January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Naw man, y’all wildin. That match would’ve been terrible. Charlotte coming in kept a decent pace and made that watchable. She is the best woman wrestler in the company and a more graceful athlete than both of them.

Becky is a draw as a character, but ain’t nobody watch one of her matches in the last 4 praising her work.
I don’t think it made it that much better at all, but it’s about the spectacle of the match and the story. Nobody gave that much of a damn about if it’d be a good wrestling match. Look at the post Royal Rumble staredown with Becky and Ronda when the crowd went bananas.

Putting Charlotte in there screwed up the story because she has to be in everything and it killed Asuka (again) and screwed over the SD Women’s division. The end result was not worth it
With regards to the earlier convo, I'd venture to say that 95% of the people who watch AEW are NXT viewers as well. I do think there is a large contingent of folks that are WWE ONLY and they are likely to watch NXT over AEW if given the choice.
Had to hit up Panda for that Hunan tonight

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B Sox B Sox

As an unbiased wrestling fan like you, will you be running in to the wrestling this weekend?

I know you wont be going in bashing the show before it starts like some do.
I am the puppet master? OK.

You pick on Pelvin but I am somehow ti blame.

You never apologized to him for nkt watxhing his G1 matches.

And you wonder why he has been so hurt lately

I never said I wouldn't watch it.

Picking on him? Never done that. I just call him out for his WWE bashing. He should be an unbiased fan, that's how we all should be. Not picking sides. How does that help wrestling as a whole?

But Noooooooooooo, he has to be like 95% of the IWC who thinks he knows how to "fix" companies and storylines.

I'm actually watching one of the matches @datboi81 requested right now.
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