Is Your female a "Water Cup."???

If you took the time out of your day to listen to my song.. I thank you for that. 

225 plays & counting!

All I can say is.. Stay thirsty! 
Originally Posted by B M M

Ya see.. when people hate.. it usually means their jealous. You know this will catch on like wildfire. You KNOW this clown. So you want to throw pebbles at the throne. You're a clown.. Mad cause I didn't give you free material for ya next show! "I can't play this at a party! I'm a clown! The parents will go crazy!"

Yo man i thought it was pretty good...

JK.. Turrible
Concept: If you take a :nerd:z glass ofWater. Drink it as fast as you can. You're going to do one of twothings.. either youre going to choke.. Or your're going to SWALLOW it.If you swallow it without choking.. you're a "Water Cup[emoji]8482[/emoji]

1. The song was terrible

2.Its not that terrible that you cant get this played on the radio, especially down here in the South
Originally Posted by B M M

Ninja... Ya mothers a "Water Cup" 
 "Gargle Gargle"
On aother note..

I appreciate the feed back. I didn't expect any thing positive to come off Nike Talk. 95% of the board are lames in the real world. Talking about "frapping" while looking at random chicks pictures, drooling over a pair of shoes, Making lil signs like Ninja over there.. etc. Anyway.. keep the hate coming.. I loove iiiit! 

But yet YOU applied for a membership and waited to get approved, so that you can post.
Sounds like you are the REAL lame.

Oh, and regaurding your song "Water Cup" that %@% is trash. And I listened to the lyrics. Nothing you said was amazing or mind-blowing. The concept is nothing new, and your delivery sound like every other underground rapper trying to youtube himself to fame.

Not hatin homie just telling you the same thing any major distributor or record label is going to tell you. If you plan on making it in music you have to be different or have lyrics that are going to make people want to listen. You can't just come up with a new way to call a girl a jump off and expect everybody to jump on the bandwagon.

This is coming from someone that does music. Just some advice for you.
Originally Posted by B M M

If you took the time out of your day to listen to my song.. I thank you for that. 

225 plays & counting!

All I can say is.. Stay thirsty! 
JaysRCrack how many songs do you have on the radio?
I played this song for somebody who recorded 300+ platinum hits... He said it's a banger. So it's a banger. 

I posted it on NikeTalk JUST to se what the haters would say. Your opinion means nada -$
JaysRCrack how many songs do you have on the radio?
I played this song for somebody who recorded 300+ platinum hits... He said it's a banger. So it's a banger. 

I posted it on NikeTalk JUST to se what the haters would say. Your opinion means nada -$
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