Is this self-defense, or murder??? What do you think? Watch this vid...

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

i love that the first people to pull the whole "constitution" card, are the same people who voted for obama and the same people who call themselves "liberals" .. LMAO
and now it all be comes OH SO CLEAR. why am i not surprised you have something against Obama and are also the type to APPLAUD a man for taking a 16 year old black kids life unnecessarily? because someone's a liberal you cant support the constitution? liberals don't have a problem with the constituiton they have a problem with those in power trying to askew its meaning to benefit their own agendas conservative or liberal i think everyone should have a problem with that...

black kid, white kid, green kid, purple kid i could care less what color the kid is, its not unnecessary when the kid attempted to rob a store and put other peoples lifes in danger. you can make an argument about the excessive shots but at the end of the day you can't reason with criminals.

now if i shoot a 16 year kid just because i'm bored or because he looked at me wrong thats unnecessary. the kid brought what he got upon himself.

i'm talkin about the first shot, theres some people who said the boy shouldn't have even been shot the first time like you can reason with a robber.

we can argue the rest of the shots all day but i don't feel like it, some people think the rest of the shots were excessive i respect their opinion andthats that.

seriously though hopefully something positive comes out of this and the positive would be more kids thinking twice about trying to rob someone, more kidsthinking twice before risking doing something that can possibly get them killed or locked away for a long time.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

i love that the first people to pull the whole "constitution" card, are the same people who voted for obama and the same people who call themselves "liberals" .. LMAO
and now it all be comes OH SO CLEAR. why am i not surprised you have something against Obama and are also the type to APPLAUD a man for taking a 16 year old black kids life unnecessarily? because someone's a liberal you cant support the constitution? liberals don't have a problem with the constituiton they have a problem with those in power trying to askew its meaning to benefit their own agendas conservative or liberal i think everyone should have a problem with that...

black kid, white kid, green kid, purple kid i could care less what color the kid is, its not unnecessary when the kid attempted to rob a store and put other peoples lifes in danger. you can make an argument about the excessive shots but at the end of the day you can't reason with criminals.

now if i shoot a 16 year kid just because i'm bored or because he looked at me wrong thats unnecessary. the kid brought what he got upon himself.

i'm talkin about the first shot, theres some people who said the boy shouldn't have even been shot the first time like you can reason with a robber.

we can argue the rest of the shots all day but i don't feel like it, some people think the rest of the shots were excessive i respect their opinion and thats that.

seriously though hopefully something positive comes out of this and the positive would be more kids thinking twice about trying to rob someone, more kids thinking twice before risking doing something that can possibly get them killed or locked away for a long time.

I've read damn near every post and didn't see anyone who had a problem with the first shot. The problem is the 5 other shots while the kid is out onthe ground.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

I would have peed all over his "unconscious" body, not shot him 5 more times

Kids like these don't have any parents, they're let to roam free with guns starting trouble, yes they deserve a 2nd chance, but not when they're running around with a friend that has a gun threatening my life.

but the 5 shots after he laid on the floor makes the store owner a criminal as well.
kids like who exactly? we don't even know the kids name, but some how YOU seem to know his parents weren't around and didnt teach him howto act. sounds like someone is making more assumptions.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

i love that the first people to pull the whole "constitution" card, are the same people who voted for obama and the same people who call themselves "liberals" .. LMAO
and now it all be comes OH SO CLEAR. why am i not surprised you have something against Obama and are also the type to APPLAUD a man for taking a 16 year old black kids life unnecessarily? because someone's a liberal you cant support the constitution? liberals don't have a problem with the constituiton they have a problem with those in power trying to askew its meaning to benefit their own agendas conservative or liberal i think everyone should have a problem with that...

black kid, white kid, green kid, purple kid i could care less what color the kid is, its not unnecessary when the kid attempted to rob a store and put other peoples lifes in danger. you can make an argument about the excessive shots but at the end of the day you can't reason with criminals.

now if i shoot a 16 year kid just because i'm bored or because he looked at me wrong thats unnecessary. the kid brought what he got upon himself.

i'm talkin about the first shot, theres some people who said the boy shouldn't have even been shot the first time like you can reason with a robber.

we can argue the rest of the shots all day but i don't feel like it, some people think the rest of the shots were excessive i respect their opinion and thats that.

seriously though hopefully something positive comes out of this and the positive would be more kids thinking twice about trying to rob someone, more kids thinking twice before risking doing something that can possibly get them killed or locked away for a long time.
oh i def feel homey had the first shot coming. that was 100% self defense no contesting that. if its fair its fair. like when they were talkingabout the black kid getting shot by the cop for pointing a toy gun. the cop felt threatened and shot as well but he INTENTIONALLY made it non-lethal and thekid gets to learn from his mistakes and the cop doesnt come of as some crazy dude out to blast folk. i can respect the man untill he pulls that trigger 5times.
I don't feel bad for the kid.

First shot was justified.

All the shots after were not.
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Kids like these don't have any parents, they're let to roam free with guns starting trouble, yes they deserve a 2nd chance, but not when they're running around with a friend that has a gun threatening my life.
kids like who exactly? we don't even know the kids name, but some how YOU seem to know his parents weren't around and didnt teach him how to act. sounds like someone is making more assumptions.
kids that are 16 and rob stores with their friends

I said "kids like these", as in... of course there are exceptions to the rule.

But if you're 16 you should be supervised and accounted for, its pretty safe to say that someone dropped the ball.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Kids like these don't have any parents, they're let to roam free with guns starting trouble, yes they deserve a 2nd chance, but not when they're running around with a friend that has a gun threatening my life.
kids like who exactly? we don't even know the kids name, but some how YOU seem to know his parents weren't around and didnt teach him how to act. sounds like someone is making more assumptions.
kids that are 16 and rob stores with their friends

I said "kids like these", as in... of course there are exceptions to the rule.

But if you're 16 you should be supervised and accounted for, its pretty safe to say that someone dropped the ball.
well i never tried to rob a pharmacy but ive done a good amount of dirt in my life and im going to law school. so it is possible that kids despitegreat parenting do dumb things. its also possible they can reform and do something with their life.
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Kids like these don't have any parents, they're let to roam free with guns starting trouble, yes they deserve a 2nd chance, but not when they're running around with a friend that has a gun threatening my life.
kids like who exactly? we don't even know the kids name, but some how YOU seem to know his parents weren't around and didnt teach him how to act. sounds like someone is making more assumptions.
kids that are 16 and rob stores with their friends

I said "kids like these", as in... of course there are exceptions to the rule.

But if you're 16 you should be supervised and accounted for, its pretty safe to say that someone dropped the ball.
well i never tried to rob a pharmacy but ive done a good amount of dirt in my life and im going to law school. so it is possible that kids despite great parenting do dumb things. its also possible they can reform and do something with their life.
agreed, which makes me wonder why you omitted those exact sentiments from what you quoted
found another link... if you bypass the bad title, theres some good info there.

Can someone explain felony murder, if the very MURDER itself was murder by the hands and full INTENT of the shooter/store owner? In the article, they statethat all involved will be charged with felony murder... I can see it now, old guy gets off, everyone else suffers.

let the courtroom drama unfold. this will be lasting quite awhile
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

found another link... if you bypass the bad title, theres some good info there.

Can someone explain felony murder, if the very MURDER itself was murder by the hands and full INTENT of the shooter/store owner? In the article, they state that all involved will be charged with felony murder... I can see it now, old guy gets off, everyone else suffers.

let the courtroom drama unfold. this will be lasting quite awhile
So let me get this straight

The 2nd robber who didnt get shot & ran away... is going to get charged with felony murder? Wow... they are going to charge his own accomplice with felonymurder... that's just ridiculous IMO...
Prater said Friday that he will also file felony murder charges against three others who were involved with Parker including the second attempted robbery suspect, 14-year-old Jevontia Ingram of Oklahoma City.

Ingram was arrested Thursday and taken to a juvenile detention facility.

Prater said a murder charge will be filed against 31-year-old Emanuel Dewayne Mitchell and another unidentified man still at large.

Mitchell and the other man are believed to have talked the teens into trying to rob the pharmacy.

"These two kids made an egregious mistake," said the Rev. Reginald Mitchell, president of the Oklahoma City branch of the NAACP. "The community is going to have to take ownership. These are our problems."

Damn....those stick-up KIDS were put up to it (supposedly) by adults....there are more twists & turns w. this story....

So hypothetically speaking, let's say Ersland is found not guilty and is exonerated of all wrong-doing....what do you think the repercussions will be inthe african-american community? Is there going to be outrage? Sympathy? What....???
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

found another link... if you bypass the bad title, theres some good info there.

Can someone explain felony murder, if the very MURDER itself was murder by the hands and full INTENT of the shooter/store owner? In the article, they state that all involved will be charged with felony murder... I can see it now, old guy gets off, everyone else suffers.

let the courtroom drama unfold. this will be lasting quite awhile
So let me get this straight

The 2nd robber who didnt get shot & ran away... is going to get charged with felony murder? Wow... they are going to charge his own accomplice with felony murder... that's just ridiculous IMO...
word, the state goes all out in murder cases.
they throw charges in every direction hoping you have a crappy lawyer.
a Murder case costs millions of dollars, so they try to make anything and everything stick
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Prater said Friday that he will also file felony murder charges against three others who were involved with Parker including the second attempted robbery suspect, 14-year-old Jevontia Ingram of Oklahoma City.

Ingram was arrested Thursday and taken to a juvenile detention facility.

Prater said a murder charge will be filed against 31-year-old Emanuel Dewayne Mitchell and another unidentified man still at large.

Mitchell and the other man are believed to have talked the teens into trying to rob the pharmacy.

"These two kids made an egregious mistake," said the Rev. Reginald Mitchell, president of the Oklahoma City branch of the NAACP. "The community is going to have to take ownership. These are our problems."

So hypothetically speaking, let's say Ersland is found not guilty and is exonerated of all wrong-doing....what do you think the repercussions will be in the african-american community? Is there going to be outrage? Sympathy? What....???

Outrage without a doubt... probably some shock... definitely alot of anger...

and i hate how people always want to claim that this incident would happen regardless of race... these kind of things never happen to white people, you neverhear about white kids being shot by the police, never hear about white kids being shot while unarmed & defenseless...

i mean if race really isnt involved in these issues then why does it only happen to african americans
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

i don't know how people are defending that stupid kid.

he tried to rob a store, let that be a lesson to any other kids who try pulling the same crap.

i don't blame the guy for shooting him some more, hell if someone tried to rob my house or anyplace im at and put me or my familys lives in danger i would be so mad i would shoot that person in the face just so their family couldn't give them an open casket for viewing at the funeral.
THANK YOU!!!! i wanted to say the exact same thing! but i would have unloaded on dudes face...that wasstraight up self defense!... did they honestly think to come up there with a gun... and not expect hostility? chancesare extremely high that kid was already dead... no way in hell that kid survived that. Honestly? what's the bigdeal kids already dead why not shoot him a couple of more times? vent that anger!
oh and if he is one of the very few that would have survived that first shot (which in my book is a waste of a miracle) what's to stop the robber fromsuing that worker... is that justice?
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

i don't know how people are defending that stupid kid.

he tried to rob a store, let that be a lesson to any other kids who try pulling the same crap.

i don't blame the guy for shooting him some more, hell if someone tried to rob my house or anyplace im at and put me or my familys lives in danger i would be so mad i would shoot that person in the face just so their family couldn't give them an open casket for viewing at the funeral.
THANK YOU!!!! i wanted to say the exact same thing! but i would have unloaded on dudes face...that was straight up self defense!... did they honestly think to come up there with a gun... and not expect hostility? chances are extremely high that kid was already dead... no way in hell that kid survived that. Honestly? what's the big deal kids already dead why not shoot him a couple of more times? vent that anger!
oh and if he is one of the very few that would have survived that first shot (which in my book is a waste of a miracle) what's to stop the robber from suing that worker... is that justice?

I hope people like yall never get second chances inlife.
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

i don't know how people are defending that stupid kid.

he tried to rob a store, let that be a lesson to any other kids who try pulling the same crap.

i don't blame the guy for shooting him some more, hell if someone tried to rob my house or anyplace im at and put me or my familys lives in danger i would be so mad i would shoot that person in the face just so their family couldn't give them an open casket for viewing at the funeral.
THANK YOU!!!! i wanted to say the exact same thing! but i would have unloaded on dudes face...that was straight up self defense!... did they honestly think to come up there with a gun... and not expect hostility? chances are extremely high that kid was already dead... no way in hell that kid survived that. Honestly? what's the big deal kids already dead why not shoot him a couple of more times? vent that anger!
oh and if he is one of the very few that would have survived that first shot (which in my book is a waste of a miracle) what's to stop the robber from suing that worker... is that justice?

I hope people like yall never get second chances in life.

so your saying the store employee should have put a potential robber who was clearly out to do harm's life over his own and his customers?

you can argue the extra shots were excessive, but the kid rolled the dice doing something he knew was wrong and he lost.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

found another link... if you bypass the bad title, theres some good info there.

Can someone explain felony murder, if the very MURDER itself was murder by the hands and full INTENT of the shooter/store owner? In the article, they state that all involved will be charged with felony murder... I can see it now, old guy gets off, everyone else suffers.

let the courtroom drama unfold. this will be lasting quite awhile
So let me get this straight

The 2nd robber who didnt get shot & ran away... is going to get charged with felony murder? Wow... they are going to charge his own accomplice with felony murder... that's just ridiculous IMO... both parties (the suspects and store owner) face the same charges...damn.

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

100% murder, he could try to plead insanity but I'd doubt that'd fly. I hope he gets locked up.

Nah, store owner was pretty much sane throughout the whole situation. If I was Ersland, I would've held myself back and calmed down after the first shot.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

i don't know how people are defending that stupid kid.

he tried to rob a store, let that be a lesson to any other kids who try pulling the same crap.

i don't blame the guy for shooting him some more, hell if someone tried to rob my house or anyplace im at and put me or my familys lives in danger i would be so mad i would shoot that person in the face just so their family couldn't give them an open casket for viewing at the funeral.
THANK YOU!!!! i wanted to say the exact same thing! but i would have unloaded on dudes face...that was straight up self defense!... did they honestly think to come up there with a gun... and not expect hostility? chances are extremely high that kid was already dead... no way in hell that kid survived that. Honestly? what's the big deal kids already dead why not shoot him a couple of more times? vent that anger!
oh and if he is one of the very few that would have survived that first shot (which in my book is a waste of a miracle) what's to stop the robber from suing that worker... is that justice?

I hope people like yall never get second chances in life.

so your saying the store employee should have put a potential robber who was clearly out to do harm's life over his own and his customers?

you can argue the extra shots were excessive, but the kid rolled the dice doing something he knew was wrong and he lost.
I have absolutely no problem with the first shot. Also, my response was to your statement:
"i don't blame the guy for shooting him some more, hell if someone tried to rob my house or anyplace im at and put me or my familys lives in dangeri would be so mad i would shoot that person in the face just so their family couldn't give them an open casket for viewing at thefuneral." That's just a ignorant statement

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

i don't know how people are defending that stupid kid.

he tried to rob a store, let that be a lesson to any other kids who try pulling the same crap.

i don't blame the guy for shooting him some more, hell if someone tried to rob my house or anyplace im at and put me or my familys lives in danger i would be so mad i would shoot that person in the face just so their family couldn't give them an open casket for viewing at the funeral.
THANK YOU!!!! i wanted to say the exact same thing! but i would have unloaded on dudes face...that was straight up self defense!... did they honestly think to come up there with a gun... and not expect hostility? chances are extremely high that kid was already dead... no way in hell that kid survived that. Honestly? what's the big deal kids already dead why not shoot him a couple of more times? vent that anger!
oh and if he is one of the very few that would have survived that first shot (which in my book is a waste of a miracle) what's to stop the robber from suing that worker... is that justice?

I hope people like yall never get second chances in life.

so your saying the store employee should have put a potential robber who was clearly out to do harm's life over his own and his customers?

you can argue the extra shots were excessive, but the kid rolled the dice doing something he knew was wrong and he lost.
I have absolutely no problem with the first shot. Also, my response was to your statement:
"i don't blame the guy for shooting him some more, hell if someone tried to rob my house or anyplace im at and put me or my familys lives in danger i would be so mad i would shoot that person in the face just so their family couldn't give them an open casket for viewing at the funeral." That's just a ignorant statement

how is it ignorant? if it will make you happy i would try and shoot him in the face on the first shot then so that his family can't do the opencasket and i act in self defense. i can kill two birds with one stone that way.

but seriously though i would be enraged that someone would try and steal what i worked hard for, kids kill these days regardless if they intend to or not, look at the sean taylor tragedy. the minute you pose a threat to my well being and everything i worked hard for all good judgement and sympathy gets thrown outthe window.

it's also the respect issue as well, you didn't have respect for me, my valuable possessions, or anyone around me when you tried to rob me so whyshould i have respect for you when your screaming for me to stop as i'm shooting away and making sure your face looks like jigsaw from the punisher.

and for the record this could have been avoided and we wouldn't be having this debate, and the way to have avoided this is simple. not break the lawand try to rob someone.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

i don't know how people are defending that stupid kid.

he tried to rob a store, let that be a lesson to any other kids who try pulling the same crap.

i don't blame the guy for shooting him some more, hell if someone tried to rob my house or anyplace im at and put me or my familys lives in danger i would be so mad i would shoot that person in the face just so their family couldn't give them an open casket for viewing at the funeral.
THANK YOU!!!! i wanted to say the exact same thing! but i would have unloaded on dudes face...that was straight up self defense!... did they honestly think to come up there with a gun... and not expect hostility? chances are extremely high that kid was already dead... no way in hell that kid survived that. Honestly? what's the big deal kids already dead why not shoot him a couple of more times? vent that anger!
oh and if he is one of the very few that would have survived that first shot (which in my book is a waste of a miracle) what's to stop the robber from suing that worker... is that justice?

I hope people like yall never get second chances in life.

so your saying the store employee should have put a potential robber who was clearly out to do harm's life over his own and his customers?

you can argue the extra shots were excessive, but the kid rolled the dice doing something he knew was wrong and he lost.

That's stupid rational, if someone starts a fist fight with me, and I render him unconscious or hurt him badly, I should be allowed to "vent myfrustration?" He rolled the dice and lost?
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