Is it wrong to root for a team just because your favorite player plays there?

Mar 14, 2005
I'm just talking about the NBA but this can go for any sport.

I grew up in north FL where football rules and basketball is an afterthought. My favorite sport to play growing up was BBall, but I loved watching football.When I started watching basketball I never really had a certain team cause of me being from N. Fl, but I loved watching certain players like JWill, A.I., andMarbury. I always rooted for these players wherever they played and wanted their teams to win every year.

Am I not a true fan because I rooted for A.I. in Philly then stopped caring about Philly after he was traded?
Yeah it's wack.

That's where you get moronic fans who care more about that individuals success than the teams.

Trust me, I see it here with the Brady Quinn lovers.
naw man, root for whoever you's not like you can choose who you like really, it's just how you feel, so go with your flow.
I think there can be two kinds of fans. Fans who are fans of the team and fans who are fans of the players.

I just think it'd be better if you had a team that you were a fan of first and foremost... then you can also be fans of other players too.

My favorite team is the Golden State Warriors but I'm also a fan of Jason Richardson, Hedo Turkoglu, Rudy Fernandez, Chris Paul, Paul Pierce, Chris Boshand yeah... But when it comes to me, the Warriors are always first in my hearts.
I love the rockets, but Kobe is my favorite player. I like Lebron a lot too just because he's a beast on the court. Kobe is such a mature player, and Ilove to see him play. I always want Kobe to be successful. I don't think it's wack if I were to root for the Lakers.

Even though in a Lakers - Rockets match-up, I always want the Rockets to come out ahead and for Kobe to put on a show.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I think there can be two kinds of fans. Fans who are fans of the team and fans who are fans of the players.

I just think it'd be better if you had a team that you were a fan of first and foremost... then you can also be fans of other players too.

My favorite team is the Golden State Warriors but I'm also a fan of Jason Richardson, Hedo Turkoglu, Rudy Fernandez, Chris Paul, Paul Pierce, Chris Bosh and yeah... But when it comes to me, the Warriors are always first in my hearts.
Thats the thing. I never had a team growing up no one in my family liked basketball let alone had a team they rooted for. Only sport my familycares about is FSU and Jaguar Football.

I didn't want to just pick a team randomly and say they were my favorite. I didn't want to start rooting for teams and then seem like a bandwagon fan.I know a lot of the NBA heads on here grew up rooting for certain teams, had parents that raised them to root for certain teams or are from the city of therefavorite team. I never had any of that growing up.

Now I feel like it's to late for me to start rooting for a team out of the blue.
There are some teams I will never root for. There are also teams that if a player I like plays there, I wouldn't root for that player because they playfor a certain team (ex Jerry Rice with the Raiders

I was rooting hard for the Blazers when they had Scottie Pippen on the squad. I don't like the Lakers (Bulls fan), I live in LA, so all my friends areLaker fans. I was rooting for Pip and the JailBlazers,
I liked the Rockets back in the Francis and Mobley days but not as much as I do now. When McGrady got traded, I started rooting them on because T-macs been myfavorite player since the Magic days.
Its fine. When Tino Martinez left the Yankees and Patrick Ewing left the Knicks I hoped they were successful with their new teams.
Team always comes first, but I'll still root for my boy Nash to get a ring if he can, just as long as he doesn't get in the way of the Mavericks. Samegoes for a select few other players.
This is pretty much how I became a fan of the teams I am a fan of...I didn't really have any favorite teams until I got into high school. At this time,Francisco Garcia was my favorite college basketball player (yea, I know...coincidentally the same year they went to the Final Four...), Tracy McGrady was myfavorite NBA player, and Vlad was my favorite MLB player. I started to keep up with those players a lot more once I got into high school, and just became a fanof the teams during the process.

Should T-Mac leave Houston or Vlad leave LAA, I'd still be a fan of the teams...just like I'm still a fan of Louisville.
Well, I was born in Texas where football is less a sport and more a religion, so I was a Cowboys fan...damn near since I could pronounce the word'Cowboys'. That's never gonna change, point blank period. That's all there is 2 say about that.

When I first moved 2 Philly with my folks, I got into baseball and was a big Scott Rolen fan and by extension, a Phillies fan...but when he left town, I foundmy loyalties stuck with the Phillies. (I never had a sig cuz I get enough 'how you a Cowboys fan in Philly' questions on here without havin a 'Boysand Phillies sig.)

I was never a big basketball fan, and can't really call myself a fan of any team in particular, but AI is that dude. Always has been, ever since I got my1st pair of Questions in '96. (I still own 4 pairs) So, I've followed his career more than the teams he played 4. So, yeah, I guess I'm a'Pistons fan' now...whatevz.
There's rooting/pulling for a team, and there is like owning a team as "your squad". I've always pulled for the Phillies because I like thedudes they have on their team, but when the won the Series I was happy wasn't like rocking my Phillies hat and throwing it in peoples faces like I wouldhave if the Giants won it.

Your free to like whoever you want obviously, but if you pick "your squad" by the players on the team, I personally kind of think it makes you a%@!%@. it's like picking your team because you like their colors
I root for plenty of individuals, mainly in the NBA. I loved watching GP win a title with Miami, even though I didn't like the Heat. Ray Allen, same thinglast year. Now that the NBA is gone I'm rooting for individual players until I find a team to latch onto.
I'm a Knicks/Suns fan, but I have players I love, such as Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, Brandon Roy, LeBron James, among others. I root for my teams, yetwish the respective teams of my favorite players good luck. I use the same formula with baseball (Yankees/Angels fan), NHL (Rangers/Devils), and NFL(Giants/Jets).
I think there's a fine line...sure you can root for the team so you can see one of your favorite players excel but when you start acting like you'vebeen a lifelong fan and start referring to the team as "we" then there is a problem. Like Josh Smith and Dwight Howard are my favorite players in theleague but I'm not exactly rushing out to purchase Hawks and Magic gear.
i root for the Pistons....been that way since they took Tayshaun. i don't claim to be a Piston's "fan." but they're my favorite team. i didn't run out screamin "we da best" when they won the championship.

i just root for team's with UK players....Celtics, Warriors, Rockets, Magic, Bobcats...
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

I think there's a fine line...sure you can root for the team so you can see one of your favorite players excel but when you start acting like you've been a lifelong fan and start referring to the team as "we" then there is a problem. Like Josh Smith and Dwight Howard are my favorite players in the league but I'm not exactly rushing out to purchase Hawks and Magic gear.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

i root for the Pistons....been that way since they took Tayshaun. i don't claim to be a Piston's "fan." but they're my favorite team. i didn't run out screamin "we da best" when they won the championship.

i just root for team's with UK players....Celtics, Warriors, Rockets, Magic, Bobcats...

That's how I am w/ my favorite players in the L.

I don't really have any Pro allegiances in football/basketball.
With the exception of college, every team I root for is based off of my childhood favorite players.

Bulls - MJ
Cardinals - Ozzie Smith
Giants - Lawrence Taylor

I stuck with the teams after the players retired.
As long as you would still pull for your number one team in the end if they played the team your favorite is on, I dont see a problem with it.
I rooted for the raptors because of VC...they weren't my favorite team though, the Nets always were. You can root for a team because of a favorite player,but in my case, I never picked my favorite team based off what 1 player plays for them
You could root for the assistant coach if you wanted to it doesn't matter. I've been a Sixers fan, Denver fan, and now gotta go to Detroit. Though Imust say, I do miss the sixers and still root for them. !#++%+% clippers lol.
Football I wont do it....Ima die hard Eagles fan no matter what

But in the NBA AI has been my favorite player since he came in the league and I have followed him ever glad hes out of Denver finally
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