Is NT acting funny for anybody else?

putting in work

Nov 10, 2007
It's been down for a good while now, and I'm wondering if my job blocked it or something.

It's saying something about the server of something.
?weird looks that seeing you are What .me to fine looks everything No
Yeah, this morning it was acting funny...and last week I couldnt stay logged in, every time I hit a new page I would be automatically logged out
Originally Posted by Ghenges

?weird looks that seeing you are What .me to fine looks everything No

It was saying that the sever or something and I thought it was my job blocking it or something because out of my 8.5 hour workday I'm on here like probablybetween 7.5-8 hours out of that.

I will try to print screen or something next time, but I don't know how to edit and I don't want you guys to get all detective and find stuff out.
He's just talking backwards.

Looks like it is back to normal except for someone hacking JayMatik's account or something.
Yeah I just realized when it started acting up I was writing a really good post that was Meth with the epic longness, but when I hit reply it sent me to aerror screen and I ain't rewriting it now.
i noticed the same thing last night... i was about to go ballistic cause i thought my job blocked it.

if my job blocks NT, i'm quitting... that's a promise.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Yeah, this morning it was acting funny...and last week I couldnt stay logged in, every time I hit a new page I would be automatically logged out
Same thing happens to me...the way I found to get around that is to go on the yuku page, log on from there, do a community search for NT, and youshould be's a minor hassle, but I hope they get things resolved
NT wouldn't work for the last 5 minutes on my computer. I was frantically pressing refresh...
yo i got a message this morning after logging in from another nt'er saying that my name pops up everytime he logs in ... this has happened to me before
and whenever i hit the back button lately i'll log me out and not let me log back in.

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