Jordan and Kobe both at disneyland yesterday...

Jul 31, 2005
my baby brother, Chazz, works there as a tour guide and said he took mike and kobe along with their families on the tour. He said that he wasn't allowed totake his phone out with him so he didnt take any pictures, but im sure he never thought that they were gonna show up there either. BUT i was wondering ifanyone from NT might have happened to be there, to see/meet either Jordan or Kobe. and if so PICS PLZ're fired.
Why would kobe be in disneyland? eventhough it is very close to his house, shouldnt he have playoffs to worry about/??
^^ thats what i said too, but then again...the nuggs got that sweep so he has a little time off i guess
^They aren't seeing the Spurs cause the Jazz are taking them out in Round 2. GO JAZZ GOOOOOOOO!!!
Originally Posted by dcortes23

thats such a weak picture, why is jordan and kobe blurry and mickey isn't??

Sorry but I can't detect your sarcasm.
Wasn't MJ just in Charlotte for a Larry Brown conference earlier this week? I highly doubt he would travel to LA/Anaheim, unless he came here for an event,or something like that.
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