Kanye & his goons vol. 2

Bentley is not feminine acting in any way..
oh really
i got just seen a decade old article of kanye's manager Don C in the source rockin pepe jeans, mecca, and avriex wit air force one's talkin bout"this is chicago style right here"


ya wanna see it?
Originally Posted by wrukus

its obvious that some of yall need them to look like this so ya'll can feel manly about yourselves. i mean they over there hanging with the designers that make the clothes that yall spend your money on, and yall clowning on them. the fashion world has always been like this. if you can't hang, keep buying your clothes at the mall and let the man do his thing.

right!...they act like this s^%* just started
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

AirAnt23 wrote:


C'mon though...I'm old, I'm pretty smart, and I've been around the world...

Kanye is still that dude, but you gotta admit - if his homie with the blue suitcase walked in Mickey D's behind you and asked for a "number three and a medium carrot juice" - you'd

There's alot of upset people in this thread. It's really not that serious.

If he wants to dress like that, let him. All I care about is the music.

Dudes always gotta gossip on here about what another man is wearing, !@@*'s disgusting.
I really don't care if he's gay or not so long as the music is hot, but no one can deny this group looks mad suspect. It isn't just their cloths,it's the fact that as i look at this picture, I'm waiting for them to bust out singing YMCA.
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