January 2008 Appreciation Post Vol. Best January in YEARS

So yea, I can't remember a better January than this one. Here's why:

1.) New Years fell on a Tuesday. So you got the weekend, then one work day and then another holiday. Plus since New Year's Eve was on a Monday, almosteveryone takes it off because it's between a weekend and another holiday. 4 day weekend to start off the year.

2.) American Idol starts up again on January 15th. Yea yea..you know you watch it.

3.) Cloverfield comes out on the 18th.

4.) MLK birthday on the 21st. Three day weekend.

5.) Rambo comes out on the 25th.

6.) Playoff football every weekend.
My Birthday Month. Always been a special month to me. I might name my daughter January.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to rain on this parade. This January has sucked since 1240am 1/1, %*@* aint stopped since...take me back to last January when I hadjust gotten fired and didn't give a car about anything. But, this January is def going down as the worst...*end vent*
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

It's aight.

The weather is alright for NY.

Weather is alright? The weather in NY this week has been
Almost 65 degrees in January? That's ridiculous
Actually its not..I wish that was the reason, but considering my family has just suffered the death of a newborn I'm gonna go ahead and give you a my first"%+#* off" of the day..
def. appreciated. found out i cant go to school this semester because i didnt fill out a fafsa but now im just gonna work and bank MAJOR cake while i wait totransfer next semester
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