Is the term "wh!+eboy" as offensive as the n-word?

shouldn't even go about calling people names based on their race. i think it's kind of offensive, but not as bad as the n-word.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

have we come to the point where we have to grade the level of an insult?


Some people think too much, no iblink.
it COULD be offensive to some based on how it is said and in a certain context...but people need to not be so sensitive, its not like they would be sayingsomething that isnt true, because you are white
Originally Posted by DaG311

it COULD be offensive to some based on how it is said and in a certain context...but people need to not be so sensitive, its not like they would be saying something that isnt true, because you are white
ok, so then the N word is fine too? According to your logic, it definetely is.

______ - noun

[table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td] Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. [table][tr][td]a.[/td] [td]a black person.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]b.[/td] [td]a member of any dark-skinned people.[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]3.[/td] [td]a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.[/td] [/tr][/table]
Red vs Blue taught me to just call everyone a dirty shisno

Q. What is the most foul-smelling animal on your planet?
A. A skunk.
Q. Does a skunk defecate?
A. Yes.
Q. And does the skunk's defecation in turn produce its own excrement?
A. Ew, no.
Q. Then there is no equivalent for shisno in your language.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

under no circumstance or context is the term "white boy" as offensive or derogatory as the "n word"

white boy is like saying black boy. Both are offensive, but yall need to chill with this n word nonsense.
Seriously. Where do people come up with this stuff?
Agreed Pure Nonsense
I don't about you, but when I introduce people I regularly say "This my white boy (insert name here)"
Why not just for emphasis sake, so there are no misunderstandings, say this instead........
"This is my male, white boy, with brown hair and green eyes, who is 6'3 and weighs approximately 200lbs, friend named Jeff"

Seems silly, no? I'm fairly certain you don't need to emphasize his race, odds are the person you are introducing him to already figured it out, orcouldn't care less even if they hadn't.

I mean is this guy your friend or your pet dog?
I don't see anything wrong with it, but I think the offensive part of it to people just comes from being called a boy. I'm sure the same people whothink saying something like "Ask that white boy" wouldn't mind somebody saying "Ask that white guy"
im not sure if it's as offensive but ive stole on a couple people in my day for using it towards me in a fashion that i could tell was meant to bedisrespectful.

a lot of times i think when people think of that term they think of a punk, and i aint nobodys punk so i would just assume its not used towards me.

and nothing gets under my skin more then when some back seat back shot tramp uses the word like im so and so "for a #*%!#!@%" that drives me crazy...
Black, white, yellow, brown, green...they are all colors my friend.

In the context of this thread....the two terms are nowhere near the same.
on a side note,

are white people just mad that they can't say the n word or something? is that what the whole argument is about?? it's not like ya'll don't sayit anyway. i was on a cruise this past spring break and there was this group of white kids in the room across from me and my guys. i was walking by and heardso many n bombs dropped that it wasn't even funny, all because they didn't think any black people were around. please, white people, stop faking!!!

women call eachother the s word, the h word, and the b word all day in jest. but if a dude says it it's a problem. that's completely understandablebecause there's a different connotation to it. you can apply that rule to the n word and black people. it's that simple.

i don't even get what there is to get worked up about other than white people wanting to call black people n's to their faces without getting rocked.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

on a side note,

are white people just mad that they can't say the n word or something? is that what the whole argument is about?? it's not like ya'll don't say it anyway. i was on a cruise this past spring break and there was this group of white kids in the room across from me and my guys. i was walking by and heard so many n bombs dropped that it wasn't even funny, all because they didn't think any black people were around. please, white people, stop faking!!!

women call eachother the s word, the h word, and the b word all day in jest. but if a dude says it it's a problem. that's completely understandable because there's a different connotation to it. you can apply that rule to the n word and black people. it's that simple.

i don't even get what there is to get worked up about other than white people wanting to call black people n's to their faces without getting rocked.
The generalizations are staggering.

White people "mad they cant say the n-word"?? Sounds like you watch too much standup comedy.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

on a side note,

are white people just mad that they can't say the n word or something? is that what the whole argument is about?? it's not like ya'll don't say it anyway. i was on a cruise this past spring break and there was this group of white kids in the room across from me and my guys. i was walking by and heard so many n bombs dropped that it wasn't even funny, all because they didn't think any black people were around. please, white people, stop faking!!!

women call eachother the s word, the h word, and the b word all day in jest. but if a dude says it it's a problem. that's completely understandable because there's a different connotation to it. you can apply that rule to the n word and black people. it's that simple.

i don't even get what there is to get worked up about other than white people wanting to call black people n's to their faces without getting rocked.
The generalizations are staggering.

White people "mad they cant say the n-word"?? Sounds like you watch too much standup comedy.

Let me rephrase.

White people who make such a raucus about use of the n word and the double standard involved.

Please keep in mind the fact that I am speaking from personal experience, as when I approached this room of people using the term so loosely, they quicklytightened up and began apologizing profusely, blaming it on the fact that they were from the south and saying that they would never say it around a blackperson as though that made it better.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

women call eachother the s word, the h word, and the b word all day in jest. but if a dude says it it's a problem. that's completely understandable because there's a different connotation to it. you can apply that rule to the n word and black people. it's that simple.
I call females this... If my homeboy is my dog, what is the equivalent? Im pretty sure you already know...

If a chick has a problem with it, Ill occasionally try to accommodate their needs, depending on how I feel about them, word to Lil Scrappy on that Prince ofthe South mixtape
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