Jewish fans upset with the Jets and the NFL

Apr 6, 2008
Anybody here about this? I mean if you feel so holy then don't buy the ticket, it's that simple.

[h1]Jewish fans jolt Jets, NFL[/h1]
BY Gary Myers

Updated Thursday, April 16th 2009, 8:22 AM


The Jets called the NFL office Wednesday tocomplain about their first two home games of the 2009 season being scheduled for Rosh Hashanah and then hours before the start of Yom Kippur, the two holiestholidays in the Jewish calendar.

"The Jets are hearing from their fans," said Howard Katz, theNFL's senior VP of broadcasting, who oversees the creation of the schedule. "There was miscommunication between the Jets and the NFL office, for whichI take full responsibility. All we can continue to do is look and see if there is a solution to this."

The Giants requested the NFL put them on the road Sept. 20 and Sept.27, the second and third weeks of the season. Apparently, the Jets also requested not to play at home on those days, but the message did not get through, Katzsaid. As a result, unless the league does some juggling, Jets ticket holders who observe the holidays will not be able to attend 25% of the team's homegames. New York has the largest Jewish community in the country.

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is observed this year from sundown on Friday, Sept. 18 until sundown on Sunday, Sept. 20. The Jets are scheduled to playthe Patriots at 1 p.m. on Sept. 20 in their home opener.

Because of construction of the new stadium at the Meadowlands and the lack of parking, the league is precluded from scheduling any Monday or Thursday nightgames. An exception was made last year for the Giants' Thursday opener against the ********.

Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, officially begins at sundown on Sunday, Sept. 27. The Giants are playing in Tampa at 1p.m. and the Jets are home against the Titans at 4:15 p.m.

The logical solution would have been to put the Jets in the early game and the Giants in the late afternoon game, giving Jets fans time to get home beforethe start of Yom Kippur.
The Jews need to realize that God comes first before football.

Can't blame the Jets on this one.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

lol, poor Jets. they can do no right. scum of the NFL.
I was about to get heated, but then I saw it was you that posted it..
They should use the Jew gold that they carry in a bag around their necks to try and bribe the Jets management into changing the schedule.

If this fails, they should use their Jew claw to intimidate them into changing the schedule.

Or at least use the Jew claw to get them to the big Jew cave that they built some time in the early 60s and lock them up there.

oh sorry that the NFL gets in the way of your religion

religion FTL. NFL and sports FTW.
Wow, the hate on this board sometimes really gets real boarderline sometimes now doesn't it.

Season ticket holders (which are 25% jewish being that New York/New Jersey is the highest state for those so - called "rich Jews") were upset thatthey would not be able to attend, not to cancel the game in general.

The "Rich Jews" just were a little irk that a schedule would happen like this.

Oh by the way hope Passover was great for everyone just like it was for me.

Some people really need to stop and think before they talk and act like idiots on this board and think about the how they would react if HATE was directedtowards them of any kind.

But I guess I will be looked at as a RICH JEW that is complaining too.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Wow, the hate on this board sometimes really gets real boarderline sometimes now doesn't it.

Season ticket holders (which are 25% jewish being that New York/New Jersey is the highest state for those so - called "rich Jews") were upset that they would not be able to attend, not to cancel the game in general.

The "Rich Jews" just were a little irk that a schedule would happen like this.

Oh by the way hope Passover was great for everyone just like it was for me.

Some people really need to stop and think before they talk and act like idiots on this board and think about the how they would react if HATE was directed towards them of any kind.

But I guess I will be looked at as a RICH JEW that is complaining too.

Nope, I'ma rich Jew too, but they still need to stop complaining.
I'm not even Jewish but there is a lot of ignorance in this thread, even the casual jewish man attends church on those 2 days its very important.

Bad job by the Jets, season ticket holders are basically missing out on those two games.
Originally Posted by Mebo03

antisemitism on this board is ridic

Definitely true I always get strong hate when I make my Jewish athletes threads . Business wise the Jets *!$%*@ up and it is bad relations but I just don'tsupport religious people crying over anything.
Jets and the individual who looks over the scheduling for the NFL (in other articles, I believe his last name is KATZ. Not assuming anything but the guy'slast name should of gave a hint for those who are stereotyping Ali G and the gold coin reference - Tried to help)

It was poor.

It is not like a holiday like Christmas or Easter (Biggest holidays in the catholic church that do have sporting events played on them)

This is our high holy days. this is more important than any other Jewish holiday to most people.

Look, not every jewish person is what most of you have stereotyped in this thread. (I don't wear anything on my head, have little squiggle hair pieceshanging, or am sheltered from Friday night to saturday night in temple) but do not go at those who do follow most of the religious obligations that are part ofthe jewish holidays.
Thats ridiculous!!! Thats's like us mexicansgetting mad if the San Antonio Spurs schedule a game on Ash Wedenesday.
Lets be real.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Mebo03

antisemitism on this board is ridic

Its not just this board its the entire world buddy.

It had to take me getting out of NYC this year to realize that. For a group that pretty much keeps to themselves I'll never understand the hate we receive.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Wow, the hate on this board sometimes really gets real boarderline sometimes now doesn't it.

Season ticket holders (which are 25% jewish being that New York/New Jersey is the highest state for those so - called "rich Jews") were upset that they would not be able to attend, not to cancel the game in general.

The "Rich Jews" just were a little irk that a schedule would happen like this.

Oh by the way hope Passover was great for everyone just like it was for me.

Some people really need to stop and think before they talk and act like idiots on this board and think about the how they would react if HATE was directed towards them of any kind.

But I guess I will be looked at as a RICH JEW that is complaining too.

Nope, I'ma rich Jew too, but they still need to stop complaining.
i'm muslim and i agree u jewish douches need to SHUT UP and STOP COMPLAINING ALREADY

nah i'm just kidding. i am muslim, but i think that they have a right to be mad that they're missing TWO out of EIGHT games. That's a lot. NFLshould have just had giants play one, and Jets play another. I'm sure people would have been able to get over missing just one game for religious purposes.But two is OD. And it's not a bad thing, but jewish people tend to be very conscious about how they spend
. So the outrage should have been expected.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Mebo03

antisemitism on this board is ridic

Its not just this board its the entire world buddy.

It had to take me getting out of NYC this year to realize that. For a group that pretty much keeps to themselves I'll never understand the hate we receive.
then im antisemitic
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