Just Had An "Earthquack" In SF.105th Anniversary of 1906's Earthquake Vol. Mother Nature You Scary

Feb 3, 2006

Kinda shook, no pun.
I'm in a high-rise buidling. Didn't feel a thing, but the coincidence is scary.
I'm in a high-rise buidling. Didn't feel a thing, but the coincidence is scary.
just got back home from the gym. I was driving while it hit most likely, so I didn't feel it.

I remember the 89 quake like it was yesterday
just got back home from the gym. I was driving while it hit most likely, so I didn't feel it.

I remember the 89 quake like it was yesterday
Just read about it...didn't feel it.

Like the earth trying to say "ya I remember the anniversary too"
Just read about it...didn't feel it.

Like the earth trying to say "ya I remember the anniversary too"
Originally Posted by derrty6232

I'm in San Mateo and I felt it. Was it really an earthquake?

It was very minor. I knew a thread would be made about it though
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