**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins


AD don't have to be the focal point of the offense. But you can't have him shooting 2 times in the 4th at the same time lol.

It's key for AR and DLo to have enough situational awareness in the 4th to play the game the way a Rajon Rondo or a Derek Fisher wouldve played the game if they had AD on the floor with em.

AD is not a playmaker. He needs the ball in spots where he can go up and score with minimal dribbling. He needs to be able to catch and shoot or receive lobs or dump off passes in the lame so he can use his length to just go up and shoot over most people.

He not Kareem. He not even James Worhy cause Big Game had that lightning first step off the dribble whether in the post or facing you up one on one. AD don't got that cause going one on one is not his game

I disagree on that you don't average 25+ ppg several times if you can't score one on one, but to your point he is an ELITE ply finisher & is much more effective as one. To many times they start him on the perimeter & expect him to make plays, that should be a secondary option, not the first.

They get him on the move where's he's able to use a spin, or a lil hesi dribble etc etc to gain an advantage
How so? Because both of those two are far more interested in shooting the ball than playmaking and defense.
We need DLo and AR more for their playmaking than for their defense. Rondo's ultimate value came from his floor generalship and ability to get the Lakers in their proper sets to maximize possessions during key games in the playoffs. AR and DLo can help take the load off LeBron from the floor general standpoint like Rondo did in 2020.

Although AR and DLo won't impact the game defensively like Caruso did, they are adequate defensively and their deficiencies on the defensive end are masked when they are surrounded by either 2 Bigs or defenders like Reddish, Max, Prince, and soon to be Vando.

DLo and AR just need to execute better in the 4th and improve their situational awareness in the playoffs so they take and make timely threes and still get their offense going within the rhythm of the game where everyone is getting involved.
I thought he would be a better defender, but he's just not athletic enough, nor does he move that quick laterally.

Still shifty enough to get to this spots, and not a complete cone, like D Lo :lol:
AD working Embiid early. 🔥

Please don't change this in the 2nd half, ohplease, ohplease, ohplease...
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