<>Kanye West & Jay-Z 'Watch The Throne'<> Ns in PARIS video on pg. 290

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

ive said it over and over, gotta have is is soooooooooooooooo


This CD makes me more mad that they cancel Mpls of the tour
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

ive said it over and over, gotta have is is soooooooooooooooo


This CD makes me more mad that they cancel Mpls of the tour
Flamesuit on and I'm able to handle it haha, but I feel like a lot of guys are overhyping this, simply because of the star power of the two guys on the album. Plus Kanye and Jay are two people that a lot of niketalkers love/worship/look up to, etc (Jordan being on top). I'm going on what a few listens of each song and an open mind. I like both guys and really wasn't expecting too much from the project, just because I haven't liked their last two albums, BP3 and Dark Fantasies. It was solid, but not how great as everyone is hyping it up to be. On the flip side, it's not as bad as the naysayers are saying.

1) No Church in the Wild- The best part of this song for me at least was Frank Ocean's hook. Wasn't too caught up on what Jay or Kanye were saying. I'll give it a 3.5/5. Liked the beat, but wasn't blown away or anything.

2) Lift Off- This just sounds epic haha. It's feel good music, and it does its job, makes you feel pumped/happy/unstoppable. Beyonce was real nice on it. I'm just mad they "wasted" this beat and melody with just random ramblings and no lyrics. None of them were rapping or saying anything significant, which I didn't like all, especially since this sounded so great to my ears. Give it a 4/5, just because I really like how it sounds.

3) In Paris- Typical ballin song by Jay. Niketalk really loved this song. I read what you guys said before I listened to the album and I expected the beat/song to be ridiculous, but I wasn't impressed. Beat wasn't anything that great to me. I liked the second beat better, but it wasn't that special either. 3.5/5

4) Otis- Liked the old school soul beat sample Kanye. That's the Kanye I really love. But this beat wasn't too special, but was pretty interesting to me and somewhat catchy. It just seems like a throwaway, trying to be catchy song, which isn't too bad for a single. 3/5

5) Gotta Have It- Absolutely love this beat. The Neptunes and Kanye really did their thing. It's hypnotizing and its a song you just want to work out to or ride around in your car with. The back and forth between Jay and Kanye is cool as well and was executed well. Their lyrics aren't saying much, but I feel like that's what they were going for. That I don't care about this, I'm a beast type thing. Really makes you feel the same, even though your broke as hell haha. Once again I feel like this beat was totally wasted, just like lift off. 2 minutes of words? Really that's it? Especially, for a beat this ridiculous. Hopefully some nice freestyles come out of it. I get it Kanye and Jay you guys are artsy and on top of the field, you don't have to care, but why waste such great beats. 4/5 just because I love the beat, being really generous.

6) New Day- Probably my favorite song on this album. Scratch that, easily my favorite song on this album. RZA and Kanye did their thing. Really feels like and old school Kanye beat, really soulful and just gets you nodding your head and thinking. Finally some lyrical content from both of these talented individuals. Kanye was really saying some genuine things that made me a fan of him in the first place. I understand College Dropout, he's that broke kid who has raps about hardships and as he got more famous he didn't have those things to rap about and started to talk about his riches, but honestly everyone person goes through troubles, that are much more deeper than talking about fancy designer clothes, watches, cars, etc and I wish they talked more about these types of things. Jay killed it as well. Lost Ones type of feel, and I really like that song. A lot of males can relate to this song, especially if you never had a relationship with your father or have a bad one with him. 5/5 easy. No question about this, do not argue with me over this haha.

7) Thats My- Ehh whatever wasn't really feeling it. Liked the old school type beat. Q Tip had something to do with this correct? If he did you can hear it. Not really into what they are spitting, but its cool I guess. 2.5-3/5

Welcome to the Jungle- Typical Swizz Beatz beat. His beats get old real quick. Enjoy the lyrics, like what Jay is saying, but just don't like the scheme he's using with the quick sentences, but he's doing it to flow with the beat, which I don't really like. I like the small breaks that occur where the violins and piano are playing over the repetitive beat. That sounds really good, but I'm not feeling it too much sonically overall. 3.5/5

9) Who Gon Stop Me- Going on with the theme of this album really pissing me off, this song pisses me off to no end. The first beat is RIDICULOUS. Easily one of the hardest beats I've heard in a very long time, especially how he sampled that Dupstep beat. When that beat dropped, I was in literal shock. Got really into it and was listening to Kanye spit the majority of the first beat. Nothing special about what he was saying, but once again this song just makes you feel like you're on the top of the world and that's just the types of things Kanye is saying. It really does make you feel like No one can stop you haha. But that second beat, atleast to me sounds atrocious. It's not a horrible beat, but it sounds atrocious to me, because of the beat that was played before it. The second beat just sounds like a bunch of noise. Swizz had to somehow be a part of this and not credit for it, it just doesn't sound good to me. I like Jay's flow though. 4/5 because of that first beat and Jay's flow. I wish they just kept the first beat

10) Murder to Excellence- Excellent music. I know I wrote a lot, but this is the part I would like you guys to read the most. Skip everything else and just read this part. These two guys are really the two biggest dudes in hip hip/rap easily. They have a huge pull and influence over kids and teens all over the country rich poor, great neighborhood, inner city, etc. I honestly feel like these guys should use their great influential power to uplift inner city youth. No I'm not saying pull a Nas and get all political and boring. But a song like this is great for inner city kids who listen to rap and really look up to these rappers. Using public transportation daily and also working with inner city youth, I hate seeing a lot of the kids reciting Rick Ross. It really makes me sad haha. They're listening to all this rap about selling crack and ballin in maybachs, when a song like this really is inspirational, especially from two guys with this much pull. Really love it, and the message. Love both beats. 5/5, I don't like it as much as New Day, but I give it a 5 because of it's message and how influential it can be for younger people.

11/12- Made in America and Why I Love You- Didn't really get too connected to both songs. But I liked Made in America better, just because of the subject matter and Frank Ocean. I'm a big fan of that guy haha, really like his sound. I think I would've liked Made in America more if the beat was better. I just didn't like the beat too much, except for the sections of the hook. Both songs 3.5 %%$/5

Just my humble opinions, but it's just on a few listens, so I might change my opinion. Discuss, disagree, agree, it's good to talk about music and an album worth discussing of this magnitude hasn't come out in a while at least hip hop realm.
Flamesuit on and I'm able to handle it haha, but I feel like a lot of guys are overhyping this, simply because of the star power of the two guys on the album. Plus Kanye and Jay are two people that a lot of niketalkers love/worship/look up to, etc (Jordan being on top). I'm going on what a few listens of each song and an open mind. I like both guys and really wasn't expecting too much from the project, just because I haven't liked their last two albums, BP3 and Dark Fantasies. It was solid, but not how great as everyone is hyping it up to be. On the flip side, it's not as bad as the naysayers are saying.

1) No Church in the Wild- The best part of this song for me at least was Frank Ocean's hook. Wasn't too caught up on what Jay or Kanye were saying. I'll give it a 3.5/5. Liked the beat, but wasn't blown away or anything.

2) Lift Off- This just sounds epic haha. It's feel good music, and it does its job, makes you feel pumped/happy/unstoppable. Beyonce was real nice on it. I'm just mad they "wasted" this beat and melody with just random ramblings and no lyrics. None of them were rapping or saying anything significant, which I didn't like all, especially since this sounded so great to my ears. Give it a 4/5, just because I really like how it sounds.

3) In Paris- Typical ballin song by Jay. Niketalk really loved this song. I read what you guys said before I listened to the album and I expected the beat/song to be ridiculous, but I wasn't impressed. Beat wasn't anything that great to me. I liked the second beat better, but it wasn't that special either. 3.5/5

4) Otis- Liked the old school soul beat sample Kanye. That's the Kanye I really love. But this beat wasn't too special, but was pretty interesting to me and somewhat catchy. It just seems like a throwaway, trying to be catchy song, which isn't too bad for a single. 3/5

5) Gotta Have It- Absolutely love this beat. The Neptunes and Kanye really did their thing. It's hypnotizing and its a song you just want to work out to or ride around in your car with. The back and forth between Jay and Kanye is cool as well and was executed well. Their lyrics aren't saying much, but I feel like that's what they were going for. That I don't care about this, I'm a beast type thing. Really makes you feel the same, even though your broke as hell haha. Once again I feel like this beat was totally wasted, just like lift off. 2 minutes of words? Really that's it? Especially, for a beat this ridiculous. Hopefully some nice freestyles come out of it. I get it Kanye and Jay you guys are artsy and on top of the field, you don't have to care, but why waste such great beats. 4/5 just because I love the beat, being really generous.

6) New Day- Probably my favorite song on this album. Scratch that, easily my favorite song on this album. RZA and Kanye did their thing. Really feels like and old school Kanye beat, really soulful and just gets you nodding your head and thinking. Finally some lyrical content from both of these talented individuals. Kanye was really saying some genuine things that made me a fan of him in the first place. I understand College Dropout, he's that broke kid who has raps about hardships and as he got more famous he didn't have those things to rap about and started to talk about his riches, but honestly everyone person goes through troubles, that are much more deeper than talking about fancy designer clothes, watches, cars, etc and I wish they talked more about these types of things. Jay killed it as well. Lost Ones type of feel, and I really like that song. A lot of males can relate to this song, especially if you never had a relationship with your father or have a bad one with him. 5/5 easy. No question about this, do not argue with me over this haha.

7) Thats My- Ehh whatever wasn't really feeling it. Liked the old school type beat. Q Tip had something to do with this correct? If he did you can hear it. Not really into what they are spitting, but its cool I guess. 2.5-3/5

Welcome to the Jungle- Typical Swizz Beatz beat. His beats get old real quick. Enjoy the lyrics, like what Jay is saying, but just don't like the scheme he's using with the quick sentences, but he's doing it to flow with the beat, which I don't really like. I like the small breaks that occur where the violins and piano are playing over the repetitive beat. That sounds really good, but I'm not feeling it too much sonically overall. 3.5/5

9) Who Gon Stop Me- Going on with the theme of this album really pissing me off, this song pisses me off to no end. The first beat is RIDICULOUS. Easily one of the hardest beats I've heard in a very long time, especially how he sampled that Dupstep beat. When that beat dropped, I was in literal shock. Got really into it and was listening to Kanye spit the majority of the first beat. Nothing special about what he was saying, but once again this song just makes you feel like you're on the top of the world and that's just the types of things Kanye is saying. It really does make you feel like No one can stop you haha. But that second beat, atleast to me sounds atrocious. It's not a horrible beat, but it sounds atrocious to me, because of the beat that was played before it. The second beat just sounds like a bunch of noise. Swizz had to somehow be a part of this and not credit for it, it just doesn't sound good to me. I like Jay's flow though. 4/5 because of that first beat and Jay's flow. I wish they just kept the first beat

10) Murder to Excellence- Excellent music. I know I wrote a lot, but this is the part I would like you guys to read the most. Skip everything else and just read this part. These two guys are really the two biggest dudes in hip hip/rap easily. They have a huge pull and influence over kids and teens all over the country rich poor, great neighborhood, inner city, etc. I honestly feel like these guys should use their great influential power to uplift inner city youth. No I'm not saying pull a Nas and get all political and boring. But a song like this is great for inner city kids who listen to rap and really look up to these rappers. Using public transportation daily and also working with inner city youth, I hate seeing a lot of the kids reciting Rick Ross. It really makes me sad haha. They're listening to all this rap about selling crack and ballin in maybachs, when a song like this really is inspirational, especially from two guys with this much pull. Really love it, and the message. Love both beats. 5/5, I don't like it as much as New Day, but I give it a 5 because of it's message and how influential it can be for younger people.

11/12- Made in America and Why I Love You- Didn't really get too connected to both songs. But I liked Made in America better, just because of the subject matter and Frank Ocean. I'm a big fan of that guy haha, really like his sound. I think I would've liked Made in America more if the beat was better. I just didn't like the beat too much, except for the sections of the hook. Both songs 3.5 %%$/5

Just my humble opinions, but it's just on a few listens, so I might change my opinion. Discuss, disagree, agree, it's good to talk about music and an album worth discussing of this magnitude hasn't come out in a while at least hip hop realm.
Gave this album about three listens. Solid album 4/ 5 rating in my book....not great but a good effort from two of my favorite hip-hop artists.

Standout tracks to me are Murder To Excellence and No Church in The Wild (Easily the best two songs on the album). I also really enjoyed N's in Paris, Welcome To The Jungle, Gotta Have It And New Day.
Gave this album about three listens. Solid album 4/ 5 rating in my book....not great but a good effort from two of my favorite hip-hop artists.

Standout tracks to me are Murder To Excellence and No Church in The Wild (Easily the best two songs on the album). I also really enjoyed N's in Paris, Welcome To The Jungle, Gotta Have It And New Day.
Originally Posted by RICO7JT

Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

listening to #$+%#$ in paris with earphones on, hearing people yelling and +!%! got me shook , and then I started to see things
no one album should have this much power.

Haha... I did the same thing. Thought I was hearing things. Had to keep taking off my earphones and look around.

Originally Posted by RICO7JT

Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

listening to #$+%#$ in paris with earphones on, hearing people yelling and +!%! got me shook , and then I started to see things
no one album should have this much power.

Haha... I did the same thing. Thought I was hearing things. Had to keep taking off my earphones and look around.

Originally Posted by PoloPlaya

Originally Posted by RetroSan

^ i've literally been listen to Why I Love You for like 2 hours strainght.

Word, glad Im not the only one.  That track is so real imo.

Easily my favorite song right now

Originally Posted by PoloPlaya

Originally Posted by RetroSan

^ i've literally been listen to Why I Love You for like 2 hours strainght.

Word, glad Im not the only one.  That track is so real imo.

Easily my favorite song right now

I listened to it while driving to and from work, and was somewhat underwhelmed.
Got home and really LISTENED to it, and now it's really starting to grow on me.

New Day is my favorite track.


I'm glad that they used a bunch of different producers on this project.
I listened to it while driving to and from work, and was somewhat underwhelmed.
Got home and really LISTENED to it, and now it's really starting to grow on me.

New Day is my favorite track.


I'm glad that they used a bunch of different producers on this project.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

aw man..............ninjahood does not approve.

at first this was automatic copp but i def gotta listen first now.

Yeah but homie also said that he feels Best of Both Worlds is better.that statement alone = suspect
Originally Posted by Al Audi

aw man..............ninjahood does not approve.

at first this was automatic copp but i def gotta listen first now.

Yeah but homie also said that he feels Best of Both Worlds is better.that statement alone = suspect
Album is still amazing after a few listens
Copped tix this morning

Section 108, Dec 12th Los Angeles 

it was a good day today indeed
Album is still amazing after a few listens
Copped tix this morning

Section 108, Dec 12th Los Angeles 

it was a good day today indeed
NEVER been excited for a concert like I am for this one, I dont even care for concerts but this got me excited.

Im aiming for anywhere in the 1st 3 Rows on the Floor.
NEVER been excited for a concert like I am for this one, I dont even care for concerts but this got me excited.

Im aiming for anywhere in the 1st 3 Rows on the Floor.
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