Kanye & his goons vol. 2

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Kanye's outfits aren't bad IMO, the other dudes just seem hypebeast to me. Gay shouldn't be thrown around like that, you guys honestly believe they're all taking it in the _ and having relationships with men?

I came to type that

I'm a big fan of K and have alot of respect for ibn....but if you dont think Kanye is gonna barrel roll out of the closet within the next 3-4 yr youre anidiot
...and Ibn is corny for that "WE FROM THE GO' WE DONTPLAY"...theres hot vagina in every city....and K has ran for his life a few times

and Ibn is basically Kanye's image consultant...Ibn was originally a famous barber who got fly...yeah thats his whole job pretty much
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Kanye's outfits aren't bad IMO, the other dudes just seem hypebeast to me. Gay shouldn't be thrown around like that, you guys honestly believe they're all taking it in the _ and having relationships with men?
I do. seriously.

Even prince had females with him and his crew.

I still love his earlier work and his old atttitude towards the game...but now

Dude is sweet with even sweeter music.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23


Some of your worlds seem incredibly small.

I pray for your offspring.




I didn't realize how many fake-tough guy, small minded, idiots on NT. I gave yall more credit. Wearing a suit is gay? Sintra...gay? Sean Connery...gay?Wearing something different...gay?

I could only imagine if Jimi Hendrix came along during this time what yall would be saying about him....or even if Prince came along during the digital age.

Just a couple questions....Do you guys know any gay people??? Have you ever been to Paris or out of this country...or even out of your region? Cause a lot ofyour comments make me think that you guys are either really young, really stupid, not well traveled, or all 3.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by AirAnt23


Some of your worlds seem incredibly small.

I pray for your offspring.




I didn't realize how many fake-tough guy, small minded, idiots on NT. I gave yall more credit. Wearing a suit is gay? Sintra...gay? Sean Connery...gay? Wearing something different...gay?

I could only imagine if Jimi Hendrix came along during this time what yall would be saying about him....or even if Prince came along during the digital age.

Just a couple questions....Do you guys know any gay people??? Have you ever been to Paris or out of this country...or even out of your region? Cause a lot of your comments make me think that you guys are either really young, really stupid, not well traveled, or all 3.
Think about who posts here.
Dudes is sounding like a bunch of broads in a hair salon with the new ::insert gossip magazine:: criticizing what the next chick(dudes in this case) iswearing.
Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Kanye's outfits aren't bad IMO, the other dudes just seem hypebeast to me. Gay shouldn't be thrown around like that, you guys honestly believe they're all taking it in the _ and having relationships with men?
I do. seriously.

Even prince had females with him and his crew.

I still love his earlier work and his old atttitude towards the game...but now

Dude is sweet with even sweeter music.
Seeing how Kanye is my favorite artist.....sweeter music? 808s is sweet? The album about a breakup withhis girlfriend? Drunk and Hot Girls is sweet? The countless other songs/lines he has about females are sweet? What about his music makes it 'sweet'?

but if you dont think Kanye is gonna barrel roll out of the closet within the next 3-4 yr youre an idiot

anyway since I believe in dudes artistic intergrity I believe he ISNT playing for the other team...what are you basing your intervals of time on? 3-4 years israndom...why should I believe that if he denies the fact/makes plenty of music about women?

Who you trying to convince?

Who am I trying to convince? I'm talking about the subject which in this case is whether or not Ye' is gay...I think (maybe I HOPE more) that he is not
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Kanye's outfits aren't bad IMO, the other dudes just seem hypebeast to me. Gay shouldn't be thrown around like that, you guys honestly believe they're all taking it in the _ and having relationships with men?
I do. seriously.

Even prince had females with him and his crew.

I still love his earlier work and his old atttitude towards the game...but now

Dude is sweet with even sweeter music.
Seeing how Kanye is my favorite artist.....sweeter music? 808s is sweet? The album about a breakup with his girlfriend? Drunk and Hot Girls is sweet? The countless other songs/lines he has about females are sweet? What about his music makes it 'sweet'?

but if you dont think Kanye is gonna barrel roll out of the closet within the next 3-4 yr youre an idiot

anyway since I believe in dudes artistic intergrity I believe he ISNT playing for the other team...what are you basing your intervals of time on? 3-4 years is random...

Who you trying to convince?
I'm having a good time here. I'd love to dress in cheeta tights to class one day and see the reaction I get.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by AirAnt23


Some of your worlds seem incredibly small.

I pray for your offspring.




I didn't realize how many fake-tough guy, small minded, idiots on NT. I gave yall more credit. Wearing a suit is gay? Sintra...gay? Sean Connery...gay? Wearing something different...gay?

I could only imagine if Jimi Hendrix came along during this time what yall would be saying about him....or even if Prince came along during the digital age.

Just a couple questions....Do you guys know any gay people??? Have you ever been to Paris or out of this country...or even out of your region? Cause a lot of your comments make me think that you guys are either really young, really stupid, not well traveled, or all 3.
If they don't know, then they ain't never gonna know.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by AirAnt23


Some of your worlds seem incredibly small.

I pray for your offspring.




I didn't realize how many fake-tough guy, small minded, idiots on NT. I gave yall more credit. Wearing a suit is gay? Sintra...gay? Sean Connery...gay? Wearing something different...gay?

I could only imagine if Jimi Hendrix came along during this time what yall would be saying about him....or even if Prince came along during the digital age.

Just a couple questions....Do you guys know any gay people??? Have you ever been to Paris or out of this country...or even out of your region? Cause a lot of your comments make me think that you guys are either really young, really stupid, not well traveled, or all 3.
why are you making excuses for his crew? I have traveled quite a bit, and leopard/cheetah pants are NOT what's up....I don't care whatcountry/state/city you are in...you go anywhere dressed like 2009 version of the Revolution on LSD, you are gonna get weird looks. Jimi Hendrix ALWAYS dressedeccentric, and his swag epitomized what his musical era was all about. Same with Prince...he never underwent some stylistic transformation that made youscratch your head...he was, what he was....Kanye and his goons are a bunch of confused dudes who have no direction. Just because an outfit may cost 20g's,doesn't make it look good. I guess he and his crew use fashion week to let go of their inhabitions. It's almost like a hedonism to them. Maybeit's all that he's gone through in the past year or two that has made him the way he is today. I really think he's not all there....he surroundshimself with dudes who are pushovers, and "yes men." Dudes who feed his ego. I would almost guarantee that none of them would put him in check foranything. A tantrum, diva-like tendencies, etc....they are all enablers. I could be 100% wrong. Maybe this IS who he really is. Who knows? It's justbeen a strange transformation musically and fashion-wise for Mr. West.
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Kanye's outfits aren't bad IMO, the other dudes just seem hypebeast to me. Gay shouldn't be thrown around like that, you guys honestly believe they're all taking it in the _ and having relationships with men?
Kind of looks like the modern day version of the Village People. Come on Kanyeezy, focus on the music production.
I agree with DoubleJs basically.

I just don't see how these dudes thought this was cool
Asmentioned, it's all pretty bad, Taz being the worst and Kanye being not quite so bad but dragged further down the direction of WACK by his crew.
Jimi Hendrix ALWAYS dressed eccentric, and his swag epitomized what his musical era was all about.
Actually no Jimi didn't always dress like that. He played the backup man, behind the scenes role for a good part of his career, soundfamiliar? When he moved to England and started the experience is when he picked up his fashion sense.

And what is this musical era about? There is a lot of conforming.
I could be 100% wrong. Maybe this IS who he really is. Who knows? It's just been a strange transformation musically and fashion-wise for Mr. West.
First, you are wrong.

Or just haven't been paying attention.

Most of those in the crew are old friends of Kanye. Not some stragglers he picked up along the way to stroke his ego. Again, the minds of some many on thisboard seem to be small. You all have boxed artists into these categories that you'd feel more comfortable if they stayed in. The same guys who hadn'theard Kanye's name until "I.Z.Z.O." came out. I don't make a habit of idolizing or even overstating someone's abilites and talents - but,at the very least, Kanye seems to have a genuine respect for art in its many forms. It is the masses who seem to get the "wrong impression ofexpression." As I've said repeatedly, I doubt these dudes sit around computers and critique regular beings and their escapades with friends...

... but yet, they're the weird bunch.



Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

If posted, go ahead and lock....


exactly who is in his entourage??

I wonder if any of these dudes can throw a football or baseball without looking like Johnny Damon?
They look like there from the future,"take me to your leader!!"

Im not arguing this mans sexuality

And i support gay rights...considering my uncle likes men
....butkanye's comments on gays have been super questionable...and his !@!$%%% excuse for being "soft" in HS...no father figure...what the hell
...thats right up there with girls being %!$@% and they get a pass because theydad wasn't around (no im not comparing being a $*%!# to being gay...stop before we get there)

Plus i got gay female friends who think hes gay...you should know gay peoples gaydar is out of this world
I've kept up with this thread just for a good chuckle at ignorance.

It seems some of you can't get through the day without coming back and posting something else negative. You should probably care less.
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