is his strengths. We will just have to see how he does in the L.
if he fell to the 3rd round or something I wouldn't mind the Vikes taking a shot at him.

idk it depends on how individual teams rank him...i know for a fact Brady Quinn was rated as a 3rd round prospect for the Bills during this draft so anythingcan happen.
I still think he's overrated and gonna be a bust just like Matt Ryan. Brian Brohm and Andre Woodson on the other hand...
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