Is David Ortiz black?

a chinese person born in jamaica is still considered asian.

a black person born in the DR is still considered black.

I know of many people from trinidad who are from indian descent. although they classify themselves as trini, they still wholeheartedly know their roots arefrom india. just like how we say African-american or asian-american.

they may have been brought up differently than what is seen in the US or in their homeland, but their ROOTS are clearly visible.
Look at him. Forget the nationality he's black. Is a white dude fron South Africa white? Of course he is.
if he has a black father or mother or black grandparents, i guess he's black. i mean we call barack obama and tiger woods black cuz one of their parents isblack so i guess it be the same for ortiz


Of course he is black. What in the blue hell is wrong with you guys? Are you guys really serious? He is black and it doesn't matter if his culture isLatino or Irish or whatever...he is black and that's at the end of the day. And it doesn't matter if he acknowledges it or not. He is Black.
People seem to confuse ethnicity and race all the time. Ortiz is Black but he's also Dominican.
some people think "Black" only means African-American.... if you think that way then you're pretty dumb.
Most dominicans have African blood in them as their ancestors were brought to the carribean in the slave trade. I mean it shares the same island as Haiti.

David Ortiz is afro-dominican as are a huge percent of dominican's.
well isnt there like black and white latinos so i guess he would be considered a black dominican
some of you in this thread make being called "Black" like an insult or something....are you guys serious? if you had black skin, black hair andlooked black, and someone referred to you as black, you would get upset cuz you're dominican? i don;t know, i don;t get it. if you have african bloodtherfore giving you "black" features, then you are black. don;t deny it, you should be proud.

oh yeah, for jackie robinson day at fenway, ortiz along with coco crisp took part in the ceremony thing before the game. ortiz never had an issue with it soyou guys shouldn;t either.....
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

Originally Posted by targiu23

My roommates and I were arguing this the other day during the game. I said he was and my roommate said he wasn't.I ask him how so, he explains he is not of black culture. So I say as far as race in the America he is considered black.

So is he black?

s t f u you sound mad ignorant

he's dominican...which makes him latino

if i was ya friend i'd
Actually, you're the ignorant one who needs to keep quiet. You have no grasp of the concept.

how the !@++ am i suppose to be quiet? when i'm dominican

go ask any dominican if he sees himself as black and they gon look at you like you stupid

so you need to be quiet homie
Wow, you're just really dumb. It's a shame that you're Dominican and don't even have a proper grasp of your own nation'shistory and heritage. Don't even let me get started on the complex a lot of Dominicans have when it comes to issue of race. "He's not black,he's just dark skinned" -- How the hell you think he got that way?
Originally Posted by iNiNe5

some people think "Black" only means African-American.... if you think that way then you're pretty dumb.
Seriously. Why is so hard to understand that "Dominican" is a nationality, and "Black" is a race. It's not rocket can be Black AND Dominican at the same time
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Is A-Rod black...

Yes while A-Rod does not identify himself as a black male, he is indeed black.
I don' identify him as Black either so I think he made the right choice.
There's all kinds of racial identities and make-ups in the Dominican Republic. From White to Native American (Taino) to black to every mix in between. Itjust so happens that the majority of people have a predominantly black heritage from the huge number of slaves that were brought to the island of Hispaniola bythe Spanish and French.

just to emphasize again:

Race is not synonymous with ethnicity nor is it synonymous with nationality. The three are independent of one another. You can be black and Dominican andLatino just as you can be White, Domincan and Latino. Black/White = Race, Dominican = nationality, Latino = ethnicity
well black is a skin color and dominican is a nationality so isn't this kind of apples and oranges?
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