Just watched Requiem for a Dream vol. WOW

Jul 7, 2004
Just watched this movie at hulu.com. (BTW, thanks to whatever Nter posted this site. Very much appreciated). Anyway, it scared the %#*# out of me, and in adifferent kind of way. I've never touched any of that stuff, but it really made me feel like I know what its like to be a junkie. It paints an amazinglyvivid, sensual depiction of what it's like that makes you feel almost like you're in the movie, a constant feeling of
. Thanks NTers that recommended the movie in the past.
Darren Aronofsky, the director, went to my high school. I've actually never seen it, even though a lot of people talk about it and it takes place inBrighton Beach.
anyone else who didn't like this movie as much as everyone else did?

oh and if any fanboy wants to smh me, don't get upset. i understood the movie and all that, just didn't appreciate it as much...

but anyway, jennifer connely is appreciated in this movie.
It's a dope movie. I enjoyed it, but I don't think I can mess with it again; too much of a downer for me.
Guys can u tell me what was the "diet pill"

cuz my friend is taking this diet pill from CVS i think

whats in that diet pill?
Originally Posted by jomitm

anyone else who didn't like this movie as much as everyone else did?

oh and if any fanboy wants to smh me, don't get upset. i understood the movie and all that, just didn't appreciate it as much...

1. It's not a good movie.

2. If anyone even attempts to say you didn't understand it, then they're just being stupid. There's nothing to "understand" about it.
Originally Posted by ImSoLA

It's a dope movie. I enjoyed it, but I don't think I can mess with it again; too much of a downer for me.

I always have a bad taste in my mouth after I watch that movie

Even that Jennifer Connely scene at the end had me
......and I LOVE Jennifer Connely
I never though watching Jennifer Connelly do a double dildo %#$ to %#$ scene could be depressing, but that film somehow found a way.
Great movie, but I can't watch it again...too crazy for me

Btw, I'm gonna be on TV! Lmao
I swear that they should show this movie to kids to keep them on the straight and narrow. Like have it be part of some mandatory health class or something.There are a lot of lessons in this movie.
I own it, i love the movie.. i dont watch it all the time or anything lol it definitely leaves you in a mood.

I met Jennifer Connelly last year, never met a celeb that ive seen butt !## naked before lol... but shes real cool, Paul Bettany was with her too, hes a funnydude... seen him naked in a movie too come to think of it.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Marlon Wayne's best performance by far.

I agree. While his role wasn't as prominent in the movie, he was the most credible in my opinion. He did a great job. The movie is a very good one. Thequirky editing, music and overall feeling of paranoia made this movie a lot more enveloping than most other movies with a similar theme.
Originally Posted by jomitm

anyone else who didn't like this movie as much as everyone else did?

the movie was good and all but its kinda depressing. especially the haunting music and the crazy old lady. movie kinda makes me paranoid
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