January Wrestling Thread 2022 | Brock All Up In The Videos like Diddy

just started watching royal rumble 92. they had clips of a house show to build up a match between piper and the mountie and piper came out in the infrared 6 to save brett from the mountie.

mans is a ******* clown. one of them loyal bums who wont get that extra money in fear of vince taking out the big belt.

kurt angle might be the worse even tho he was in tna longer than he was in wwe.

vince takes EVERYONE back. no matter how bad you ****** him over or left on bad terms.
if that ****** battle of the belts card got 700k to watch you should probably move rampage to that day and time but tony con is clueless.
therealest1 therealest1 can you believe this?

It's been common knowledge since 2015 when he got exposed on that sex tape. I still can't get over the fact that he was so furious that his daughter was dating a Brother. Individuals should be able to date whoever they want as long as they're happy and no financial or provisional support/dependency is involved.

But here's evidence that he was racist way back in 1993 when he called Yokozuna a slur in a promo at WrestleMania IX.

It's ironic that Hogan is against taking the COVID-19 vaccine when he injected himself with a lot of steroids to get swole during the apex of his career. Hogan thinking Betty White & Sidney Poitier died from the vaccine makes me think a 12 year old kid with Down syndrome has more common sense than him. He clearly lacked logic to realize they were old.
Would you believe I had an argument with a coworker who called another coworker that J word...

I was like you can't say that. He was like why not?

Terry B literally jabbing unknown cocktails into his buttocks but won't get the COVID jab and accusing other recently departed as dying from it.
Would you believe I had an argument with a coworker who called another coworker that J word...

I was like you can't say that. He was like why not?

Terry B literally jabbing unknown cocktails into his buttocks but won't get the COVID jab and accusing other recently departed as dying from it.

Your co-worker is a dumb loser for being that uneducated and lacking awareness. Him trying to justify it is just worse.

Bollea is also remedial as hell for not knowing the difference between "their" and "they're" in a social network post he replied to.

It's funny that he jabbed a boatload of steroids that gave him a lot of side effects, but refuses a vaccine to protect his health. He basically went the Jenny McCarthy route by claiming the vaccine kills people like how she claims vaccines give kids autism.
Bro doesn't he have a hip replacement. He injected that into his body? He doesn't know the long-term affects of having foreign items in his body.

He probably doesn't buy from whole foods or other organic supermarkets.
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