Jay Z is a stubborn old hater

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Jay is a GREAT MC and could tackle a medley of social issues.
Unemployment. Health care. Jay could go the Chuck D route and really
try to get in brother's
heads and get them on the right track.
I use to think this. I hoped for it when KC was gonna drop but now I'm confident in saying he can't do this, can't as in unable to, lacking the ability. I just don't believe it.
jay is a legend, if he was dead he would be the greatest ever

Maybe to your cohort of d-riders.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by illphillip

My 2 cents....

First off, I don't think the song is all that AT ALL. Production or lyrics. Average, maybe above average. But the average is pretty weak these days.

But to say Jay is not relevant is ridiculous. Because he can drop an average record, stating the obvious, and everyone goes NUTS (either with LOVE or HATE).

I'm surprised NO ONE has picked up on what this record is. Jay is taking shots at Jim Jones. Him and Jimmy been jawin'. Jimmy was talking wreckless when "Swagger Like Us" dropped. Jay is aming at Browz and Webstar, and Jimmy is on the big single from both dudes.

So I agree that he %*#%$%$%*$%. By not calling out names. Everyone using Auto Tune SINCE T Pain is at fault. And that includes Kanye. Don't act like he created some musical miracle by using auto tune on his album. He could have used his own voice and it would have been the same.

He's just trying to pick and choose who he's "targeting". And in that respect, he's kind of hating. Because he's "knocking their hustle" but not even being upfront about it.

Jay is absolutely an opportunist and a SHREWD businessman. He is using the auto tune craze in his favor while not using auto tune. Which is smart on his part. He'll use something until he can't anymore then keep it moving.

Jay is getting all these props for stating the obvious. You don't get props for that in my book.

Jay is a GREAT MC and could tackle a medley of social issues. Unemployment. Health care. Jay could go the Chuck D route and really try to get in brother's heads and get them on the right track. But instead he decided to tackle "auto tune". And y'all want to give him a Nobel Peace Prize for it?


Exactly. He can do so much more but he is so self-obsorbed in his music. There are only so many ways to big up yourself before it gets lame and tiring.

I put dollars on mine, ask Columbine
When the Twin Towers dropped, I was the first in line
Donating proceeds off every ticket sold
When I was out on the road, that's how you judge Hov, no?
Ain't I supposed to be absorbed myself?
Every time there's a tragedy, I'm the first one to help
They call me this misogynist, but they don't call me the dude
To take his dollars to give gifts at the projects
These dudes is all politics, depositing checks
they put in they pocket, all you get in return is a lot of lip
And y'all buy the @%$+, caught up in the hype

I got crowned king down in Africa
Out in Niger, do you have any idea
Sold out shows out in Seoul, Korea
Jo'burg, Dublin, Tanzinia
Lunch with Mandella, dinner with Cavalli
Still got time to give water out to everybody
Everybody, fall back

People was poor before the hurricane came
When the downpour poured it was like when Mary J. sang
Everyday it rained, so everyday the pain
But ignored 'em, and showed 'em the risk was to blame
But life is chain, cause and effected
+$@*!! off the chain, because they affected
It's a dirty game, it's whatever is effective
From weed to sellin' 'caine, gotta put that in effect
Wouldn't you loot? If you didn't have the loot
Baby needed food and you was stuck on the roof
And helicopters swoop down just to get a scoop
Through his telescopic lens, but he didn't scoop you
For the next five days, no help ensued
They called you a refugee because you seek refuge
And the Commander-in-Chief, just flew by
Didn't stop, 'though he had a couple seats
Just proved Jet blue, he's not, jet flew by the spot
But if he ran outta jet fuel and just dropped
Huh, that'd've been somethin' to watch
Helicopters doin' fly-bys to take a couple shots
Couple portraits, then ignored him
He'd be just another Bush surrounded by a couple orchards
Poor kids, just 'cause they was poor kids
Left them on they porches, same old story in New Orleans -
Silly rappers, 'cause we got a couple Porsches
MTV stopped by to film our fortresses
We forget the unfortunate
Sure, I ponied up a mil' but I didn't give my time
So in reality I didn't give a dime
or a damn, I just put my monies in the hands
of the same people that left my people stranded
Nothin' but a bandit, left my folks abandonned
Damn, money we gave just a band aid
Can't say we better on than we was before
In synopsis, this is my Minority Report
Can't say we better on than we was before
In synopsis, this is my Minority Report
Yall want folks to live their lives the way you want them.

... let me tell you what I ain't
We ain't thugs for the sake of just bein thugs
Nobody do that where we grew at, %%!%% duh
The poverty line we not above
So I come to mask and gloves cause we ain't feelin the love
We ain't doin crime for the sake of doin crimes
We movin dimes cause we ain't doin fine
One out of three of us is locked up doin time
You know what this type of @%$+ can do to a %%!%% moms
My mind on my money, money on my mind
If you owe me ten dollars you ain't givin me nine
Y'all ain't give me 40 acres and a mule
So I got my glock 40 now I'm cool
And if Al Sharpton is speakin for me
Somebody, give him the word and tell him I don't approve
Tell him I remove the curses
If you tell me our schools gon' be perfect
When Jena Six don't exist
Tell him that's when I'll stop sayin %%$!+, BEEEITCH~!

yea jay cant win - he gave you social issues and a grown album and the world wasnt ready for kingdom come
Originally Posted by flossb15

yea jay cant win - he gave you social issues and a grown album and the world wasnt ready for kingdom come
Can't win but claims he will not lose?
get thatcatch-22 bs outta here. Homey went from that to "even in defeat I will notlose" Talkin about wars

So in the realm of hip hop albums dealing with social issues and "grown"(w/e the !!!# that is) you mean to tell me that KC was among the best? Whenit comes to albums like that!!??? Really? You can't be serious. Dig A Hole is grown music? Shhh is childish. goin at +#**@#%%!*@+ Jim Jones and Dame Dash?JIM JONES? $%+ is grown about that? Show Me What You Got? 30 Something?
It's 14 tracks on this album tell me how I managed to skip the songs that made this album "grown"

I mean even if he did do what yall say like a coward he ran back to his old formula that's weak as !!!# now. Dude couldn't stand the criticism so hehides behind the ridiculousness of AG the movie inspired him
motivatedhim to make a "concept album"

I think a lot of yall need to really breakdown that album and list the songs that were actually "grown" and please list all these songs that werefilled with these social issues that I clearly overlooked. I mean the verse that homey just posted is pretty #$#$!% weak. This is why I say he is unable to doit and at least do it and make it sound good.

Any 4 tracks from Black On Both Sides >>>>>>>>>>> KC ten a hundred timesover.
Yall keep talking a bout social issues on the mic when Jay does alot of charity work behind the scenes its one thing to go on about Africa blah blha (i.e Nas,)its another to go to Africa and make a difference (i.e. Jay)
Originally Posted by cartune

Yall keep talking a bout social issues on the mic when Jay does alot of charity work behind the scenes its one thing to go on about Africa blah blha (i.e Nas,) its another to go to Africa and make a difference (i.e. Jay)
That's nice but irrelevant. We talking about music. It's nice to know Ol Man Jigga fooled you with what he did tho. You seem to be thetype that thinks if a rich %*#*@ aint bragging about his charity work then he must not be doing anything charitable. Pathetic B. I hate ppl like that, want totry and look up to a dude for letting it be known to everyone how charitable he is, why not give water without the cameras? Main reason he did that was for thepublicity. It was just another opportunity he took. How you know he doing charity work if it's behind the scenesanyway? If you're that interested in rappers and their charitable deeds maybe you should look it up instead of waiting for a rapper to broadcast it likewhat he's doing is something special. PPL giving charity with the publicity is a two folded goal but yea what he did was nice.

A lot of rich ppl(rappers included) give charity all the time, just cuz you don't know they're doing it don't mean they're not doing it
Bottom line is Jay is trash, and that's not only because he isn't talking about social issues. He just a disgrace to the art of hip hop for the mostpart.
Originally Posted by M16

Bottom line is Jay is trash, and that's not only because he isn't talking about social issues. He just a disgrace to the art of hip hop for the most part.
yet u pump gucci mane
Gucci is an entertainer.

Jay seriously thinks he's one of the greatest rappers.

Originally Posted by M16

Gucci is an entertainer.

Jay seriously thinks he's one of the greatest rappers.

thats funny...so does everyone else that listens to rap....
Nas made hip-hop is dead, Jay z made dead president, d.o.a and all that classic !+$+. why? because no one else can and everybody was riding on that autotune!+$+/
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by M16


google top 5 rappers...with no name....jay-z will ALWAYS be in da top 10

Because of politics, and people being sheep/morons.

Of most knoweledgable hip hop heads I know no one has Jay in their top 15.
Originally Posted by M16

Bottom line is Jay is trash, and that's not only because he isn't talking about social issues. He just a disgrace to the art of hip hop for the most part.
I don't care enough about Jigga to agree or disagree, but that *++@ was funny.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by M16


google top 5 rappers...with no name....jay-z will ALWAYS be in da top 10

Why are u arguing wit this N?...
Its such a pointless argument...
His spot as a top 5 rapper is already solidified no matter what that nerd says...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by M16


google top 5 rappers...with no name....jay-z will ALWAYS be in da top 10

Because of politics, and people being sheep/morons.

Of most knoweledgable hip hop heads I know no one has Jay in their top 15.

my dude, i've sat back for a while just reaidng the stupid $+%# you post, but how the hell can someone with a PHD in HIPHOP call hov trash?
i mean on some serious $+%#...your a %$$#%%% idiot.



*waits for m16 to come back and post some horrible verse from some weirdo named "dr. octopus and mc. dreadhead " andsay THIS VERSE > jays whole discography*

seriously...i could see why no one likes you...some of the $+%# you say is just plain ridiculous...
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