Jay Z is a stubborn old hater

Originally Posted by jose cansec0

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by M16


google top 5 rappers...with no name....jay-z will ALWAYS be in da top 10

Because of politics, and people being sheep/morons.

Of most knoweledgable hip hop heads I know no one has Jay in their top 15.

my dude, i've sat back for a while just reaidng the stupid $+%# you post, but how the hell cam someone with a PHD in HIP HOP call hov trash?
i mean on some serious $+%#...your a %$$#%%% idiot.



And this is where everybody in the Music forum goes wrong. Making personal opinions come off as a facts is NOT whats hot in the streets.
. Whenwill you learn that everybody else has a different opinion?
And this is where everybody in the Music forum goes wrong. Making personal opinions come off as a facts is NOT whats hot in the streets.
. When will you learn that everybody else has a different opinion?

shut up.
yall dont get it yet? that dude dont think jay is trash he just on here tryna rebel. I dont think cuz he dont like a certain rapper is a reason to say nobodylikes him it aint that deep but

his comments should just be ignored cuz he really dont believe the stuff he postin.
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

yall dont get it yet? that dude dont think jay is trash he just on here tryna rebel. I dont think cuz he dont like a certain rapper is a reason to say nobody likes him it aint that deep but

his comments should just be ignored cuz he really dont believe the stuff he postin.
The thing about this dude M16 is that he loves the attention he gets. Trolling all over the place. He sees a Jay thread or anybody else that he"doesn't" like and he comes in to make outlandish statements, but everybody is so blind to see it. There is not point to argue with him,he'll just keep coming in and getting ya'll mad for no reason. Stop feeding the troll.
and imma die-hard Nas/dipset fan defending Jay-z

bottomline is you can't discredit a discography as dense and as rich as Jay-z's album collection.

i don't care how much you hate him, you gotta respect him, hell i don't even listen to his albums that often at all because i FAVOR otherrappers...that

doesn't mean my favoritism is based on anything objective. Jay-z Will go down as one of da best rappers on da planet when its all set and done.

I'm not going to discredit jay z as a rapper hell dude is in my top 5 I got all the albums

but I just don't agree with the !!#* he did....I'm not about to sit up here like some of you stans who would swallow his kids for a dine in meal withhim

this ninja just took the opportunity its that simple
Why is everyone getting mad ?

I could care less about "attention" from other dudes on the internet

Why the hell would I post things I don't believe ? Get out. Just because someone disagrees with you don't mean they "delusional" ... chancesare you yourself don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Jay isn't top 5, 10, 15, 20 etc PERIOD. In no way shape or form as a rapper is Jay-Z that high up. I don't care how many "fans" or rappershave him on their lists or what other NT'rs think.

Jay-Z is trash.
I think when debating/argueing w/ M16 you have to specify MAINSTREAM because he'll always name drop rappers who no1 has heard of.
I look at it this way.

If any of these rappers felt that this song was directed towards them, man up, and speak on it.

Nas, Cam, and 2pac are the only ones that stood their ground, and were smart enough to pick up on Jay's subliminal shots taken at them.

If you feel you are the best, hottest, etc, prove it on the mic.

No rapper that has come out in the last five years is not even comparable to Jay, and I feel that Nas is the GOAT. But that is my opinion.
@ dudes wanting a rapper to be Mother Teresa or Desmond Tutu. Thats the problem with us black people we look at the wrong figures to guide us, whensegregation was going on in America people didn't migrate to artist in the chitlin circuit to speak on social issues they gravitated to authentic politicalactivists, when apartheid was occurring in Africa residents didn't look to atheletes for activism. Im all for musicians talking about social issues andbrining awarness but they shouldn't be viewed as authentic spokepersons, thats for people like Cornell West, Michael Eric Dyson and etc to address. We arethe ONLY people that look to entertainers and athletes for social guidance thats really gotta stop... half these cats probably never picked up a book by WEDDuBios or Booker T Washington. Its good to have the Public Enemy's, Dead Prez's, Talib's and etc for social commentary but lets not expect that offEVERY rapper, I mean why don't other greats like BIG, Kool G Rap just to name a few dont get the same criticism they rapped more about violent topics thanuplifiting their community. At the end of the day rappers are in the business to entertain fans they can choose to bring awarness to certain topics but canalso choose to just stick to the entertainment aspect.
I don't know who's looking to these rappers for guidance but I don't mind and I happen to enjoy social issues in good music when done right.Ofcourse every rapper doesn't do it but too many rappers keep rappin bout the same shhh and when one of the most popular ones gets a slide for it and isglorified as GOAT because of it its just becomes stale.

I mean Big's dead with only 2 albums. Kool G Rap from what I'm aware of hasn't dropped an album in how many years and regulates himself to collabsbut even then dude aint the same G Rap he use to be anyway.

I hold Ol Man Jigga to the same standard these other rappers on the same shhh for decades as well. If you 6-10 albums deep in your career and it's all thesame shh and you're declining musically I dont see the point like don't expect to get the same love you use to. It's obvious it's strictly forthe money at this point. The reason it appears dude gets the most hate in this area is cuz he's one of the most popular unfortunately..
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ dudes wanting a rapper to be Mother Teresa or Desmond Tutu. Thats the problem with us black people we look at the wrong figures to guide us, when segregation was going on in America people didn't migrate to artist in the chitlin circuit to speak on social issues they gravitated to authentic political activists, when apartheid was occurring in Africa residents didn't look to atheletes for activism. Im all for musicians talking about social issues and brining awarness but they shouldn't be viewed as authentic spokepersons, thats for people like Cornell West, Michael Eric Dyson and etc to address. We are the ONLY people that look to entertainers and athletes for social guidance thats really gotta stop... half these cats probably never picked up a book by WED DuBios or Booker T Washington. Its good to have the Public Enemy's, Dead Prez's, Talib's and etc for social commentary but lets not expect that off EVERY rapper, I mean why don't other greats like BIG, Kool G Rap just to name a few dont get the same criticism they rapped more about violent topics than uplifiting their community. At the end of the day rappers are in the business to entertain fans they can choose to bring awarness to certain topics but can also choose to just stick to the entertainment aspect.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ dudes wanting a rapper to be Mother Teresa or Desmond Tutu. Thats the problem with us black people we look at the wrong figures to guide us, when segregation was going on in America people didn't migrate to artist in the chitlin circuit to speak on social issues they gravitated to authentic political activists, when apartheid was occurring in Africa residents didn't look to atheletes for activism. Im all for musicians talking about social issues and brining awarness but they shouldn't be viewed as authentic spokepersons, thats for people like Cornell West, Michael Eric Dyson and etc to address. We are the ONLY people that look to entertainers and athletes for social guidance thats really gotta stop... half these cats probably never picked up a book by WED DuBios or Booker T Washington. Its good to have the Public Enemy's, Dead Prez's, Talib's and etc for social commentary but lets not expect that off EVERY rapper, I mean why don't other greats like BIG, Kool G Rap just to name a few dont get the same criticism they rapped more about violent topics than uplifiting their community. At the end of the day rappers are in the business to entertain fans they can choose to bring awarness to certain topics but can also choose to just stick to the entertainment aspect.

People wernt listening to Chitlin Circuit because they had the Nina Siamones, Sam Cookes, and Marvin Gayes...
Its not like we're asking Ace Hood to rap about Iran...
Jay will go down as one fo the greatest rap artist of all time and has basically been the face of black music for the last 10 years or so...
Why shouldent his music deal with inporant social issues...
he knows he has a powerful vocie (hence the DOA track and him thinking he can stop Autotone)
SO he should be using it for something thats imporant rather than something thats a little annoying...
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I don't know who's looking to these rappers for guidance but I don't mind and I happen to enjoy social issues in good music when done right. Ofcourse every rapper doesn't do it but too many rappers keep rappin bout the same shhh and when one of the most popular ones gets a slide for it and is glorified as GOAT because of it its just becomes stale.

I mean Big's dead with only 2 albums. Kool G Rap from what I'm aware of hasn't dropped an album in how many years and regulates himself to collabs but even then dude aint the same G Rap he use to be anyway.

I hold Ol Man Jigga to the same standard these other rappers on the same shhh for decades as well. If you 6-10 albums deep in your career and it's all the same shh and you're declining musically I dont see the point like don't expect to get the same love you use to. It's obvious it's strictly for the money at this point. The reason it appears dude gets the most hate in this area is cuz he's one of the most popular unfortunately..

He dropped a good album last year.

With G-Rap, his skill speaks for itself. Same with Big L. Both had tracks about other things (Erace Racism, Street Struck / 2 examples, respectively) but wealready know they are really top 5 rappers off their talent. Jay is not only sub-par talent wise (maybe it's on purpose, because RD proved he can makeclassics) but 85% of his raps are just bragging about how nice/rich he is... when he is only rich. I'm not expecting him to drop Dead Prez and PE albums...I just want real hip hop... something he forgot about once he got his taste of teeny bopper money.
Half A Klip was an album!?

Excuse me I have it, just thought it was like a mixtape or some shhh

100 Rounds & Risin Up
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ dudes wanting a rapper to be Mother Teresa or Desmond Tutu. Thats the problem with us black people we look at the wrong figures to guide us, when segregation was going on in America people didn't migrate to artist in the chitlin circuit to speak on social issues they gravitated to authentic political activists, when apartheid was occurring in Africa residents didn't look to atheletes for activism. Im all for musicians talking about social issues and brining awarness but they shouldn't be viewed as authentic spokepersons, thats for people like Cornell West, Michael Eric Dyson and etc to address. We are the ONLY people that look to entertainers and athletes for social guidance thats really gotta stop... half these cats probably never picked up a book by WED DuBios or Booker T Washington. Its good to have the Public Enemy's, Dead Prez's, Talib's and etc for social commentary but lets not expect that off EVERY rapper, I mean why don't other greats like BIG, Kool G Rap just to name a few dont get the same criticism they rapped more about violent topics than uplifiting their community. At the end of the day rappers are in the business to entertain fans they can choose to bring awarness to certain topics but can also choose to just stick to the entertainment aspect.

People wernt listening to Chitlin Circuit because they had the Nina Siamones, Sam Cookes, and Marvin Gayes...
Its not like we're asking Ace Hood to rap about Iran...
Jay will go down as one fo the greatest rap artist of all time and has basically been the face of black music for the last 10 years or so...
Why shouldent his music deal with inporant social issues...
he knows he has a powerful vocie (hence the DOA track and him thinking he can stop Autotone)
SO he should be using it for something thats imporant rather than something thats a little annoying...
When RD dropped what social issues was he rapping about..... i'll wait while you think... my point exactly why all of a sudden dudes expecthim to be some socially conscious rapper when he never was in the beginning. And if he did rap about social issues dudes would be quick with the "why hetrying to be like Nas and Pac" I rather a rapper be authentic and rap about stuff he geninuely cares about rather than making it appear that he does.Michael Jordan gets the same exact criticism for not being more outspoken on social issues which is also aggregious. You can't expect everybody withinfluence to be the next MLK, people of his stature are once in a generation type people. There's nothing that says once you become successful that youmust become a social activist for something, everybody doesn't have that activist gene
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ dudes wanting a rapper to be Mother Teresa or Desmond Tutu. Thats the problem with us black people we look at the wrong figures to guide us, when segregation was going on in America people didn't migrate to artist in the chitlin circuit to speak on social issues they gravitated to authentic political activists, when apartheid was occurring in Africa residents didn't look to atheletes for activism. Im all for musicians talking about social issues and brining awarness but they shouldn't be viewed as authentic spokepersons, thats for people like Cornell West, Michael Eric Dyson and etc to address. We are the ONLY people that look to entertainers and athletes for social guidance thats really gotta stop... half these cats probably never picked up a book by WED DuBios or Booker T Washington. Its good to have the Public Enemy's, Dead Prez's, Talib's and etc for social commentary but lets not expect that off EVERY rapper, I mean why don't other greats like BIG, Kool G Rap just to name a few dont get the same criticism they rapped more about violent topics than uplifiting their community. At the end of the day rappers are in the business to entertain fans they can choose to bring awarness to certain topics but can also choose to just stick to the entertainment aspect.

People wernt listening to Chitlin Circuit because they had the Nina Siamones, Sam Cookes, and Marvin Gayes...
Its not like we're asking Ace Hood to rap about Iran...
Jay will go down as one fo the greatest rap artist of all time and has basically been the face of black music for the last 10 years or so...
Why shouldent his music deal with inporant social issues...
he knows he has a powerful vocie (hence the DOA track and him thinking he can stop Autotone)
SO he should be using it for something thats imporant rather than something thats a little annoying...
When RD dropped what social issues was he rapping about..... i'll wait while you think... my point exactly why all of a sudden dudes expect him to be some socially conscious rapper when he never was in the beginning. And if he did rap about social issues dudes would be quick with the "why he trying to be like Nas and Pac" I rather a rapper be authentic and rap about stuff he geninuely cares about rather than making it appear that he does. Michael Jordan gets the same exact criticism for not being more outspoken on social issues which is also aggregious. You can't expect everybody with influence to be the next MLK, people of his stature are once in a generation type people. There's nothing that says once you become successful that you must become a social activist for something, everybody doesn't have that activist gene

To all my brothers it ain't too late to come together
Cause too much black and too much love, equal forever
He never again said anything remotely close to that as his career went on...

Furthermore... Dude is like 50 somethin now, we get it, you sold a whole bunch of drugs back in the 70's & 80s... As a life long hip hop fan that planson living another 50 or 60 years it would be interesting for him to atleast give some insight from a hip hop perspective on getting old... If hip hop is gonnagrow the music has to mature... Just get Jay Z on those JUSTUS League joints they gave to Ross and I'll be good...

Damn near everyone considered to be the greatest in damn near every genere has made some type of politically conscious statement... Weather it be StevieWonder, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, etc
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by flossb15

yea jay cant win - he gave you social issues and a grown album and the world wasnt ready for kingdom come
Can't win but claims he will not lose?
get that catch-22 bs outta here. Homey went from that to "even in defeat I will not lose" Talkin about wars

So in the realm of hip hop albums dealing with social issues and "grown"(w/e the !!!# that is) you mean to tell me that KC was among the best? When it comes to albums like that!!??? Really? You can't be serious. Dig A Hole is grown music? Shhh is childish. goin at +#**@#%%!*@+ Jim Jones and Dame Dash? JIM JONES? $%+ is grown about that? Show Me What You Got? 30 Something?
It's 14 tracks on this album tell me how I managed to skip the songs that made this album "grown"

I mean even if he did do what yall say like a coward he ran back to his old formula that's weak as !!!# now. Dude couldn't stand the criticism so he hides behind the ridiculousness of AG the movie inspired him
motivated him to make a "concept album"

I think a lot of yall need to really breakdown that album and list the songs that were actually "grown" and please list all these songs that were filled with these social issues that I clearly overlooked. I mean the verse that homey just posted is pretty #$#$!% weak. This is why I say he is unable to do it and at least do it and make it sound good.

Any 4 tracks from Black On Both Sides >>>>>>>>>>> KC ten a hundred times over.

The verses i posted were a showcase of the good he has done. I.e. issues that Jay had took on to help in one way or another. I chose not to comment on whatwill now be my main point in my last post.

YOu got folks like Jim brown callin out Tiger sayin he should do more. who the f!!! are you to tell some one to do more? Is Tiger capable of doin more?possibly (in regards to the black community as a "segment") but that doesnt mean Tiger doesnt do good. Maybe Tiger doesnt believe in helping one racein particular like Brown but believes in helpin all folks in need.

This ties to Jay you may ask? YES. what social issue is more important than F!!!n Water? tell me. Necessities come before wants. I would guess that the #'sJay helped way more than a few choice subjects spoken about by Mos and Kweli.

I hate lil arguments like this because they lead no where (jim v tiger) but they have to be address. Instead of focusing on what you are doin, you are focusingon the next man. S!!! ill say ive had a direct impact on more people than either Mos, Kweli, and Brown have had. So what does that say? nothin... Do good inthe ways that YOU want to do good in.
Keithdajuiceman wrote:
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Keithdajuiceman wrote:
Originally Posted by Swag Surfer

Yo I backed you on some points until I read your last few posts
forget the back up

people just to busy staning

dude needed attention...and the track is wack
I don't even like DOA (peep the Original post when it dropped I was hating) but you just tried to back up your point "He's hating but he used it" when he clearly didnt and has been anti-autotune for a while. Just pointing out how your argument makes no sense. But alright I'll take that stan title

that does not derail my argument...that dude is trying to stay relevant

wait... when did Jay become irrelevant? Everytime and I do mean EVERYTIME he drops even a snippet of a song, there are 10-15 pages on NT about it. come on,he doesnt really need to press for attention buddy.
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ dudes wanting a rapper to be Mother Teresa or Desmond Tutu. Thats the problem with us black people we look at the wrong figures to guide us, when segregation was going on in America people didn't migrate to artist in the chitlin circuit to speak on social issues they gravitated to authentic political activists, when apartheid was occurring in Africa residents didn't look to atheletes for activism. Im all for musicians talking about social issues and brining awarness but they shouldn't be viewed as authentic spokepersons, thats for people like Cornell West, Michael Eric Dyson and etc to address. We are the ONLY people that look to entertainers and athletes for social guidance thats really gotta stop... half these cats probably never picked up a book by WED DuBios or Booker T Washington. Its good to have the Public Enemy's, Dead Prez's, Talib's and etc for social commentary but lets not expect that off EVERY rapper, I mean why don't other greats like BIG, Kool G Rap just to name a few dont get the same criticism they rapped more about violent topics than uplifiting their community. At the end of the day rappers are in the business to entertain fans they can choose to bring awarness to certain topics but can also choose to just stick to the entertainment aspect.

People wernt listening to Chitlin Circuit because they had the Nina Siamones, Sam Cookes, and Marvin Gayes...
Its not like we're asking Ace Hood to rap about Iran...
Jay will go down as one fo the greatest rap artist of all time and has basically been the face of black music for the last 10 years or so...
Why shouldent his music deal with inporant social issues...
he knows he has a powerful vocie (hence the DOA track and him thinking he can stop Autotone)
SO he should be using it for something thats imporant rather than something thats a little annoying...
When RD dropped what social issues was he rapping about..... i'll wait while you think... my point exactly why all of a sudden dudes expect him to be some socially conscious rapper when he never was in the beginning. And if he did rap about social issues dudes would be quick with the "why he trying to be like Nas and Pac" I rather a rapper be authentic and rap about stuff he geninuely cares about rather than making it appear that he does. Michael Jordan gets the same exact criticism for not being more outspoken on social issues which is also aggregious. You can't expect everybody with influence to be the next MLK, people of his stature are once in a generation type people. There's nothing that says once you become successful that you must become a social activist for something, everybody doesn't have that activist gene

To all my brothers it ain't too late to come together
Cause too much black and too much love, equal forever
He never again said anything remotely close to that as his career went on...

Furthermore... Dude is like 50 somethin now, we get it, you sold a whole bunch of drugs back in the 70's & 80s... As a life long hip hop fan that plans on living another 50 or 60 years it would be interesting for him to atleast give some insight from a hip hop perspective on getting old... If hip hop is gonna grow the music has to mature... Just get Jay Z on those JUSTUS League joints they gave to Ross and I'll be good...

Damn near everyone considered to be the greatest in damn near every genere has made some type of politically conscious statement... Weather it be Stevie Wonder, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, etc

I can feel that, but look at it this way... some cats don't get the point from somebody tryin to talk em to death or "preach" to them. Sometimesbeing able to see someone that looks like them and came from similar circumstances end up successful and out of the hood doin something positive can make a bigdifference to some people. Oh and lol at "...we get it, you sold a whole bunch of drugs back in the 70's & 80s"
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by flossb15

yea jay cant win - he gave you social issues and a grown album and the world wasnt ready for kingdom come
Can't win but claims he will not lose?
get that catch-22 bs outta here. Homey went from that to "even in defeat I will not lose" Talkin about wars

So in the realm of hip hop albums dealing with social issues and "grown"(w/e the !!!# that is) you mean to tell me that KC was among the best? When it comes to albums like that!!??? Really? You can't be serious. Dig A Hole is grown music? Shhh is childish. goin at +#**@#%%!*@+ Jim Jones and Dame Dash? JIM JONES? $%+ is grown about that? Show Me What You Got? 30 Something?
It's 14 tracks on this album tell me how I managed to skip the songs that made this album "grown"

I mean even if he did do what yall say like a coward he ran back to his old formula that's weak as !!!# now. Dude couldn't stand the criticism so he hides behind the ridiculousness of AG the movie inspired him
motivated him to make a "concept album"

I think a lot of yall need to really breakdown that album and list the songs that were actually "grown" and please list all these songs that were filled with these social issues that I clearly overlooked. I mean the verse that homey just posted is pretty #$#$!% weak. This is why I say he is unable to do it and at least do it and make it sound good.

Any 4 tracks from Black On Both Sides >>>>>>>>>>> KC ten a hundred times over.

The verses i posted were a showcase of the good he has done. I.e. issues that Jay had took on to help in one way or another. I chose not to comment on what will now be my main point in my last post.

YOu got folks like Jim brown callin out Tiger sayin he should do more. who the f!!! are you to tell some one to do more? Is Tiger capable of doin more? possibly (in regards to the black community as a "segment") but that doesnt mean Tiger doesnt do good. Maybe Tiger doesnt believe in helping one race in particular like Brown but believes in helpin all folks in need.

This ties to Jay you may ask? YES. what social issue is more important than F!!!n Water? tell me. Necessities come before wants. I would guess that the #'s Jay helped way more than a few choice subjects spoken about by Mos and Kweli.

I hate lil arguments like this because they lead no where (jim v tiger) but they have to be address. Instead of focusing on what you are doin, you are focusing on the next man. S!!! ill say ive had a direct impact on more people than either Mos, Kweli, and Brown have had. So what does that say? nothin... Do good in the ways that YOU want to do good in.
Yo what are you #%*#%#% talking about? I'm talking about music not what charitable work he's done. I'm talking about the MUSIC!!!!! Ihate ppl who deadass try to argue otha shhh, it's ridiculous. Make a point here, they gonna start talkin about some other !@!*.

It's like the post you quoted you didn't even read. Where does it come off that I am worried about what Ol Man Jigga is doing in regards to helpingother ppl? I am talking about his music and the lack of growth and in this sense yes being socially aware would be some growth if he were to add it in hiscontent and make it sound good. Where am I saying he should do more charity?

I said it to the other guy but I'll say it to you too since you on some other shh. Just cuz you don't see a %!@+! giving charity don't mean heaint.
I'll just post some tracks ya'll need to revisit from Jay for those saying that he doesn't speak to the streets...was going to post some prolificlyrics to these songs, but ya'll don't get that your not gonna read them n e way nor will you understand what it means to be "relavent" and"socially concius" since only Mia Angelou and Nikki Giovonni can relate to the street hustler, or the kid out there grinding trying to find his wayin this world.
RD- D'Evils
Vol I- Where I'm from
Vol II-Hard Knock Life
Dynasty-Where have you been
Blueprint-Song Cry
Blueprint II-Meet the parents
Black Album-Allure
Kingdom Come-Minority Report
American Gangsta-Pray

Just give these songs a listen if you question if Jay fell off or if you think he's not touching the minds of the block. Apart from hard knock life Idon' think any of these were singles, and thats how I know you guys don't really listen to Jay, yet you guys have this opinion about something youdon't even listen to.
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