If anyone needs help copping a size 13, PM me
please who ever pm's him, be that size, or be able to fit that size.. don't just grab it to grab it 
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Now thats a hustle. How did you pull that?

Told the guy I can find pairs for $350 plus I had to drive to him and gas prices are high. Also told him $100 over retail is legit and reasonable. But yeah, I did get lucky. Don't think he did the research to really see what he can get for them especially in a size 13.
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no hate man, not trying to have a flame war at all, but why even try to stuff them in your jeans? half of them aren't even in there.

do what ya want, just weird to me how cats still try to cover up the shoe and tongues when their pants are so skinny they don't fit. doesn't look right to me.
You get so butthurt when dudes critique your fashion choices though. Nothing is wrong with his jeans, they look dope.
Remember when some of the ol dudes over here said "EASY COP" "GENERAL RELEASE" "OD QUANTITY"?
and that the resell price wouldn't be as high?
That was Zyzz or however you spell it.
an almost FSR of royals is a red flag for me...

also at $500 they should be sold out

Lol at JMsneakers being a "sketchy" site but an NT sponsor at the same time

Normally, it would be a red flag. But, their prices were high from the jump. I disagree that at $500, they should sell out. I will not pay $500 for a 2013 version and I'm pretty sure most people would not. Eventually, his pairs will sell out at the price when the dust settles.

But as soon as there was any question about them selling GM's they were dropped from being a sponsor.

I posted photos of my royals (from JMsneakers) from every angle needed to make a proper legit check so everyone could see they are legit - literally a page or two before all your quoted posts. Not sure how you missed them...

100% legit posting for the third time in 2 days.
agreed. . . But proto seems like a chill dude...he is entitled to his own opinion

thank you.

cuz i let people live, i rarely critique anyone's fits on this site (even tho i could, i got better things to do, and ultimately believe in doing what ya wanna do with no dambs given).

in that instance, i did it pretty nicely, unlike 98% of NT does...

and on the contrary to what was said last page, i don't usually get butt hurt when my fits are critiqued, actually i usually ignore it.
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