Is Kobe is still exciting to watch?

"Not sure who you mean when you keep referring to "some people think"  Who cares?"

You seem to do. You keep using the term!

You still didn't address my points though. Anybody (and I mean anybody) can shoot the ball enough times and collect a bunch of "clutch shots" in a career. But fans STILL use this as a proxy (and you implicity did this in your post) to determine who is better at shooting the ball in close games. Would you rather have Fisher taking a shot in a close game, or LeBron James? I think some Lakers fans would pick Fisher, and for all the wrong reasons.

The point is that this is all bunk. Players will perform to their usual levels in any given situation, and for this reason I wouldn't take the ball from my MVP player who is 0-10 "in the clutch" and instead give it to the mediocre journeyman player on my bench who hit two game winners in a recent playoffs. When you have small sample sizes to work with, you can get some wacky results.
"Not sure who you mean when you keep referring to "some people think"  Who cares?"

You seem to do. You keep using the term!

You still didn't address my points though. Anybody (and I mean anybody) can shoot the ball enough times and collect a bunch of "clutch shots" in a career. But fans STILL use this as a proxy (and you implicity did this in your post) to determine who is better at shooting the ball in close games. Would you rather have Fisher taking a shot in a close game, or LeBron James? I think some Lakers fans would pick Fisher, and for all the wrong reasons.

The point is that this is all bunk. Players will perform to their usual levels in any given situation, and for this reason I wouldn't take the ball from my MVP player who is 0-10 "in the clutch" and instead give it to the mediocre journeyman player on my bench who hit two game winners in a recent playoffs. When you have small sample sizes to work with, you can get some wacky results.
--Leave stats out something like clutch. Clutchness, kind of like hustle or energy or hunger or killer instinct isn't something that can be measure with stats.
--You're either clutch. Or your not. Period.

--Just like not everyone has hustle like Rodman. Or almost perfect conditioning like Rip Hamilton. Cant measure that stuff.
--I understand what you're sayin though Luke.
--Leave stats out something like clutch. Clutchness, kind of like hustle or energy or hunger or killer instinct isn't something that can be measure with stats.
--You're either clutch. Or your not. Period.

--Just like not everyone has hustle like Rodman. Or almost perfect conditioning like Rip Hamilton. Cant measure that stuff.
--I understand what you're sayin though Luke.
Kobe is killing the warriors
--Kobe took it to Monta tonight..

--He always has a lil somethin every and 1 here, a dunk there, a fadeaway to put the game out of reach...

--Hey DC, what did Will Bynum do tonight?
--Kobe took it to Monta tonight..

--He always has a lil somethin every and 1 here, a dunk there, a fadeaway to put the game out of reach...

--Hey DC, what did Will Bynum do tonight?
Since most of the haters on this thread missed it tonight:


Since you all forgot and say otherwise in this thread.
Since most of the haters on this thread missed it tonight:


Since you all forgot and say otherwise in this thread.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

fantasy stat geeks shouldnt even be allowed to comment on sports

[/chappelle] !@%# yo stats *$!$$[/chappelle]

Seriously I dont get how people like John Hollinger get paid and have a job with ESPN.

But hey they know people still will click on his link's.
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