See I have a pair of Air Jordan 5 Raging Bull red suede. I want to replace the netting and the very bottom of the sneaker. I have calculated the amount of times I would have to retrobrite, sea glow, and wash them and it seems it would take far too long to get good results. The problem is that they are piss yellow.
Things I want to know
[if !supportLists]· 1. [endif]Can I separate the outsole (very bottom) from the midsole without ruining or cracking the midsole (the middle)
[if !supportLists]· 2. [endif]Can I do the same thing for the donors shoes (air Jordan sixty plus)
[if !supportLists]· 3. How to cut the netting off the donor shoes(air Jordan fusion 5) so I have alot to work with
[if !supportLists]· 4. [endif]Is e600 better than barge cement
[if !supportLists]· 5. [endif]Do you have any better ways to separate the shoe from midsole rather than using a heat gun.
[if !supportLists]·
Your help would be much appreciated, Ashley Pierre
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