Keeping all Jordans DS

Yeah guys, I totally understand what each one of you is saying. I am going to wear some, but like I said, there are many that I absolutely love, all of my 11's, Silver Anniversary 3's, and the 12's, I wanna keep those DS and look back 10 years from now and still have them fresh. I've rocked so many things in my life that i'm not worried anymore about what I rock, it's about what I enjoy. I work security till 4 in the morning 3 days a week, and the other days im in class, I barely ever have time to go anywhere. I got a whole room full of collections that I enjoy, I dunno maybe it's dumb, but I seem to enjoy it.
I'm going thru the same situation as well. I have over 20 pairs of air jordans dead-stock. The oldest pair I have dead-stock is my OG black/red 12. I just keep them in the box without the paper. Alot of the kicks that I have dead-stock are from 05-09 so yea I'm really tempted to start rocking them. I also have a good amount of AJ retro's from 01-04 as well that are used that I decied to put on ice. Ever since I graduated from high school (2004) I haven't been rockin jays but instead stocking. I dunno why I started to collect but it just became a hobby of mines. Looks like I'm gonna start rockin my jays like back in my high school days.
Originally Posted by mikecabrera

I think it's great you're keeping them DS because you like collecting. Collectors will always have varying opinions on this. Some will wear all their shoes. Some buy 2 pairs; one to rock & one to stock. And some completely keep all their shoes they buy DS.

Whatever the case may be, as long as you are enjoying the hobby, that's the main point.

Oh, and welcome to the boards!

i dont get it. I got a friend who has like 150 pairs, and out of those 140 are DS. He never plans to wear them,
That is so stupid to me. why would you buy so many and not wear. He wont even think about selling me a pair, and he has a HEAT COLLECTION
Wear them bro...They will eventually come back out once again and if youre afraid they wont, buy two pairs. With the way releases are coming out now a days you can skip out on ones youre not so into and save for an extra pair of your grails... I have about 6 pair DS myself, but eventually I know I will wear them, just waiting til everyone else has beat theirs to the ground. Im sure you have some you keep in rotation like the rest of us do, just dont wear the ones you really like that often.
Theres no problem in wanting to keep them DS for many reasons. If you just want to have them to have them, I think its a good waste of money even if you plan to resell unless your buying multiple pairs SMH. I keep a few shoes DS only because I have another pair to wear. The DS pair will eventually be worn after the first pair no longer looks good. To me, shoes are only shoes if you wear them. You might feel good about yourself by owning a bunch of rare Jordans that have never been worn, but you never get a chance to experience wearing them out with a killer outfit breakn necks and letting your shoes live the life they were sopposed to. Just get a collection going and wear each pair of shoes very rarely and take good care of them and they will outlive a DS pair.
really at the end of the day why have them if you arent gonna wear them.. if im not grinding enough to buy another pair then i dont deserve the 1st is how i like to think of it
Well, my question really wasn't whether I should wear them or keep them DS, question was would they last DS for as long as i'd want them to? Who has DS Pair from 5+ years.
The first pair of Jordans I bought and didn't wear are my Retro 8's that were released back in Dec 07.I did cop a pair of the Rare Air Retro 5 that were released in Jan 07.The 8's still look the same as they did when I bought them.The 5's bottom does have a little spots were it is yellowing but nothing major.When I bought the 8's I didn't buy them to collect them but they ended up just sitting in the closet for awhile and then I started picking up Jordans here and there to keep not really collect.I do plan on wearing them just not until I get the urge to take them out and rock them.So to each his own.I think the best answer to your question is if it's a general release of a retro,don't try to collect it because retro's are constantly coming back out.Now getting a low production shoe and the OG versions of any Jordan may be worth collecting.The 2010's are going to be on the hot list next when it's there time to retro and all the cats that bought one to rock and one to stock are going to be happy they did.OG's is what you want to collect not these poorly made retro's.My 2cents
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