JASON WHITLOCK IS +%%%#!# DUMB!vol. does he hate being black?

He made some good points. Pretty much the only thing I didn't care for his cheap-shotting Taylor and basically blaming him for his own death.
The media has a lot to do w/ the glorification of "hood" culture (ironically them medium that produces him income), so instead of being part of the problem, Jason, be a part of the solution. Stop talking and start acting
Thats the problem with him and people of his ilk. They think that them throwing a hat in the air and watching it fall is part of the solution.Here's what they will say to you if you say, "are you part of the solution?" *holier than thou response* I wrote about it didnt I ?

Its one thing to yell something's broke, its another to help fix it. Put your money where ya mouth is, Come visit some schools. get up off your fat$++* andstop writing and start doing.

Help Give someone an alternative route.
Who exactly is jason Whitlock's audience demographic?
writing articles about the "ills" of the black community that mainly reach thewhite middle class is really helping out the community Jason. Way to get the ball rolling on social change.
[size=-0]No, we don't know for certain the circumstances surrounding Taylor's death. I could very well be proven wrong for engaging in this sort of aggressive speculation. But it's no different than if you saw a fat man fall to the ground clutching his chest. You'd assume a heart attack, and you'd know, no matter the cause, the man needed to lose weight.[/size]

[size=-0]Well, when shots are fired and a black man hits the pavement, there's every statistical reason to believe another black man pulled the trigger. That's not some negative, unfair stereotype. It's a reality we've been living with, tolerating and rationalizing for far too long.[/size]

great point.

[size=-0]Marcellus Wiley, a former NFL player, made the radio circuit Wednesday, singing the tune that athletes are targets. That was his explanation for the murders of Taylor and Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams and the armed robberies of NBA players Antoine Walker and Eddy Curry.[/size]


[size=-0]Let's cut through the bull(manure) and deal with reality. Black men are targets of black men. Period. Go check the coroner's office and talk with a police detective. These bullets aren't checking W-2s.[/size]

i think both Marcellus and Whitlock are right. If you're an athlete, you're always a target, but the fact that you're a black athletemakes you much more of a target.
[size=-0]But we don't want to deal with ourselves. We take great joy in prescribing medicine to cure the hate in other people's hearts. Meanwhile, our self-hatred, on full display for the world to see, remains untreated, undiagnosed and unrepentant.[/size]
another good point. i'm black myself, and lately, i've been more pro-black than i've ever been. With that being said, I notice howwe're quick to say "so and so is racist" but we turn around and wage war on each other by jacking rims from our brothers and sisters or putting agun to the heads of our youths because we want their jordans and their chains. Of course, not all of us do this, but many of our brothers (and sisters) dothis. Hence the term "black KKK." The KKK don't need to do their job when they've got black people killing each other. I know it's atired cliche but, why can't we all just get along? I hate to say it, but Whitlock is right.
But still, he's a bit too premature about the situation. I say just let myman Sean Taylor rest in peace until authorities come up with facts.

And I agree with Gunna, this dude Whitlock talks about the hood yet he doesn't make an effort to help improve the "ills of the black community."
Who exactly is jason Whitlock's audience demographic?
writing articles about the "ills" of the black community that mainly reach the white middle class is really helping out the community Jason. Way to get the ball rolling on social change.

this is a great point. i don't think ppl in the "hood" are exactly logging on to Foxsports.com and reading this article.

i think the overall message is valid, but ppl have been saying this type of thing for years. its just the stupid hyperbole (the Black KKK) he uses and usingsean taylor's death as the basis for all of it is what really makes this
He makes a valid point but the problem is he goes overboard with his writing so much that he taints his own message. Calm the [bleep] down, Jason.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Who exactly is jason Whitlock's audience demographic?
writing articles about the "ills" of the black community that mainly reach the white middle class is really helping out the community Jason. Way to get the ball rolling on social change.

Thats the truth bruh, Whitlock writes for the approval of white folk, but attempts to disguise it as appeals to/for young blacks to get their act right.Only problem is his attempts to disguise are weak, and he's transparent. From start to finish his articles are full of finger pointing, he never stops andsays "oh by the way heres what you/I can do to help." To be honest it doesn't seem like he really cares the direction black folk are headed in,he just wants to be able write about it or appear on talk shows about it. Also his demeanor when addressing these issues is so far gone that the people heneeds to reach, don't want to hear it, not from him at least.
Check out Deion making some of the same points, but in way that you can tell that heactually cares and is willing to take action. http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d80497d57
Hey...........who else is actually using his sports reporting and connecting it to more important things in life?

I'm not heavy into media..........but I can't think of anyone else. He has valid points. And if you don't think hip-hop/rap whatever music hasanything to do with the topic he wrote about.........then I'd assume your either ignorant or naive.
Originally Posted by jayhawk17

Hey...........who else is actually using his sports reporting and connecting it to more important things in life?

I'm not heavy into media..........but I can't think of anyone else. He has valid points. And if you don't think hip-hop/rap whatever music has anything to do with the topic he wrote about.........then I'd assume your either ignorant or naive.

Plenty of writers. It's usually the other way around, "cultural critic" type writers and the connection to sports. Ironically his nameescapes me at the moment, but the guy who started www.my5th.org is one of my favorite.
And not that it matters, but I would argue Whitlock is prettyxenophobic. Dude was running around Vegas reffering to black women as "baby mammas on tax refund checks" and the guys as guys on spring break whodidn't go to college, and subscribes and repeats every negative stereotype about us that exists. Google his name and just go back and read through the restof his hate letters to black people poorly disguised as sports articles. It's as predictable as the sun coming up, he has a problem with everything anyblack person ever did and always takes the "opposing" position.

It's beyond simple minded and condescending to assume that anything a black person does has to do with hip hop. Millions of people, including myself canlisten to it and dismiss it for just what is, entertainment, while at the same time plenty of people can make the wrong decisions without needing Def JamRecords to tell them to. Hip hop and mainstream aren't even as antonymous as he likes to pretend. I might have on Akademiks and a fitted now and blast TIon my way to college, yet that isn't going to stop me from putting on my slacks and a collared shirt at a job when I go to an interview or an office job,and speaking in a way appropriate to the situation. Yes, there are plenty of black people who don't get that, but how about looking at the real people andinfluences in their life for reasons as to why?

The main problem I have with Jason is for all his ham fisted finger pointing, disassociate myself from "them" as the only one who gets it articles,he never even provides any solution other than vague generalities people are already aware of. As always, he starts with a generally easy to agree with pointat the general level, then as he gets more specific and starts reaching more, he loses people.
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

This #$$%. This is one of the most racist thing that i have ever heard and by a black man? SMH
If I've said it once on this board, I've said it a hundred times: people really need to get a grip on the definition of "racism" before using the term just because they've taken offense to something said that deals with race.

Comment: Whitlock said that, when a black man is the victim of a homicide, there is statistical evidence that would lead one to believe that another black man pulled the trigger and that black people need to change this pattern of behavior.

Statistical Evidence: Between 1976 and 2005, 94% of black murder victims were killed by blacks.

Source: Bureau of Justice: Homicide Trends in the US

<me> Failing to see the racism in that. </me>

Thank you!!!!! I'm so sick of these ignorant NikeTalkers throwing the word "racist" or "racism" around carelessly because theytaken offense to a race sensitive topic. Get a clue people and actually "know" how to define the words "racist" or "racism"correctly.

I would add that people need to understand you can be racist, or prejudice against any group based on whatever classification (religion, class, gender, sexualorientation, etc.), and still have a black friend, or a white friend, or whatever. It's funny that's always the first place people go. I'm notracist, I got a black friend. I got a black coworker. I have black coworkers, or something.

I doubt there are very many people who are so hateful of a particular group, that they can avoid all cordial interaction with them whatsoever. Even if youwould like to because you are that hateful, that involves a level of power very few have.

Let's say I hate all white people. At some point, I'm probably going to have white neighbors, if I have a job white coworkers, probably going to haveto interact with them when i go to the store, the bank, get gas, everywhere. Just because I wouldn't be able to display my racism however it is I do, toall of them wouldn't make me not a racist. But let somebody call that person a racist. First place they go, "Nuh uh! I go to a white church! Myneighbor is white, my mom is 1/4th."

It;s hilarious to me.
Well, I'll be honest, I'm sick of the ignorant people glorifying violence and drugs. I deal with them everyday. My black friends that come back hereare made fun of "for trying to be white" because they have a well paying job and live somewhere besides here in the hood. Hip Hop is part of theproblem no matter how you want to look at it.

But hey, as long as the drugs and violence are glorified the people living these lives will continue to kill each other. I don't have to worry aboutarresting them, or them dealing drugs for too long, because they will all kill each other. Maybe if they do it fast enough the kids won't learn their badhabits and they can be educated and successful.

Self correcting problem boys, and I'm just fine with that.
Originally Posted by HalfHeadHalfAmazin

Well, I'll be honest, I'm sick of the ignorant people glorifying violence and drugs. I deal with them everyday. My black friends that come back here are made fun of "for trying to be white" because they have a well paying job and live somewhere besides here in the hood. Hip Hop is part of the problem no matter how you want to look at it.

But hey, as long as the drugs and violence are glorified the people living these lives will continue to kill each other. I don't have to worry about arresting them, or them dealing drugs for too long, because they will all kill each other. Maybe if they do it fast enough the kids won't learn their bad habits and they can be educated and successful.

Self correcting problem boys, and I'm just fine with that.

The problem w/ this mindset is that innocent people get hurt as well. People trying to go well for themselves and get out of a bad situation by educationand being a role model. And I don't only mean violence, having an absent parent, or an nonsupporting family/friendship circle can be just as bad. Wecan't just say, let them just kill each other, because that's what has been going on, and it isn't working.
Generally innocent people don't get hurt. There aren't a lot of random shootings anymore. People with "beef" shoot each other. Now ifyou're innocent and hanging out with people of this ilk, you could likely be hurt. But considering most educated people stay away from these situationsconsidering they KNOW what these people bring to themselves, there's not a lot of collateral damage. The days of drive bys into a crowd to get one personare pretty much over from what I've seen.
^I'm not saying a large number of people who are getting killed are innocent bystanders, I'm saying that it's a possibility and I can't live w/myself thinking that these people are "getting what they deserve, so just let them all kill each other". They don't have a realistic sense ofwhat can and does happen when these situations occur. Thats the sad part. One "innocent" person dead, or in a terrible situation is too much for me.
I think he mad good,valid points. Some things i disagree with.

He does make sense in what he says though. Only facts point to it.
As soon as I seen the title on fox sports I shook my head and never clicked on it. I hate this guy the most out of any columnist or sports writer.
i think he's spot on. especially with hip hop, not all just some. if you dont think any of what he says is true, then you're in denial.
My problem with Jason is the fact that he's a writer but we never hear or see anything until hes speaking about blacks and our issue's.Its as if theyare giving him a platform to say the things that they wont to say but cant because it will lead to trouble so they say"Here Jason,we will give you achange to voice our opinions,dont let us down,boy".

We all know what he thinks about Berry Bonds indictment but whats hisopinion on Mark McGuire,oh but I bet the camera and mics weren't around to catch those remarks because it doesn't matter.
Is that 94% statistics for real? For those of you who didnt see it, it was that 94% of black people who die from homicide were killed by other black people.That is one staggering statistic.

But on the flip side, you connections with who you know. If you're white, you usually hang out with white people. If you're black you usually hang outwith black people. etc,etc,etc. So it would make sense that if you have beef with someone, its with someone that you know, are around, or surrounds you.It's that whole self segregation thing that happens in high school lunch rooms everywhere. If you don't know the damn race from the other table, theyhave got no reason to pull out that 9 mm and kill you. But your buddies at your own table might have something against you, after all the more contact you havewith someone, the more #%## can go bad. So it makes sense that there is a higher chance that one of your own will kill you for a reason.

Then again, there are hella more white people in the U.S. so theoretically, if reasoning and logic werent involved, they would have the higher number ofkilling everyone, just going by the numbers/probability.

But i think i'm right in that you have to factor in the fact that people hang out with their own race (usually). It might not be JUST their own race, butmostly. (generally speaking)

I dont need the odd NTer saying, I'm Canadian, but I got all Middle Eastern friends. I don't care. Good for you. You are the next john walker maybe(kiddin). You aren't the majority.
His "aggressive speculation" proved totally false and somebody please explain to me why billions of people can listen to rap music and not beaffected by it.

Answer that and you have where people need to focus more of their efforts instead of blaming rap music and thinking that is going to do something.
Whitlock made some valid points about black culture. I'm not sticking up for this guy but sometimes you have to try to interpret why things like this arewritten about in the 1st place. From what I can tell, Whitlock is basically an angry educated black man who just happens to be a sports related journalisttaking a spin on the social issues surrounding young black culture.

What happened to Sean Taylor is disgusting and despicable. As I'm typing this a few hours ago the suspects have been identified with pictures on theinternet. Unfortunately it looks bad as it relates to proving Whitlock's statements wrong or outlandish. All but one suspect is black, and it'sdetrimental to the well being of society in general.

I know some people are mad about this whole article business but let's be real. If this wasn't a high profile football player who just so happens to beblack nobody would care and there would be no attention paid whatsoever. Just another young black person who died too soon.

I don't agree with bashing Taylor's past. Nobody in life is perfect and from what I understand he was trying to get his life together. I don'tagree with the whole hip hop point of view because there are way more positive artists out there like Common and Lupe Fiasco to "label" hip hop asthe main detractors. To a certain extent the music we hear is very influential but people need to know what's right from wrong and practice that moreoften.

In ending, there's an old addage that goes "sometimes the truth hurts". But Whitlock seems to want peace and prosperity for all of black culture.Why take it so offensively? Black on black crime is atrocious. Sometimes things need to be said...and people need to get it together. R.I.P. Sean Taylor
His "aggressive speculation" proved totally false and somebody please explain to me why billions of people can listen to rap music and not be affected by it.

Answer that and you have where people need to focus more of their efforts instead of blaming rap music and thinking that is going to do something.
There are different types of people who listen to rap/hip hop (regardless of their race):

--People who listen to the music but do not live the subculture

--People who listen to the music and embrace the subculture enthusiastically, the negative and the positives

--People who listen to the music and use it as means of positive expression of the self
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