Kanye & his goons vol. 2

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by AirAnt23


Some of your worlds seem incredibly small.

I pray for your offspring.




I didn't realize how many fake-tough guy, small minded, idiots on NT. I gave yall more credit. Wearing a suit is gay? Sintra...gay? Sean Connery...gay? Wearing something different...gay?

I could only imagine if Jimi Hendrix came along during this time what yall would be saying about him....or even if Prince came along during the digital age.

Just a couple questions....Do you guys know any gay people??? Have you ever been to Paris or out of this country...or even out of your region? Cause a lot of your comments make me think that you guys are either really young, really stupid, not well traveled, or all 3.

Thank you!!
I think Kanye is an exceptional dresser but sometimes it's hit or miss with him. But I believe most of the kids in here hating on Kanye dress like this...


Originally Posted by eNPHAN

ultimately, why are y'all upset people think their dress is laughable?

I thought you were better than that, fam.

It's not that I'm upset. I can completely and understand why someone would question his judgment. But to attack his sexuality and makes absurdspeculations as to his motives behind his choice of garments is unfair. No matter the motive, it is still his decision to make. I'm sure he understandsthat being in the position he's in, public scrutiny is a part of his job description. Comes with the territory.

I, for one, do not think his music has suffered. The production on that album was clean. He and his artists are, for good or bad, the only bunch on themainstream that are currently pushing the envelope.

And as far as those photos, Taz is the only outrageous member of the entourage. And he has always been that way.

Originally Posted by EvansST

I think Kanye is an exceptional dresser but sometimes it's hit or miss with him. But I believe most all of the kids in here hating on Kanye dress like this...

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

I could be 100% wrong. Maybe this IS who he really is. Who knows? It's just been a strange transformation musically and fashion-wise for Mr. West.
First, you are wrong.

Or just haven't been paying attention.

Most of those in the crew are old friends of Kanye. Not some stragglers he picked up along the way to stroke his ego. Again, the minds of some many on this board seem to be small. You all have boxed artists into these categories that you'd feel more comfortable if they stayed in. The same guys who hadn't heard Kanye's name until "I.Z.Z.O." came out. I don't make a habit of idolizing or even overstating someone's abilites and talents - but, at the very least, Kanye seems to have a genuine respect for art in its many forms. It is the masses who seem to get the "wrong impression of expression." As I've said repeatedly, I doubt these dudes sit around computers and critique regular beings and their escapades with friends...

... but yet, they're the weird bunch.



ok...but let me ask you this on your statement on the masses getting the wrong impression of expression

why are people a little more hesitant to embrace his eccentricies? IMO, Andre 3000 didn't get as much scrutiny and neither did Cee-Lo. The"masses" have seemed to accpet them for who they are, and what they became. As far as Kanye, it could be the company he keeps or some other reason. I'm sorry, but there is nothing normal about how many of them are dressed. It IS weird. You can look at it as art, high fashion, or something else...butthat !!#* ain't normal. They have used fashion week as an excuse to let their inhabitions go. I've said it a million times, I think he's aBRILLIANT dude. However, you are kidding yourself if you don't think he went in a completely different direction after the loss of his mom and the breakupw. his lady. Sometimes people automatically assume that if you're "brilliant" you have to have some sort of eccentric quality. If it seemscontrived or forced, people are going to less inclined to believe who the person REALLY is.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by AirAnt23


Some of your worlds seem incredibly small.

I pray for your offspring.




I didn't realize how many fake-tough guy, small minded, idiots on NT. I gave yall more credit. Wearing a suit is gay? Sintra...gay? Sean Connery...gay? Wearing something different...gay?

I could only imagine if Jimi Hendrix came along during this time what yall would be saying about him....or even if Prince came along during the digital age.

Just a couple questions....Do you guys know any gay people??? Have you ever been to Paris or out of this country...or even out of your region? Cause a lot of your comments make me think that you guys are either really young, really stupid, not well traveled, or all 3.

Thank you!!


C'mon though...I'm old, I'm pretty smart, and I've been around the world...

Kanye is still that dude, but you gotta admit - if his homie with the blue suitcase walked in Mickey D's behind you and asked for a "number three anda medium carrot juice" - you'd
why are people a little more hesitant to embrace his eccentricies? IMO, Andre 3000 didn't get as much scrutiny and neither did Cee-Lo.
There are several reasons for this.

People just don't like Kanye for whatever reason. He rubs people wrong (now)...mainly because he has the nerve to talk about being great and wanting to berecognized for being great. People just don't like that/him. 3000 is humble. Cee-Lo is humble. I'm sure they think they're great...but theydon't publicly say it.

I've never had a problem with it because he's not lying and I act in a similar fashion when I'm good at things. I actually don't understand whythat bothers people at all...but whatever.

Also them coming from "groups", the South and not being wildy popular before being "weird" has a lot to do with it.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

I could only imagine if Jimi Hendrix came along during this time what yall would be saying about him....or even if Prince came along during the digital age.

Just a couple questions....Do you guys know any gay people??? Have you ever been to Paris or out of this country...or even out of your region? Cause a lot of your comments make me think that you guys are either really young, really stupid, not well traveled, or all 3.
Thank you!!
lmfao, I don't care if dressing like a clown was popular HERE, in the states, its still dressing like a clown!
I doubt Kanye is gay, but when you dress like that, you deserve to be made fun of. You are purposely going out of your way to get attention, you should be ableto deal with the negative attention(especially when you do such a horrible job).
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by SA AMG

Bentley's the only that comes correct.

if dressing like a homosexual is coming correct, then i guess youre right.

how do you figure? he's dressed in a suit... suits are %#+% now? dudes arent making sense nowadays. everyone is quick to call something gay or homosexual.i hope you arent dipped out in the hundreds and crooks and castles when youre pushing 30. cause that aint coming correct.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by SA AMG

Bentley's the only that comes correct.

if dressing like a homosexual is coming correct, then i guess youre right.

how do you figure? he's dressed in a suit... suits are %#+% now? dudes arent making sense nowadays. everyone is quick to call something gay or homosexual. i hope you arent dipped out in the hundreds and crooks and castles when youre pushing 30. cause that aint coming correct.
I don't see whats wrong with what Ibn is wearing. Somebody is going to have to point that out for me cuz I don't see anything gay aboutit.
Bentley may have a gay demeanor or character, but what he's wearing is a tailored men's suit and italian leather shoes, how is that gay?
Kanye virtually begs for the hate that he gets...I don't even see how y'all can wonder why people say certain things about him.

I love his music and was ready to crown him the best Hip-Hop artist after LR...but it gets to be a point where enough is enough.

Crashing award shows, the over the top arrogance, combined with him shifting to a more eccentric type of music, clothing and persona.

It can rub people the wrong way.

Its not about being small minded or homophobic...its about calling a spade a spade. Lil Wayne was photographed kissing another man on the lips. A man that wasnot his biological but that he called daddy and people let it slide...until he started making bad songs and turning into a rock star poser.

Ye's been acting like a feminine, arrogant, spoiled, immature superstar and people are reacting to it.

Plain and simple.
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

And so what if he was gay?

What does it really matter.

It matters for the simple fact that dude potrayed himself as something he was not. Actually, he tried. I always thought he was sweet as hell. So I'm prettyindifferent to his so called transformation. But how are you dudes just now seeing this? This is the same dude who when he first came out was prancing aroundin pink polos and wearing his little sister's bookbag on stage. Some how that was cool to some people. Now look at this pic man. This is straight princestatus right here. Nothing about that man rings masculinity. Yeah he got some bad chicks back in the day, but prince is too lady like not to have triedsomething else.
Cage, my point is you wouldn't see anyone in MickyD's dressed like that. Kanye clearly wants to break down boundaries made by society, both with hisstyle and music. Hip-hop shouldn't have a uniform. That's the most un-hip-hop thing ever. Hip-Hop is rebellious music by definition and nature. To gow/ what everyone else is doing, rhyming, and dressing isn't Hip-hop. That's wack. Kanye's not wack, I'm sorry. I'm a fan.

I'm not saying dude from Sa-Ra is dressed fly, I wouldn't wear that, cause I couldn't pull it off. But I think being at fashion week w/ a Championhoodie, some super baggy jeans, and some tims would be wack(er).

Kanye and his goons are a bunch of confused dudes who have no direction. Just because an outfit may cost 20g's, doesn't make it look good.
In fact, I think they're the opposite of "confused." They know exactly who the are, that's why the feel comfortable dressing insuch a way. Fonsworth has always been dressing like that, so has Taz (as far as I can remember), Don C always got the fly #%+! on. Kanye BEEN callin'himself the Louis Vuttion Don.

People started calling 3 Stacks gay when he starting stepping out of what the mainstream called "acceptable" to wear. BEFORE LOVE BELOW. I mean, thisN was wearing dresses. Is he gay? No. He just felt like expressing himself in a different way.

Then the question is Big Boi what's up with Andre?
Is he in a cult? Is he on drugs? Is he gay?
When y'all gon' break up? When y'all gon' wake up?
%!$#@ I'm feelin' better than ever what's wrong with you
you get down!

These people are artists man. ARTISTS. They don't care about how people may perceive them. Kanye has always been into fashion, he's always been intorockin, what he perceives to be "fly s***". I don't understand how now it's a big deal? The only one really dressed crazy is Taz, andhe's BEEN on that tip.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Cage, my point is you wouldn't see anyone in MickyD's dressed like that. Kanye clearly wants to break down boundaries made by society, both with his style and music. Hip-hop shouldn't have a uniform. That's the most un-hip-hop thing ever. Hip-Hop is rebellious music by definition and nature. To go w/ what everyone else is doing, rhyming, and dressing isn't Hip-hop. That's wack. Kanye's not wack, I'm sorry. I'm a fan.

I'm not saying dude from Sa-Ra is dressed fly, I wouldn't wear that, cause I couldn't pull it off. But I think being at fashion week w/ a Champion hoodie, some super baggy jeans, and some tims would be wack(er).
Good point.

I mean, the picture doesn't really bother me because nowadays everyone should kinda expect this type of stuff from 'Ye...

But man, the pompous and smug look on dude from Sa-Ra's face still kills me
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Ghenges

He makes music for kids. That's how kids dress.

Grown ups don't dress like that.


I like that fit with the Hares...that looks like Lupe

Thats Ibn, his barber and fashion advisor or some !@$% like that

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Cage, my point is you wouldn't see anyone in MickyD's dressed like that. Kanye clearly wants to break down boundaries made by society, both with his style and music. Hip-hop shouldn't have a uniform. That's the most un-hip-hop thing ever. Hip-Hop is rebellious music by definition and nature. To go w/ what everyone else is doing, rhyming, and dressing isn't Hip-hop. That's wack. Kanye's not wack, I'm sorry. I'm a fan.

I'm not saying dude from Sa-Ra is dressed fly, I wouldn't wear that, cause I couldn't pull it off. But I think being at fashion week w/ a Champion hoodie, some super baggy jeans, and some tims would be wack(er).
Good point.

I mean, the picture doesn't really bother me because nowadays everyone should kinda expect this type of stuff from 'Ye...

But man, the pompous and smug look on dude from Sa-Ra's face still kills me
Exactly! Just the point that we're discussing it is exactly what Ye wants.
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