Is It Just Coincidence...

Feb 8, 2009
that God is one letter away from Good and Devil is one letter away from Evil...Only in English of course but stillllll tho 
Have you guys heard of the Rock of Smyther? It's supposedly the oldest rock known to man, it has been noted that Jesus himself stood on this very rock to speak (of course it hasn't been proven). It actually emits a small amount of radiation which supposedly affects anyone who comes near it for a prolonged period of time.


The moral of this story is, I made all of that up. I found that photo on Google and put some bs story behind it. All of the "new versions" of the bible that have been discovered...People can say what they want about where it came from. It's not that hard to say something is old, who is going to say otherwise if the masses believe it? Is it a coincidence that "masses" makes more sense when you take the "M" away?
got me with the rock story

but yo thats crazy OP. Im always the dude in our circle bringing up stuff like this and then everybody looks at me like Im ******ed just cuz most people wouldnt notice stuff like that. lulz will be had with this one 
Originally Posted by willsndvl

pretty sure whoever made up the stories had that in mind when naming the characters.


heathen. have fun burning in hellfire. 
Originally Posted by cartune

that God is one letter away from Good and Devil is one letter away from Evil...Only in English of course but stillllll tho 

But evil is live backwards though... 
Originally Posted by willsndvl

pretty sure whoever made up the stories had that in mind when naming the characters.


For real though, best avy I've ever seen ever
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