Ite, Who's rockin wit Romney for 2012?

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

 Funny how these scumbag politicians agree on 90% of issues when it comes to.stripping away our civil liberties. With that in mind, I'm a "republican" because of cap and trade and gun rights. That's what it comes down to for my vote.

You do know Cap and Trade is a republican proposal in the 1980s & 1990s right?  They were the ones who pushed it not the Democratic Party.

The paradigm of the politicians has moved right. Center Left by today's standards, was center right by 1994s standards..

I.e. Center Left of 1964 wouldn't be called a communist, they'd be run out of office "as a communist" in 2012...

And we could have a debate on gun rights for days, but the majority of Democrats are not trying to vanquish your Second Amendment to be honest, they won't even dance anywhere near that subject.... That is another example of the changing paradigm in DC. Soft gun laws are equated with Repealing the Second Amendment today.

Lets talk Civil Rights.

Bush signs PATRIOT ACT. Obama re-authorizes it. Bush tortures and indefinitely imprisons "enemies". Obama keeps GITMO open, on top of opening secret CIA gulags all over Europe. Obama signs NDAA in the middle of the night, AFTER the fact he promised to VETO. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned, tortured, being forced to be imprisoned naked, and these "compassionate liberals" remain SILENT. NOT. A. WORD.





I completely agree.  Obama has been disappointing on a number of fronts for not being nearly progressive enough.

I'm glad we can agree on something...

But "Bush on steroids?"
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Essential1

You do know Cap and Trade is a republican proposal in the 1980s & 1990s right?  They were the ones who pushed it not the Democratic Party.

The paradigm of the politicians has moved right. Center Left by today's standards, was center right by 1994s standards..

I.e. Center Left of 1964 wouldn't be called a communist, they'd be run out of office "as a communist" in 2012...

And we could have a debate on gun rights for days, but the majority of Democrats are not trying to vanquish your Second Amendment to be honest, they won't even dance anywhere near that subject.... That is another example of the changing paradigm in DC. Soft gun laws are equated with Repealing the Second Amendment today.

Lets talk Civil Rights.

Bush signs PATRIOT ACT. Obama re-authorizes it. Bush tortures and indefinitely imprisons "enemies". Obama keeps GITMO open, on top of opening secret CIA gulags all over Europe. Obama signs NDAA in the middle of the night, AFTER the fact he promised to VETO. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned, tortured, being forced to be imprisoned naked, and these "compassionate liberals" remain SILENT. NOT. A. WORD.


Can anyone put up a solid argument against this?
To me, I sum Obama up as a figured head of false hope. 

What argument do you want?  That Obama is not nearly progressive enough?  I agree with that.

But if Obama is not progressive enough, what does that mean for Mitt Romney?  Are you going to support him instead for any differences he may have on these issues?  Because Romney will have a much more conservative approach to these issues than Obama has had.  Trust.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Essential1

You do know Cap and Trade is a republican proposal in the 1980s & 1990s right?  They were the ones who pushed it not the Democratic Party.

The paradigm of the politicians has moved right. Center Left by today's standards, was center right by 1994s standards..

I.e. Center Left of 1964 wouldn't be called a communist, they'd be run out of office "as a communist" in 2012...

And we could have a debate on gun rights for days, but the majority of Democrats are not trying to vanquish your Second Amendment to be honest, they won't even dance anywhere near that subject.... That is another example of the changing paradigm in DC. Soft gun laws are equated with Repealing the Second Amendment today.

Lets talk Civil Rights.

Bush signs PATRIOT ACT. Obama re-authorizes it. Bush tortures and indefinitely imprisons "enemies". Obama keeps GITMO open, on top of opening secret CIA gulags all over Europe. Obama signs NDAA in the middle of the night, AFTER the fact he promised to VETO. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned, tortured, being forced to be imprisoned naked, and these "compassionate liberals" remain SILENT. NOT. A. WORD.





I completely agree.  Obama has been disappointing on a number of fronts for not being nearly progressive enough.

I'm glad we can agree on something...

But "Bush on steroids?"

Expanded wars, expanded drones usage, expanded the DHS power, expanded TSA power. What more do you want?

I almost wish that Barry was a Progressive. All he's done is exemplify that all he is is a glorified NEOCON. The real Progressives in Congress have no power and a run out of office ie Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, and the establishment doesn't want Ralph Nader anywhere near them, probably because they are no where near the intellectual and gentleman he is. If anyone ever has the chance to sit down and talk with Ralph Nader or Ron Paul, you're in for a treat.

People like the latter and Ron Paul are too advanced for this *%%*, too real, speak too much truth. The people can't handle politicians that tell it like it is.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by rashi

I completely agree.  Obama has been disappointing on a number of fronts for not being nearly progressive enough.

I'm glad we can agree on something...

But "Bush on steroids?"

Expanded wars, expanded drones usage, expanded the DHS power, expanded TSA power. What more do you want?

I almost wish that Barry was a Progressive. The real Progressives in Congress have no power and a run out of office ie Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, and the establishment doesn't want Ralph Nader anywhere near them, probably because they are no where near the intellectual and gentleman he is. If anyone ever has the chance to sit down and talk with Ralph Nader or Ron Paul, you're in for a treat.

People like the latter and Ron Paul are too advanced for this $!!#, too real, speak too much truth. The people can't handle politicians that tell it like it is.

Bro, Obama inherited this mess from Bush.  He would not have gotten us into this position in the first place.  Now that we're here, he is making some decisions that I vehemently disagree with.  Believe me, I wish Obama was a real progressive as well.  Please school your boy ninjahood on this topic

That being said, think about what the last 3.5 years would have been like with Bush and Cheney still in the White House instead of Obama... or if McCain had been president... or if Romney becomes president.  Those things will only be exacerbated.  I know that you don't support any of the aforementioned Republicans but my point remains.

As for Ron Paul, he is dead-on in my eyes on a few issues (including some of the ones in your post) but he is an ideologue who carries his beliefs and dogma to their illogical conclusions.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by rashi

Bush signs PATRIOT ACT. Obama re-authorizes it. Bush tortures and indefinitely imprisons "enemies". Obama keeps GITMO open, on top of opening secret CIA gulags all over Europe. Obama signs NDAA in the middle of the night, AFTER the fact he promised to VETO. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned, tortured, being forced to be imprisoned naked, and these "compassionate liberals" remain SILENT. NOT. A. WORD.

Can anyone put up a solid argument against this?

How can you argue with what Rashi stated?  Those are TRUTHFUL FACTS!  
Obama = GW Bush in his 3rd Term.  

We still live under GW Bush's tax laws, GW Bush's war doctrine of Preemptive Strikes, same GW Bush big govt spending, same GW Bush stance on opening military bases around the world, same GW Bush's No Child Left Behind program, same Iraq/Afghan wars, etc.. etc..
That being said, think about what the last 3.5 years would have been like with Bush and Cheney still in the White House instead of Obama... or if McCain had been president... or if Romney becomes president.  Those things will only be exacerbated.  I know that you don't support any of the aforementioned Republicans but my point remains.

And Bush II inherited a recession from Clinton, and Clinton inherited a recession from Bush I, and so on. It is a vicious cycle, reasons are debatable.

If McCain was president, you would see no where near the polarization as there is now. Conservatives are upset because their guy didn't win, McCain would of had us in WWIII by now without a doubt. Would the economy be different? Who knows, probably not.

With that said, if Romney is president people won't be as up in arms because so much hate is directed at Obama. The Left will continue to do what they always do to Republicans. They will probably start caring about the war again.
If Obama is re-elected, this is where you will see a vast radicalization of policies. Why? Because he will be a 4 year lame duck. He bypasses Congress anyway, so it won't really matter if the Conservatives win more seats. So much SCOTUS cases set precedent for expansion of POTUS power it won't matter if it challenged in court, because 3 of the 4 Conservatives corporate whor3s on SCOTUS ruled in favor of POTUS power while Bush was in office.

Regardless whoever gets elected, it is only going to get worse. Basic economic rules say so, there is too much bad debt across the globe of which none has been liquidated. Only Iceland has completely took themselves off the hook for all their debt. They basically gave the middle finger to the global bankers and good for them for doing so.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by rashi

Lets talk Civil Rights.

Bush signs PATRIOT ACT. Obama re-authorizes it. Bush tortures and indefinitely imprisons "enemies". Obama keeps GITMO open, on top of opening secret CIA gulags all over Europe. Obama signs NDAA in the middle of the night, AFTER the fact he promised to VETO. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned, tortured, being forced to be imprisoned naked, and these "compassionate liberals" remain SILENT. NOT. A. WORD.


Can anyone put up a solid argument against this?
To me, I sum Obama up as a figured head of false hope. 

What argument do you want?  That Obama is not nearly progressive enough?  I agree with that.

But if Obama is not progressive enough, what does that mean for Mitt Romney?  Are you going to support him instead for any differences he may have on these issues?  Because Romney will have a much more conservative approach to these issues than Obama has had.  Trust.

I just wanted to see if anyone could raise a alternate view point. I agree with Rashi. 
I wouldn't vote for Mitt at this point. At this point, if we have to choose between the two. Its best if Obama is reelected. Now if it were Ron Paul, then that'd be different. That's someone who I actually believe wants true CHANGE and doesn't just use it as a slogan.
rashi wrote:

Regardless whoever gets elected, it is only going to get worse. Basic economic rules say so, there is too much bad debt across the globe of which none has been liquidated. Only Iceland has completely took themselves off the hook for all their debt. They basically gave the middle finger to the global bankers and good for them for doing so.

What is YOUR best case scenario to get out of this mess. 
To me, the only way I can see the world governments taking is hitting the reset button. Whether that is starting over with the current currencies or newer ones, I don't know.
Only way to get over this mess is to pardon and forgive all loans. I doubt that'll happen though. Reset button.
We need to expose the next false flag attack for what it is. People STILL believe 9/11 was done by 3rd world terrorists who outsmarted the entire US military and used some sort of Jihad power to disintegrate three skyscrapers in New York 8 hours apart with two planes. They also believe Hani if I'm not mistaken, U-turned a 757 over the freaking pentagon, surfed it over the grass directly into important financial records computers ($2.3 TRILLION worth) that Rumsfeld admitted to "LOSING" the day before.  FICTION FOLKS!! Imagine if a majority of people in the country just knew and accepted that it was an inside job. We would be talking about a completely different ball game, the BANKERS wouldn't get away with any of this nonsense. 

Edit: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfled were convicted of warcrimes this weekend in Malaysia regarding 9/11.

Guilty as charged    
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

Only way to get over this mess is to pardon and forgive all loans. I doubt that'll happen though. Reset button.

I would go along those lines myself. Unfortunately, the interest on the loans is all the FED (with worthless T-Bills) is paying, which is doing nothing but funneling all the money to the bankers. Nobody is paying down the debt, nobody is reducing spending, you can raise all the taxes you want. All that money is going to pay the bankers.

It is going to take a radical change, along the lines of a revolution. (serious)

I would go so far to predict is when the military is dispersed among the people (of which NDAA allows) and they do something to a civilian where everyone can see, this is where you will see the people turn. And for anyone who thinks this won't happen, I would just refer you to Syria, China, Egypt, ect. The masses aren't that upset yet, they still think this is Left v. Right thing.

We need to expose the next false flag attack for what it is.

G20 in Chicago would be a good place, no?
Its getting too real in here. I'm about to go see what Jordans are coming out next. 
AceMaster193 wrote:
Only way to get over this mess is to pardon and forgive all loans. I doubt that'll happen though. Reset button.

I would go along those lines myself. Unfortunately, the interest on the loans is all the FED (with worthless T-Bills) is paying, which is doing nothing but funneling all the money to the bankers. Nobody is paying down the debt, nobody is reducing spending, you can raise all the taxes you want. All that money is going to pay the bankers. 

Exactly. At some point, its just too much to pay off when no one is close to serious about paying it off.

So are they just moving pieces around now?
There really is no point in voting for the President. Is there really a difference between the guy in the office and the guy who wants to/might be in the Office? Romney and Obama are pretty much the same dudes wearing different party affiliations, and they both work for the same bankers. When we got rid of bush we pushed out the Military Industrial Complex (NEO Cons) and replaced them with bankers.

Right now my best bet to make my vote count is to vote for the right Congressman/Senator. I may not be able to get the right president but at the very least I can get someone who can control both Washington and the President.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

ninjahood  Joe Oliver thinks this is his opportunity for him to cash in on his little Republican chips and have Republicans think he's one of them with the creation of this thread but that couldn't be further from the truth .  He wants to sit down at the table with the Republicans but at the end of the day ninjahood Joe Oliver, your going to clean tha table at that your sitting at with the Republicans, and then they're going to have you mop the floor, and knowing you your going to so proudly.  You'll be happy that a Republican/the Republicans gave you a job and you'll be happy that they did so for you, just so you can say that Republicans are creating jobs left and right nationwide. da real world, im an independent.

so shhhhh.


unlike alot of ya, i dont pledge alliegence towards a party, so if i see fault then imma call it out, to act like obama's been anything but a waste of time is being nice....

you pass healthcare without da public option..whats da point?

you pass dod frank, and JP morgan losses 2 billion in speculatory derivatives trading...

yea...meanwhile while da majority of college grads are coming outta school with MEGA DEBT either unemployed or under employed...da only thing obama's got to hang his hat on is what..."ohhh i think gays

should be able to marry"
whoa...i can sense da total meltdown of our economy slowing down cuz of that proclamation....

if ya dont think da problems that europe is facing can't affect us cuz of our MASSIVE spending, and da fact that we make NOTHING then ya got another thing coming...
It really is only a matter of time. No one has proposed serious economic resolutions and are at total cost avoiding the issue which will eventually implode. This debt will never get paid, hell this whole system's been built on debt and the masses just don't realize this. It's time for a revolution.

G8 summit
 G20 in Chicago would be a good place, no?

Do you mean the G8?

It was changed from CHI to camp david

The G20 is in Los Cabos
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Deuce King

ninjahood  Joe Oliver thinks this is his opportunity for him to cash in on his little Republican chips and have Republicans think he's one of them with the creation of this thread but that couldn't be further from the truth .  He wants to sit down at the table with the Republicans but at the end of the day ninjahood Joe Oliver, your going to clean tha table at that your sitting at with the Republicans, and then they're going to have you mop the floor, and knowing you your going to so proudly.  You'll be happy that a Republican/the Republicans gave you a job and you'll be happy that they did so for you, just so you can say that Republicans are creating jobs left and right nationwide. da real world, im an independent.

so shhhhh.


unlike alot of ya, i dont pledge alliegence towards a party, so if i see fault then imma call it out, to act like obama's been anything but a waste of time is being nice....

you pass healthcare without da public option..whats da point?

you pass dod frank, and JP morgan losses 2 billion in speculatory derivatives trading...

yea...meanwhile while da majority of college grads are coming outta school with MEGA DEBT either unemployed or under employed...da only thing obama's got to hang his hat on is what..."ohhh i think gays

should be able to marry"
whoa...i can sense da total meltdown of our economy slowing down cuz of that proclamation....

if ya dont think da problems that europe is facing can't affect us cuz of our MASSIVE spending, and da fact that we make NOTHING then ya got another thing coming...

The Deuce has no idea what he's talking about, he doesn't belong in this discussion.

You need to look beyond the party system bro. That is all nonsense at this point. There's the corrupt, the
not corrupt, the awake and the asleep. Most people don't know what's going on and think Barry inherited
this mess from Lil bush and don't realize the agenda that's being followed. The Right and the Left ( How
retarted is this idea if you think anout it? I mean the right and the left? Who came up with this %+%!? 
) is
just propoganda meant to distract the asleep from what is really going on. Democrat and Republican is
irrelevant now, the whole world is in danger. Mittens and Barry Soets will doom us if they can, under
orders of course. I guess it's cool your an independant

Originally Posted by Pig Love

 G20 in Chicago would be a good place, no?

Do you mean the G8?

It was changed from CHI to camp david

The G20 is in Los Cabos

Ah yes, my mistake.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Deuce King

ninjahood  Joe Oliver thinks this is his opportunity for him to cash in on his little Republican chips and have Republicans think he's one of them with the creation of this thread but that couldn't be further from the truth .  He wants to sit down at the table with the Republicans but at the end of the day ninjahood Joe Oliver, your going to clean tha table at that your sitting at with the Republicans, and then they're going to have you mop the floor, and knowing you your going to so proudly.  You'll be happy that a Republican/the Republicans gave you a job and you'll be happy that they did so for you, just so you can say that Republicans are creating jobs left and right nationwide. da real world, im an independent.

so shhhhh.


unlike alot of ya, i dont pledge alliegence towards a party, so if i see fault then imma call it out, to act like obama's been anything but a waste of time is being nice....

you pass healthcare without da public option..whats da point?

you pass dod frank, and JP morgan losses 2 billion in speculatory derivatives trading...

yea...meanwhile while da majority of college grads are coming outta school with MEGA DEBT either unemployed or under employed...da only thing obama's got to hang his hat on is what..."ohhh i think gays

should be able to marry"
whoa...i can sense da total meltdown of our economy slowing down cuz of that proclamation....

if ya dont think da problems that europe is facing can't affect us cuz of our MASSIVE spending, and da fact that we make NOTHING then ya got another thing coming...

You've been campaigning for the Republican agenda this entire thread and even in various threads before this one and now all of a sudden you "dont pledge alliegence towards a party" as you say............LOL.  Who are you trying to fool champ??  Jobs have been leaving this country for the last 30 years because of the Republican platform of cheaper wages and cost cutting measures of moving job overseas, and you somehow think with another Republican in office as President that somehow that problem will be fixed.  Why would you think a guy that has an off-shore account is somehow going to look out for YOUR best interest when you and a guy like Romney have nothing in common, and I mean just that.........NOTHING IN COMMON. 

Does Obama has flaws or faults with him, of couurse.........who doesn't.  However, we have had 26 months straight of private job sector growth in this country after the worst economic downturn this country has had since the Great Depression.  Things are nothing going to go from bad to good overnight or even in a year or 2.  It takes time, simple as that. I know you might be fustrated or disgruntled champ, but now's the time to stay focused and to not lose sight of what's important, or more importantly lose yourself in the process.  You must never forget who you are what you are, and where you came from ninjahood.  Once you lose that, your done for. 

The Deuce has no idea what he's talking about, he doesn't belong in this discussion.

This coming from a conspiracy theorist that still believes some made up story about Obama, and refuses to call him by his name.  Your a bigger FRAUD than Ron Paul.

 Democrat and Republican is irrelevant now, the whole world is in danger. Mittens and Barry Soets will doom us if they can, under
orders of course. I guess it's cool your an independant

This dude talking like we all need to go out and get survival kits.
NWO is coming... Obama will get relected so he can be the scapegoat to why the radical chamges will be implemented...

ive thought this for some years now... but 2012 is a bad year for all that, there would be hysteria... give it another 4 yrs tho...
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by rashi

Lets talk Civil Rights.

Bush signs PATRIOT ACT. Obama re-authorizes it. Bush tortures and indefinitely imprisons "enemies". Obama keeps GITMO open, on top of opening secret CIA gulags all over Europe. Obama signs NDAA in the middle of the night, AFTER the fact he promised to VETO. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. LIED. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned, tortured, being forced to be imprisoned naked, and these "compassionate liberals" remain SILENT. NOT. A. WORD.


Can anyone put up a solid argument against this?
To me, I sum Obama up as a figured head of false hope. 

What argument do you want?  That Obama is not nearly progressive enough?  I agree with that.

But if Obama is not progressive enough, what does that mean for Mitt Romney?  Are you going to support him instead for any differences he may have on these issues?  Because Romney will have a much more conservative approach to these issues than Obama has had.  Trust.
^ This. I love to hear people mention Obama's extending Bush's policies as if Romney would be the exact opposite of Bush...because that's what hating on Obama for being too Bush-like implies.  If you think Obama isn't radical enough (I belong to this train of thought), what makes you think Romney will be more radical IN A GOOD WAY?  The only thing Romney will be more radical on is social issues like women's rights and his anti-homosexual stance.  No one should want that. Who in their right mind would want more conservative approaches to those issues?  
Maintaining the Bush tax cuts isn't an issue. The issue lies in the failure of giving companies incentive to repatriat their funds. You don't need to raise the hell out of taxes. You need to cut spending and close loopholes. This dude Obama has spent 6 months talking about a Buffett Rule that only gives the government a little more spending money. It does nothing for the deficit it does nothing to spur job growth it does nothing but create even more tension between classes.

And this private sector job growth that you hear of is nonsense. The unemployment rate is double of what they say it is.
Yeah I mean... poison or a knife wound? That's what you're asking for when comparing the two candidates. Lesser of two evils. The 'Patriots' will make sure of it.
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