Keith Olbermann Get Emotional After Prop. 8 Vol. I'm Speechless.

Im not religous but MOST other religons believe that its wrong to be a homosexual.... its a moral issue when it comes down to it

yeah im against gay marriage im against gay adoptions etc

blacks and gays aint on the same tangent, calm down with all that non sense

with all that beig said

it still gets the

I don't see what the big deal is. Gay's should have the same rights as straight people.

If people can't see that this is discrimination, I really don't know what to say.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

sigh....all these posts turn into the same argument.
Sine, cosine, and tangent.

And it always ends up turning into a black vs. gay thing.

well, yeah, when those FOR gay rights continue to come back to the same old argument, that we are adamantly condemning....

why can't they just argue how unfair it is, and how they deserve rights of their own?

why can't THEIR rights be argued with a strong enough position that they don't need to piggyback on others?

why must they compare their struggle with a struggle 90 percent of them can never and will never relate to?

like i said, i'm all for granting them this right, i don't think it should have ever been voted on, and i think a lot of positions on this matter are appalling

but again, the more gays want to make this irrational, stupid argument that doesn't help their fight one bit....

the more i, and many others like me, become not only annoyed, but indifferent to your fight....
I think that the argument is brought up in an attempt to find common ground on the struggle for equal rights...

Whether it's for a thousand rights or just one...

I think they're trying to relate to black people, find some empathy because blacks, far more than any other group of people in America, know what it'slike to be denied something because of a completely innocuous characteristic that they can't change (while I believe that there are some people who choosetheir sexuality, I believe that the vast majority of people don't, and that goes for both gay and straight people. However, that's a whole 'notherdiscussion).

When people are passionate about something, they tend to speak in absolutes... It's "just like" or "exactly like" the struggle forcivil rights... and that's when people get heated and the thread goes to !$%@.

The struggle is not the same. Not even close. The severity, duration, whatever... Incomparable. However, the goal of "I can do what you can do" ISthe same, and that's what I think people are going for when they make that comparison.

They just need to word it better.
Originally Posted by BasirWaahid

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The hypocrisy of black people voting for this ban.......[/color]
Gay people wanting to be married is the same as Jim crow laws??? Get the hell out here with that mess. . .
. That's what I hate about most about the Gay Community, your struggle of being accepted for your sexual preference is no way near the struggle of ME just being accepted. . PERIOD!!!!!!! Stop comparing your struggle to those of black community because you're movement is far from it. And I disagree with everything Oberman said.
Why do black people always think this is related to jim crow laws or slavery? no n%(^* they're talking about CIVIL RIGHTS not the black civilrights movement alone and they don't understand why US black people can't relate to civil rights being taken away no one is comparing the hardship ourancestors went through to gays not being able to marry. I agreed I think we should be the most understanding, sensitive people just knowing things weren'tgiven to us but instead we're the most close-minded peoplr taking away someone elses right
when not too long ago we had no rights

needless to say this prop 8 will be reversed quickly and watch the average NTer respond with 'are you gay'
didn't bother to read through some of the nonsense in this thread, but Mr. Olbermann gets a
from me.

From a legal standpoint once you legalize gay marriage you have no legal ground on which to make polygamy illegal. Just playing devil's advocate.
Originally Posted by BasirWaahid

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The hypocrisy of black people voting for this ban.......[/color]
Gay people wanting to be married is the same as Jim crow laws??? Get the hell out here with that mess. . .
. That's what I hate about most about the Gay Community, your struggle of being accepted for your sexual preference is no way near the struggle of ME just being accepted. . PERIOD!!!!!!! Stop comparing your struggle to those of black community because you're movement is far from it. And I disagree with everything Oberman said.
They are fighting for the right to be treated EQUALLY, fool. That was the basic premise of the civil rights movement. Black people weren'ttreated the same as whites and they wanted EQUALITY. Please explain to me how gay people fighting for the right to have equal beneifts, is different from blackpeople fighting for the rights to have equal benefits.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

well, yeah, when those FOR gay rights continue to come back to the same old argument, that we are adamantly condemning....

why can't they just argue how unfair it is, and how they deserve rights of their own?

why can't THEIR rights be argued with a strong enough position that they don't need to piggyback on others?

why must they compare their struggle with a struggle 90 percent of them can never and will never relate to?

like i said, i'm all for granting them this right, i don't think it should have ever been voted on, and i think a lot of positions on this matter are appalling

but again, the more gays want to make this irrational, stupid argument that doesn't help their fight one bit....

the more i, and many others like me, become not only annoyed, but indifferent to your fight....
all that statement does is make you look spiteful. it is actually a threat. it doesnt not help you at all.

olberman brought up how marriage has evolved throughout us history. he mentioned interracial marriage and black slaves not being recognized as married couples. those are simliaries in the black rights and gay rights. you do nothing to argue against his points

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

From a legal standpoint once you legalize gay marriage you have no legal ground on which to make polygamy illegal. Just playing devil's advocate.
thanks for making that claim. either argue it or leave it as a troll statement.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Im not religous but MOST other religons believe that its wrong to be a homosexual.... its a moral issue when it comes down to it
no its not. homosexuality is a sin. and sin only applies to those who are religious.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

The black people did vote voted because they don't equate the discrimination they receive from their skin color to discrimination you receive from your sexual preference when they find out what your sexual preference is. The no to prop 8 campaign failed miserably trying to reach out to any community they weren't comfortable near. As I stated before the California Gay community shown was mostly white and asian I don't see how they would even think that the black and hispanic community would see this as their problem.
Not only that there are people out their who don't equate the gay lifestyle as a death sentence of a lifestyle. I personally know two older women who dated women for 10 years or more and after they broke up went back to men with no hesitation. They happen to fall in love with those women.
There is a combination of both people who choose to be with the same sex person and those who who felt it was natural from the beginning.
This is the 2nd time you've used your friends as an example and I'm just as perplexed. So you've never heard of bisexuality where you're from?

There is no such thing as being bisexual, just like there is no such thing as straight, or gay.

I too have several friends who were just attracted to a certain 'girl' following after: went back to males. She was like "look at me aspan-sexual, not bi-sexual."

Its more like a scale from 1-10, 1 being "straight" 10 being "gay"

Nobody is a 10, nobody is a 1, and certainly nobody is a 5.

As far as Olbermann: I agree, but if you don't realize he is as left as Orielly is to the right: you are in denial, or you don't watch MSNBC.

Just because he agrees with your views doesn't make him right.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Word. I don't know why people feel the need to impose their religious beliefs on others.
In all honesty people being gay in the privacy of their own home has no effect on anyone's life
but theirs!
First time I agree with you.
Also TKtheGirl, it really doesn't help to justify your point by using the ONE example of your two friends as an attempt to explain ALL gay people. One ofthe first things you said in this post that struck me as VERY poingiant was that you criticized the exit pole for only interviewing 224 black people. If youfeel that those 200 some people just aren't enough to justify THAT point that blacks weren't as reasponsible as stated, then it really doesn't seemreasonable to throw an example taken from less then 1% that cross section and apply it back at ALL gay people.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

The black people did vote voted because they don't equate the discrimination they receive from their skin color to discrimination you receive from your sexual preference when they find out what your sexual preference is. The no to prop 8 campaign failed miserably trying to reach out to any community they weren't comfortable near. As I stated before the California Gay community shown was mostly white and asian I don't see how they would even think that the black and hispanic community would see this as their problem.
Not only that there are people out their who don't equate the gay lifestyle as a death sentence of a lifestyle. I personally know two older women who dated women for 10 years or more and after they broke up went back to men with no hesitation. They happen to fall in love with those women.
There is a combination of both people who choose to be with the same sex person and those who who felt it was natural from the beginning.
This is the 2nd time you've used your friends as an example and I'm just as perplexed. So you've never heard of bisexuality where you're from?

There is no such thing as being bisexual, just like there is no such thing as straight, or gay.

I too have several friends who were just attracted to a certain 'girl' following after: went back to males. She was like "look at me as pan-sexual, not bi-sexual."

Its more like a scale from 1-10, 1 being "straight" 10 being "gay"

Nobody is a 10, nobody is a 1, and certainly nobody is a 5.

As far as Olbermann: I agree, but if you don't realize he is as left as Orielly is to the right: you are in denial, or you don't watch MSNBC.

Just because he agrees with your views doesn't make him right.

QFT, I just finished reading a book on the 1-10 scale theory, Interesting stuff.
First and foremost majority of the post on this thread get a
. Thecomparision of the struggles of blacks to any race, gender, creed, group as a basis of an argument for compassion, is whack. I do not for one feel that anygroup of people have ever had to go through the sturggles the black culture endured until the late 60's. Now as an argument for this day and time we asblacks dont have much to stand on, since majority of us have wasted any opportunity that our grandparents, and ancestors had fought so hard for.
Secondly, the concept of gay marriage itself is funny to me, but i understand. IF you feel that the love you have for someone is do deep you want to spendthe rest of your life with them, why do you need state approval. I think its funny that individual who have lived an alternative life style, without regardsfor others opinions, now want and seem to need that same approval. I can understand the argument of wanting it to be recognized for the purpose of adoption.(Which i am still struggling with that foster an opinion on that). Really a truly i dont know if it would be right or wrong for a child to grow up in ahousehold of two gender familiar parents. But I do strongly believe that said child will be loved. I also understand the need for state recognition for thepurpose of government mandated benefits. So on those two points I dont neccesarily agree with gay marriage but I can understand the need for such a thing. Butfor the simple premise of getting married to tell someone you are married...who gives a *##* be married, live together. You can buy a house as long as yourcredit is good, and you have money.
Thirdly, along with blacks, jews, gays, religions and other such minority groups we can shut up with the cry for equality argument. Yeah i know its notperfect and it probably never will be...but the more time we spend crying about it and not making moves to overcome it...the longer it will be a problem. Weare at a time in thie country that we have to make a decision to stop focusing on what makes us different and focus on what makes us alike. Thats just mytake...but then again I am a black man, living in america, so what do i know.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Um, do you watch the show? not only is Bill often refered to as Billo the Clown, today he was the worse, worser and the worst person in the world

And Ober. is as a big of a clown as O'Reilly is. He just happens to be a clown that believes what you do.

co-sign. I watch Olberman all the time and he is getting as bad as Bill is just for the opposite side.
Originally Posted by YoSoyTuPapa

First and foremost majority of the post on this thread get a
. The comparision of the struggles of blacks to any race, gender, creed, group as a basis of an argument for compassion, is whack. I do not for one feel that any group of people have ever had to go through the sturggles the black culture endured until the late 60's. Now as an argument for this day and time we as blacks dont have much to stand on, since majority of us have wasted any opportunity that our grandparents, and ancestors had fought so hard for.
Secondly, the concept of gay marriage itself is funny to me, but i understand. IF you feel that the love you have for someone is do deep you want to spend the rest of your life with them, why do you need state approval. I think its funny that individual who have lived an alternative life style, without regards for others opinions, now want and seem to need that same approval. I can understand the argument of wanting it to be recognized for the purpose of adoption. (Which i am still struggling with that foster an opinion on that). Really a truly i dont know if it would be right or wrong for a child to grow up in a household of two gender familiar parents. But I do strongly believe that said child will be loved. I also understand the need for state recognition for the purpose of government mandated benefits. So on those two points I dont neccesarily agree with gay marriage but I can understand the need for such a thing. But for the simple premise of getting married to tell someone you are married...who gives a *##* be married, live together. You can buy a house as long as your credit is good, and you have money.
Thirdly, along with blacks, jews, gays, religions and other such minority groups we can shut up with the cry for equality argument. Yeah i know its not perfect and it probably never will be...but the more time we spend crying about it and not making moves to overcome it...the longer it will be a problem. We are at a time in thie country that we have to make a decision to stop focusing on what makes us different and focus on what makes us alike. Thats just my take...but then again I am a black man, living in america, so what do i know.

With only reading part of what you wrote im discrediting the rest!! The people that fought for equality fought for all people to be equal; not just black,mexican etc. MLK said all men are created equal not just sr8 black!!!
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

no n%(^* they're talking about CIVIL RIGHTS not the black civil rights movement alone and they don't understand why US black people can't relate to civil rights being taken away no one is comparing the hardship our ancestors went through to gays not being able to marry.

No one is comparing??? Oh Really, that's the basis of this freakin' thread & the basis of Keith Obermann's comment. . . .
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