Is writing love letters/secret admirer messages a dead art?

Jun 10, 2005
Does anyone still do these things? I was considering writing one, but I'd think the person might get creeped out.
Originally Posted by eghckk

whats the difference between a secret admirer and a stalker?

A thin line.

Both can give or take. I knew a dude who'd sent this girl a cassette of him singing after every weekend and insteading of doing a presentation in front ofthe class he serenaded her
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Originally Posted by eghckk

whats the difference between a secret admirer and a stalker?
A secret admirer gives while a stalker takes

Hmmm I think it'd be appreciated although I'd be creeped out if it was from a secret admirer instead of a boyfriend
Damn! Thats crazy my mother was talking to me today how back in the day teens in Haiti used to write each other letter instead of call.(They didn't havephones like they still don't.)
I used to write love letters in the 10th grade and vice versa. I had a shoe box filled with them.
This of course was before we had cell phones and beforethe texting craze.
At this point I assume most people would view writing love letters to secret admirer's and automatically deem the person with a "YNS" tag.
It depends on the girl sometimes, one girl can find it romantic while one sees it as a joke.

I find them romantic, sometimes it's easy for some people to say what they want in a letter.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's hurts when the person doesn't respond[/color]
That's when you hit 'em up with 'thanks for the quick reply, I know you got that last cold cold ____'
my last boyfriend sent me letters--his handwriting sucks +@% but I swear I just lit up when I got that letter. It was so sweet because we saw each other everyother day anyways, but he sent it through the mail and everything and put a stamp on it


I used to do this when pursuing a foxy lady, and I did it well.

So well, that a couple of chicks still have my pieces. They don't hesitate to inform they still have 'em either.

...The sad thing, in my opinion, is when your harvest proves fruitless and you two just fall away from one another. Later, you'll start talkin' again,she'd mention that it was the "greatest/nicest" thing she's ever read and you still ain't smashin' or gettin' stinky pinky.

I mean, come on.

Julius F. Wrek
IMO I personally think it's a dead art. With all the current technology, e-mail, aim, text messaging, facebook etc. Who wants to go out of their way andwrite a letter to some girl, when we can speak to multiple girls via text message.

However, I think that in some cases a girl would find it sweet, since it is no longer the norm.

Remember back in the day used to write letters in class, and pass em back and forth before the teach saw you? Oh man, those were the days...
I've never wrote any love letters or secret admirer messages to anyone, but I remember getting a few notes from my secret admirer.

I went to my locker one day and had noticed a piece of paper sticking out. I reached for it and read it. At first I was like, "
," after reading it. Then I thought about it for awhile, and assumed it was one of myfriends joking around (
). After a few more letters, I started to believe it wasn't them, and these letterswere actually real. I thought to myself, "There's no way they'd put that much time into cutting, pasting, and adding all of these designs to theseletters."

After the fourth or fifth letter, I started to rip them up. It just got real weird. I didn't know this person, they didn't seem to have any intentionsof revealing their identity, and I was wondering if they were following me around. Very uncomfortable feeling.

I didn't find out who was writing them to me, though.

I wouldn't write any to anybody. I don't want to freak anybody out.
Originally Posted by IloveShoes

IMO I personally think it's a dead art. With all the current technology, e-mail, aim, text messaging, facebook etc. Who wants to go out of their way and write a letter to some girl, when we can speak to multiple girls via text message.
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