Is there anything more annoying than cashiers making small talk to you about your purchases?

Once I was buying ultra-thin condoms, KY jelly and some fake plastic handcuffs while some old lady was ringing me up.




and that's when she started making small talk with you about her fetishes and what gets her off.
Its a part of customer serive. Also, it also gets boring sometimes so why not talk to people? You've just never been in the other position before. That's why you say this. Some people are just more friendly than others. Are you an introvert?
Did my share of cashiering yesterday at Wal-Mart. A husband and his wife took a plunger at the express checkout, where I was working on register 2. I told them "bathroom problem"?
They LOL'ed, and said yes, they have a clogged toilet to deal with. I told them good luck with dealing with the toilet, gave them their receipt, and said have a nice day. :smokin

See, not that hard? As a sales associate, this is a must no matter what area I work at.
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I work the cash register at a sneaker store right now, and I always make sure to make eye contact and say "hey how you doin" unless it just looks like someone who REALLY doesn't wanna be bothered or they're on the phone. Once they get to the cash register I'm usually just going to ask if they found everything alright and if they're on our mailing list, then I ring them up. If they're wearing a sports shirt I might spark up a quick convo or if they're buying something I'm interested in I'll probably say that I really like whatever it is they're buying. Most people appreciate it, some people look at you like you're crazy. More often than not the ones who look at you like you're crazy are the ones coming in looking like bums or wearing yolo shirts, dumb as a brick, can barely speak english and usually come in smelling like weed. The ones who are pleasant and polite to you are the smart, happy, successful ones with good families/jobs. That should tell you something.
i love small a only child, so if i dont take advantage of da random encounters outside i dont have siblings to fall back on when it comes to human interactions...

alot of ya need to be more social...cuz when ya get older, and no one is around to talk to you, you're gonna be regretting all them times you shunned nice people just trying to be polite.
i love small a only child, so if i dont take advantage of da random encounters outside i dont have siblings to fall back on when it comes to human interactions...

alot of ya need to be more social...cuz when ya get older, and no one is around to talk to you, you're gonna be regretting all them times you shunned nice people just trying to be polite.

I'll be happy not to make BS smalltalk. I'm not antisocial, I just don't care what others have to say at the moment.
If they say something that piques my interest I'll respond but I can do without the useless conversation.
It seems like people think if they're quiet in the presence of another they HAVE to say something.

Not me. I acknowledge your presence and keep to myself because I have nothing to say.
Simple as that.
I am a manager at a retail store in the outlets and I just tell our cashiers to be friendly gage the situation and their personality. Closing sales and "customer experiences" is key for repeat shopping at least to me. Customers can have horrible interactions w/ staff on the sales floor and the right person at the cash wrap can save that. Or the opposite could be true great customer service and a rude cashier can ruin it for sure. 

Personally I would actually find it more awkward if a cashier DIDNT say a word to customers. It is by nature forced interaction. A shopper can blow off and ignore everyone else but at the cash wrap ... cant get around that. 

Some people though, dammed if you do and dammed if you dont.
I don't mind the small talk. As a former cashier it makes things much easier.

Now what does annoy me is when you grab a shirt off the rack, take it to the register, and the cashier asks "will that be all today"? I'm probably being oversensitive but it is a pet peeve of mine. Another is when a cashier asks someone how they are doing and the customer responds " do you really care how im doing?" Just say "fine" and move on
I don't think so...just being friendly. If they didn't say anything at all people would complain about that as well...
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