Is there anything more annoying than cashiers making small talk to you about your purchases?

They make small talk to make their day go by faster. You know how boring it is to ring up the same food/clothing/electronics for 8 hours a day? They don't wanna be your friend and the women aren't always flirting with you. Get over yourself bro.
I never implied any of that. In fact, I explicitly stated it was more about discussing my items I am purchasing to which I commonly get perturbed, especially the louder nand longer it gets. I also never implied the offending cashiers were unfriendly, in fact it is typically much more the opposite side of the spectrum, especially older black ladies. I don't think I have met a 45+ black lady who was rude to me in my life. Just please don't announce to the world my fat *** is copping Lean Cuisines. It's embarassng
I would glady **** and just do cashier work but my supervisor is there and I have to be friendly. You think I genuinely care about your day? I always ask the customer how they're doing and they always just reply "fine" "good" "not bad" and thats it. I work at walgreens and the policy is that you'll come for the convenience but what keeps you returning is the service and hospitality... so dont think cashiers are annoying. They're just doing their job.
I never implied any of that. In fact, I explicitly stated it was more about discussing my items I am purchasing to which I commonly get perturbed, especially the louder nand longer it gets. I also never implied the offending cashiers were unfriendly, in fact it is typically much more the opposite side of the spectrum, especially older black ladies. I don't think I have met a 45+ black lady who was rude to me in my life. Just please don't announce to the world my fat *** is copping Lean Cuisines. It's embarassng
I used to do retail, they were the rudest customers
Trippin'! Was choppin' it up with this fine *** barista at the airport couple days ago....Shawty hit me with the "Where you heading to?" in which I replied "Your pants." j/k but man she was fine I gotta peep her again SOON
Trippin'! Was choppin' it up with this fine *** barista at the airport couple days ago....Shawty hit me with the "Where you heading to?" in which I replied "Your pants." j/k but man she was fine I gotta peep her again SOON :nthat:
females at the Atlanta airport, especially the Air Tran ones > *

But that;s crazy. I've had cashier ladies go so far as to like give me their daughter's or granddaughter's digits or invite me to their church functions, since everything reverts back to 2 Jesus mentions per sentence, or something. Maybe I just seem like I want to converse all that extra (but I doubt it because I would say on the other hand older white women grab their purse when I walk by), but I really don't most of the time. "I'm fine, and yourself... Ready for the weekend to come, yea, I know that feel... yea it;s crazy, phone says 107... alright bye, you too," is enough.
I like it if they try to engage in some sort of conversation. It's even more awkward if they just stand there and not say a single thing. Or, even worse, when they hold a convo with a bag boy and don't even pay attention to you.
I'll definitely say people who avoid small talk are lame, I hate people who don't say anything, even on the train. These people make life suck, like what reward do you receive for being evasive and standoff'ish? 
Damn i'm guilty of this, yesterday actually.
I went to my sister's apartment and she asked me to go pick up a 2 Liter bottle of soda so I went to the grocery and I was on the checkout line and I saw this dude behind me with mad gingerale but it was antioxidant kind so I made room for his **** on the conveyor belt checkout thing and he said thanks
and then I said "damn they making antioxidant soda now"
dude hit me with the stone face
and then I said "I heard antioxidants are only for people with diseases"
I didn't look back at the dude but the cashier was hiding a laugh and I guess the dude was still stonefacing the **** outta me when I bounced.

So your one of the people everyone in here hates :smh::smh:
Whats the point of being rude? Like some small talk is going kill some of you all. :smh:
Also it ******g sucks when people come in just after a work out and pay with wet *** money, like ******g **** man its disgusting I am not trying to grab your soaked 5 dollar bill. Or when people pull money out of their ******g socks and ****, having the store smelling like athletes foot and ****...

Sorry..../end of rant
I've seen this more than a few times. Do you guys have to take the money regardless of what condition the money is in?

@OP Just pretend that you're a deaf mute and have a notepad handy to communicate. You may even get your products for free if they feel really sorry for you.
Definitely depends on the day and my mood. Most of the time I can enjoy it, but there are times when I do not want to be talked to and I express that with my body language and snappy responses. I can be a jerk sometimes. Oh well...
I think people at gas stations who hold up the line to buy a whole bunch of items like they're in a grocery store are more annoying, or people who buy a bunch of lottery tickets and hold up the line too
Damn some of ya'll folks are very antisocial. Ya'll seem like basement dwellers that hate talking to anyone.

It's no wonder why some of ya'll ****** aren't smashing.
People making small talk with you on the train, bus, while paying a bill, while waiting on line, etc. So many many more.

I fake sleep and pretend something is wrong with me most of the day.

What I find that tends to be even more awkward is when I observe the small talk with two other strangers and listen to the dialogue and how it's so forced when more times than not one of the ppl do not want to be involved in the conversation at all. It gets the worse when one person starts talking about what they're planning to in relation to what started the small talk.

**** YO LIFE *****
Wow, just wow.
That's real sad that you're complaining about someone just trying to make small talk.
I can't stand socially awkward people, you know the ones who you work with, walk in mumble "hi", look down and walk away and that's the only interaction you have with them all day?
People need to come out their shells and stop being so damn awkward.
As someone who works retail, I do this to try to be friendly. But if I can tell that the person is going to be antisocial, or seem like they don't care, then I just scan out their items and let them be on their way.
I think one huge assumption some ppl making is that the ppl who don't like small talk are antisocial or socially awkward. Maybe we're just not nice ppl who don't want to speak to strangers? Maybe this don't got **** to do with a shell but an outright dislike of that situation, especially if it's a person that's not aesthetically pleasing.

I can be social as a ************ with strangers when I feel like it and when I want to but that doesn't mean I have to be because another person is trying to engage me. Cuz for me I always find it to be the near blind man on the train wanting to talk about suits/clothes while making terrible jokes or the old woman wanting to tell me about relationships with women.

So I feel you op, I'd suggest to stay with headphones on.
:lol: What's with all the hatred for asocial cats? Does it really bother you that much that some people don't like small talk.
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