Jordan Retro XI Advertisement Men's T-Shirt

Originally Posted by Rodrigo23

just wondering why they would release a shirt with concords on it... ... i do realize the SJ are dropping but id think they would put the SJ on this shirt...? idk just thought some of you would like to see this NDC,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-271741

It's not the first time they do that.

When they released the Pacific VII's and Citrus VII's, they put out black and red clothes for the citrus VII's.

These shirts already dropped two years ago for the Lows.
JB/Nike cutting back costs once again.
Some shirts/clothes that JB puts out is nice. Then there are those ones that are just flat out horrible. This is one of them. JB- just keep em nice and simple.
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21


These shirts already dropped two years ago for the Lows.
JB/Nike cutting back costs once again.

^^For real though. And they're not the only shirts i've seen being re-released. Kinda disappointing.
Originally Posted by sthebest1984

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by Rodrigo23

just wondering why they would release a shirt with concords on it... ... i do realize the SJ are dropping but id think they would put the SJ on this shirt...? idk just thought some of you would like to see this NDC,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-271741

It's not the first time they do that.

When they released the Pacific VII's and Citrus VII's, they put out black and red clothes for the citrus VII's.

Yeah..just like in 2005 when they had the shirt of Jordan wearing Aquas. Or 2007 when they made shirts to match True Blue IIIs. Or in 2006 when they made shirts to match the 3m tounge Fire Red Vs.

Good news is that it means Concords ARE coming back out. There's also another shirt coming out that has Concords on it (along with a Space Jam version). Probably as next year's holiday release or in 1st quarter 2011
(I personally forsee Obsidian XII mids and Concord XIs for next holiday season).

I need to grab this shirt to match my 2000 Concords. FYI, this advertisment on this shirt is a real advertisment from 1995.
All this ACTUALLY means is they wanted to put out the Tee with the original Jordan XI advertising and DID NOT want to change the advertisement...

i really hope that this means the concords are releasing in the future. idc if they dont release until winter 2010, they are one of my grails. maybee that guynikeville who just returned to nt has some info. is it true that nikeville is gentry.
No retro concords will ever come close to the OG's. They looked and felt totally different back then. The way they were cut, the sole. You youngins justdon't understand
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