issues in the white community...

Ima rub the magic white privilege lamp and maybe tomorrow I'll wake up with a sense of entitlement, a great job with benifits, and just peace and prosperity as well.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by Used2playKobeNowiPlayLebron

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts


You should brush up on your history before you make absurd comments. 
which history? real history or that bull ##@$ christopher columbus nonsense they feed you in school?

You sound like you never made it out of high school.

Genghis Khan and the Mongols conquered Asia, most of Europe and a little bit of Russia. He's the only person to ever conquer Russia if I'm not mistaken. 

Ottoman Empire conquered damn near every country in Europe and Asia. 

Greek, Roman, and Ancient Egypt empires all had slaves. 

On a sidenote, I didn't even know slavery is at all time high NOW. That's disgusting. Estimated that there's 12- 35 million people. 
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

This is ridiculous and a low blow. 
My problem with NT talking about race but more specifically white people is that they group every white culture into one and post general stereotypes reflecting the same American life they live. Eventually, every single thread turns into people trying to reason with each other on which race is better and taking shots at each other 
 The only positive thing you can get from these threads is a chance to peer into how another race portrays your people. 
How is it "ridiculous" and a "low blow"? That's...what actually happens.
How is it not a low blow? You are stating as a fact, the only way a white person can celebrate their culture and history is to put down other races. It's very easy to make this same case against a lot of other races because it's completely idiotic, untrue and GENERAL. It's just that you have a negative attitude about white people so you will see anything in a negative light to re-enforce it.
How would a "first world white guy" NOT share some if not all of the problems as a "first world x race"? 

What first world problems do you assume every race has but not white people? On the flip side, what problems do you think arise ONLY for white people and not the others?

Not to create any issue but I do notice in any "race" besides "white" skin complexion is a huge issue. It may be out there for white people but I've never heard or seen it.
Chris Mullin's face in the avy with this comment

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Posts: 2

06/11/12 3:40 AM
Originally Posted by wcghost

Mayonnaise addiction.

And for those that hoop, you already know certain white guys have incredibly foul BO. I've smelled that same sour stench since elementary school.


Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

Ima rub the magic white privilege lamp and maybe tomorrow I'll wake up with a sense of entitlement, a great job with benifits, and just peace and prosperity as well.
That's not what white privilege is though. Are you admitting you don't even know what it is and that's why you think it's a made up term? Go look up the definition of privilege man

Also, white privilege aint gonna protect you from making dumb choices.
Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by Sellout

Why is it that almost any race can show pride in their ethnicity and they are culturally empowered, but when a "white" person show's pride in their race they are considered racist?

Because there is no such thing as a white race. "White People" came to the US meaning you have to research where your ancestors come from.

So find out if your English, German, etc and celebrate that.
So whites have to rep for a certain country, but blacks can just rep for black? Why dont blacks rep for Africa or whatever then?
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by Sellout

Why is it that almost any race can show pride in their ethnicity and they are culturally empowered, but when a "white" person show's pride in their race they are considered racist?

Because there is no such thing as a white race. "White People" came to the US meaning you have to research where your ancestors come from.

So find out if your English, German, etc and celebrate that.
So whites have to rep for a certain country, but blacks can just rep for black? Why dont blacks rep for Africa or whatever then?


This might be one of the most ignorant comments I've ever seen on this site.
How is his comment ignorant. It's truth in what he said.

There's nothing wrong with the phrase "white pride". Same way there's nothing wrong when Mexicans say "brown pride" or blacks say "black pride".

If your saying it to show pride in your culture and not saying nothing bad about other races it's ok and acceptable.

Some people are way to racially sensitive and need a reality check. Go to a comedy show or something. Loosen up and stop being so sensitive
Originally Posted by Hermosa Beach

How is his comment ignorant. It's truth in what he said.

Yo, y'all two even think before you type man? The reasons why black people in America don't 'rep' for Africa are multifaceted to say the least, but even if we wanted to, a majority of black folks in America wouldn't be able to trace their family history past Jamestown and the Southern Coast (and that is being generous) because of slavery. Personally, I don't know one black family that has been able to trace their family's history past their last family member that was freed from slavery. Blacks don't rep for Africa because they don't know their African roots. Then you got public schools trying to erase slavery from text books... and y'all wonder why we get mad when white folks act like we're wrong for establishing entertainment, dating sites, etc exclusively for us when most people don't realize that we HAVE to because everything else caters to 'white' American culture.

I, for one, think the ideas of "black pride," "white pride," etc are foolish because they suggest the idea of superiority (or inferiority, at least,) based on the color of one's skin. Race is something that exists only in our mind. Culture is something quite a bit different. But that's another topic for another time.

I'm right there with you when you say that people are overly sensitive when it comes to racial matters, but when people say foolish stuff like y'all cats I can't help but shake my head.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by Sellout

Why is it that almost any race can show pride in their ethnicity and they are culturally empowered, but when a "white" person show's pride in their race they are considered racist?
Because there is no such thing as a white race. "White People" came to the US meaning you have to research where your ancestors come from.

So find out if your English, German, etc and celebrate that.
So whites have to rep for a certain country, but blacks can just rep for black? Why dont blacks rep for Africa or whatever then?
Because for more than two centuries white ppl enslaved black ppl physically and then mentally, the institutionalized racism, raping them of their history and heritage to the point many are unable to trace their roots back to the specific countries in Africa they hail from. Keep that in mind, you're saying why not just "rep Africa or whatever" while white ppl can actually have the choice to represent their ancestry in detail and not just in general terms. I'm sure when you think Africa you may just associate that with black ppl and be done with it but it's a continent of many nations with various cultures and identities. If black ppl could identify with the countries they hailed from, trust me they would but we can't.

I don't know man maybe you need to educate yourself and research the topic a bit to get a better understanding why it's different for us and not for you.

@ this Hermosa Beach cat. Go ahead and rep white pride and claim it's showing pride in your culture. There's a reason non-racist white ppl don't go around yelling white power. White pride will continue to have the stigma and negative connotation of oppression, white ppl believing themselves superior to all other non-white ppl, ignorance and hatred akin to the Nazi movement.

There's a time and place to loosen up and go watch a comedy show or something. I think the biggest problem for ppl like you is that you only want to see it one way and never or rarely acknowledge the ugly side of ignorant comments like that that are more prevalent than what you want it to be.
So your summing up all white people and blaming current white people for past problems they have nothing to do with.

That act will get you nowhere in life. I want to be your friend though. If you ever want to come up to Harlem come by I'll buy you a burger at jimbos and a few brews at Harlem tavern and we can talk race issues all day good buddy of mine
When did I do or even imply any of that? Stop assuming. Seems you want me to be this one thing and believe/say what you're thinking so that you can feel justified in your comments. That's not gonna fly man.
Like I said man. Let's talk this over jimbos and some drinks. I'm semi serious and appreciate good conversation.
I'm in BK, I don't see myself going to Harlem for a free meal and conversation (just to explain racism in American history, racism in America today, and race relations of today). No offense.
Do working class/lower class/impoverished whites have "white privledge"? Does a working class/lower class/impoverished white family experience the same hardships as a working class/lower class/impoverished black family?
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by Sellout

Why is it that almost any race can show pride in their ethnicity and they are culturally empowered, but when a "white" person show's pride in their race they are considered racist?

Because there is no such thing as a white race. "White People" came to the US meaning you have to research where your ancestors come from.

So find out if your English, German, etc and celebrate that.
So whites have to rep for a certain country, but blacks can just rep for black? Why dont blacks rep for Africa or whatever then?
First off, Africa is a continent, not a country.  Just wanted to clear that up so you would understand why i'm gonna talk to you like you're ignorant.

African Americans have a culture.  They have their own language (Ebonics or black English is recognized by linguistic societies as a dialect of English), they have their own food (Soul Food), hell they even have their own Birthday song.

White people as a big lumped up group have none of that.  As a whole, the only thing White people in America have in common is their skin color.  Why would you be proud of being a part of a certain group if there's nothing cohesive about the group?
The problem is that Natasha said to Angie that Melissa said to Joe I was with Mike but it is so not true and she did that because she knows I like him very much because he is so cool and rich and she also likes him but she knows I am more beautiful than her. Did you look at her eyes!? I am like "euwwww".

I am white. And this is a joke.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

White people with money are not equal to white people with no money, white people with no money are looked down upon like minorities forreal.

Mr. Beck, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Hannity
How could you sell white America your insanity?
You tell them that they're different and manipulate their vanity
When truthfully, financially their life is a calamity
Otherwise they wouldn't be listening to Dave Ramsey
So they're about as broke as the people that they don't want to be
Convincing them that rich Republicans is what they going to be
So they act like Ronald Regan and like him they're awful actors
Who look up to the rich like dumb kids look up to rappers

And that's about as dumb as a +donkey+ pulling a tractor
Yes, that's a Democrat diss, I'm a detractor
So whether you vote right or vote left it's not a factor
When you ain't got no care for your health, Hey, this America
They going to put your +#% in debt something terrible
So you can disrespect presidents and call them socialists
But Palin and Pelosi both going to have you broke as +%%!
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

^That doesn't address white ethnic social clubs.
I have no idea what that is, but unless it encompasses the vast majority of white people in America, I don't see it making a difference.
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