Jordan VI Infrared23, Toro?

Kid resellers don't value they time. They jus see the "profit" and think they winning. Unless you flipping yeezys, reselling one or 2 pairs ain't worth a damn...
If Reselling wasn't worth a damn… Then why are soooo many people doing it????  Your tripping…  I live LA, I know kids that go in 1 DAY and make 5k just from reselling shoes...

Back door pairs out Footlockers n FootActions etc etc

The workers make extra money for they Families….the resellers make money and sneaker heads get they shoes...

it's not rocket science 

Drive around for one day probably maybe 5-6hrs of their time


In big cities it's real  - where the demand is Far greater then the Supply!!!
Kid resellers don't value they time. They jus see the "profit" and think they winning. Unless you flipping yeezys, reselling one or 2 pairs ain't worth a damn...
If Reselling wasn't worth a damn… Then why are soooo many people doing it????  Your tripping…  I live LA, I know kids that go in 1 DAY and make 5k just from reselling shoes...

Back door pairs out Footlockers n FootActions etc etc

The workers make extra money for they Families….the resellers make money and sneaker heads get they shoes...

it's not rocket science 

Drive around for one day probably maybe 5-6hrs of their time


In big cities it's real  - where the demand is Far greater then the Supply!!!
Read all before you respond my man...
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Really, Doesn't take much...

Buy shoes online from NDC, Posts shoes for Sale Online, Find Buyer, Shoes are Delivered, Relabel Box with buyer address, Ship out…Done!

it'll take you 45 mins total time… over a period of a week

The only way it works if you Resell like 5 pairs of more a time…  Then it's worth it!
Yes am aware how to sell stuff but the point was if you have a decent job $100 here and there is not worth it
At the end of the year i will have more money saved up working than anyone who is reselling shoes for a living
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after the surprise yeezy drop every bot is on 24/7 in hopes of a restock.
Yeah, everyone added twitter notifications too. 
Yes am aware how to sell stuff but the point was if you have a decent job $100 here and there is not worth it
or you can see it as not wasting your hard earned $100... instead someone else's hard earned $100
I never seen a Footlocker Employee soooo Happy cuz he sold you a pair of exclusive sneakers which made you feel good….

but i have seen a Footlocker Employee who got 3 pairs of kicks on a release happy cuz now he can 

1. Resell a pair (extra $$)

2. Keep a Pair




there's nothing in the world that makes a sneaker store employee feel better then for you to walk in the store and see them rocking some exclusive sneaker you missed out on at work like it's nothing!

​Beat'em down ….right in your face

You don't even need to go to the post office anymore. schedule a pickup, hand it to mailman. done. no gas wasted.
or you could work for a company that has its own mail room


disclaimer.. IF I can cop, I WILL rock...
 If i buy 3 pairs and sell 2 of them for a profit of $200 i basically got my pair for free.
 If i buy 3 pairs and sell 2 of them for a profit of $200 i basically got my pair for free.
Obviously this is an age old debate and no minds will change as long as ppl see reselling profitable so for everyones sake just do you and b happy :smile:
Yes am aware how to sell stuff but the point was if you have a decent job $100 here and there is not worth it
At the end of the year i will have more money saved up working than anyone who is reselling shoes for a living
yeah, but its not like you cant work your job and make your salary AND resell shoes and make extra money.. 
you are most certainly you do all your research on facebook groups!


There is a difference with what the seller will ask and what the buyer is willing to pay for that size...
I'm sure the guy will ask a crazy amount and no I haven't done my homework and I don't go on FB.
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