It's Back...Victorian Age Discourse Vol. 2 (The King Speaks)

king lincey

Nov 18, 2007
Good day, my humbled assortment of e-comedians. Suffice it to say, NT has been in need of another place for gentlemanly discourses tosuit our intellectual needs. The King has taken it upon his self to, as the young lads say, "bite the bullet" and manufacture a thread solely forthis purpose.


And, for those who frown upon my antics, I pose a question to you:

Thou art incensed, foul canine?

Have at it, chaps!
Good day to you as well my fellow Niketalker! I say, I am in complete concordance with your request of a higher level of gentlemanly behavior on our belovedforum.

To my dismay, I must depart in reluctance to have ear at my bi-daily course of study at university.

dost thou haveth pics of any hot chicks from this so called victorian age?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

dost thou haveth pics of any hot chicks from this so called victorian age?

Dear friend, I would be most happy to acquiesce to your request!

The hour-glass has been turned a great number ot times following the close of the last discourse. A joy this shall be.
Originally Posted by King Lincey

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

dost thou haveth pics of any hot chicks from this so called victorian age?

Dear friend, I would be most happy to acquiesce to your request!


Ah, such a delightful bosom has awakened this feeling of engorgement within my britches! If this fair lady were to lower her stockings to show me herknees (or her shins!), good heavens!

Bliss, I say! Bliss!
Originally Posted by King Lincey

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

dost thou haveth pics of any hot chicks from this so called victorian age?

Dear friend, I would be most happy to acquiesce to your request!

Why, I must admit, t'would be quite the pleasure to partake in lude conduct with this fine maiden. One would certainly smasheth.
I must is rather refreshing to use the colloquialism that is associated with the Victorian Age. You see, it is very possible forme to be of meager intelligence, but I still have the ability to sound like a pompous bigot. Wouldn't you agree?
I must say, my kind fellow, yourself and immaculate timing are well akin... Hither be a picture of mine, amongst some not-so-easy-on-the-eyes maidens...


I forsee with mine own eyes, a page count of two-score....
Ah yes! Has been well nigh a baker's dozen of fortnights since last we perchanced 2 encounter each other under such happy circumstance... I myself ammerely enjoying a providence-leaf cigarette whilst perusing yon NikeTalk...

Ah! Let me tell you of news I was recently informed of (again and again)! Didst thou know that if one purchases more than 3 pairs of footwear in a years'time, he is more likely improve his lot in life, and ascend possibly all the way 2 the Royal Court? I suppose those who enjoy footwear make better leaders thanthos who do not. Of course, this is merely what I have heard-tell from others...I believe it is complete bollocks...but take it 4 what it is worth, I say!
thou King has mislead thy people of such a great thread. I was quite baffled stumblin upon a thread that lacked pics. Redeem yourself my good man(no KingAuthor)
Gentlemen, why are most you speaking in an Elizabethan tongue which is far more suited for the prose and poetry of the immortal Bard than thediscourse of us modern men in the year 1866?
Sir, good sir, I speak that of my native tongue. It is to my dismay that I am not of conscious when referring to a dialect in particular. For shame bestowedupon myself.
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