Jordan Heads Documentary - Vol: When is this droppin?

the majority of ppl now, are kids that never watched the man play. I remember buying Air Jordans just b/c it was Michael Jordans shoe.... now its to thepoint where you forget who is Michael Jordan....
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by smurfdavid has info EDIT: Its says december 2009
I looked there, it said winter '09, but it's been saying that forever...
They keep pushing the date back.

I know. They've been pushing the date back for years now
There should be plenty of NTers in this. I was at the final day of shooting @ the United Center (a hot summer day). There were a couple ppl out there thatfainted & went to the hospital. There was plenty heat out there...
Originally Posted by never wear them

the majority of ppl now, are kids that never watched the man play. I remember buying Air Jordans just b/c it was Michael Jordans shoe.... now its to the point where you forget who is Michael Jordan....

so since my son wasn't around for Jordans playing days he needs to wear LBJs or Kobes
Originally Posted by never wear them

the majority of ppl now, are kids that never watched the man play. I remember buying Air Jordans just b/c it was Michael Jordans shoe.... now its to the point where you forget who is Michael Jordan....
And the problem with that is???

I was born in the 80s and very much dislike Michael Jordan...cuz he is a douche. However, his shoes (tinker's shoes) are the best sneakers ever.

Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

I was born in the 80s and very much dislike Michael Jordan...cuz he is a douche. However, his shoes (tinker's shoes) are the best sneakers ever.

Can't hate his game and his competitive nature. I'd be a douche too if I was living in a fish bowl under a magnifying glass...  
Originally Posted by 23SOLE

Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

I was born in the 80s and very much dislike Michael Jordan...cuz he is a douche. However, his shoes (tinker's shoes) are the best sneakers ever.

Can't hate his game and his competitive nature. I'd be a douche too if I was living in a fish bowl under a magnifying glass...  
True. I hear he is really mean to people and thats uncalled for no matter how rich you are. Maybe i'm just bias cuz i'm a Lakers fan and Jordan made nick van excel, cedric ceballos, elden campbell and eddie jones look bad through out the 90s 

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