Damn the Kiffin family are some sneaky people
Goodbye Pete Carroll. Welcome back Lane Kiffin!!!! Plus the addition of Monte Kiffin and his "Tampa 2" Defense... Norm Chow would be a definite plus.

I'm so happy I can finally get some rest now.. Been losing sleep since Friday when Pete and his Seahawk's situation started making headlines.
Kiffin, as much as I think he is pure scum, will help bring back USC very quickly. I'm not gonna miss Meyer going head to head with him and Ed 'O forrecruits. I'd be surprised to know if he knew the allegations that USC are under before he accepted, despite SC being his dream job.
I swear everyone keeps talking about these alleged allegations that we are under and the sanctions are coming; I seriously doubt anything is going to happen.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

I swear everyone keeps talking about these alleged allegations that we are under and the sanctions are coming; I seriously doubt anything is going to happen.
I doubt anything is going to happen also, but it doesn't help to have an incomplete investigation with Bush, the McKnight deal and then tothrow in Mayo also. Nothing is most likely going to happen but then you take Kiffen who laughs at the NCAA when they talk about him and secondary violations,and Orgeron who might as well be a gorrilla with a pre-school education, and stuff could happen. I'm just sayin. I hope nothing happens, bc I would loveto eventually meet you guys in the NC (don't insert schedule comment, I already know).
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

I swear everyone keeps talking about these alleged allegations that we are under and the sanctions are coming; I seriously doubt anything is going to happen.
theres a reason the NCAA declined the self imposed sanctions...
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

I swear everyone keeps talking about these alleged allegations that we are under and the sanctions are coming; I seriously doubt anything is going to happen.
theres a reason the NCAA declined the self imposed sanctions...

Nothing is going to happen, watch.
Just like pc wasn't going to leave?

Just like nothing would happen to the basketball program?

I don't see how any USC fan thinks something won't happen

now I don't think the NCAA is going throw the book at USC but you got to think some wins will be vacted, few scholarships and money been returned willhappen
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

I swear everyone keeps talking about these alleged allegations that we are under and the sanctions are coming; I seriously doubt anything is going to happen.
theres a reason the NCAA declined the self imposed sanctions...

Nothing is going to happen, watch.

hope not...i wanna see yall keep that choke hold on the Pac 10
Just like pc wasn't going to leave?

Just like nothing would happen to the basketball program?

I don't see how any USC fan thinks something won't happen

now I don't think the NCAA is going throw the book at USC but you got to think some wins will be vacted, few scholarships and money been returned will happen
Of course you would have something to say
. If any sportis in trouble in our program, it's the basketball team. Nobody ever claimed that they were out of the woods. Every SC hater out there has been talking foryears about how the NCAA is going to come down on our football program, but you really aren't saying anything. Yahoo Sports has a personal vendetta againstReggie Bush and have failed in their crusade to take down SC. McKnight's situation isn't going to affect the football program and for those of you whocontinue to hate on us, kick rocks.

Don't worry Mike, we will still make it a priority to use this each and every year
Here's S.I.'s Stewart Mandel today:

Most importantly -- and I know this is going to disappoint many of you -- barring some surprise revelation, USC's football program is probably going to avoid anything serious. (Basketball: Not so much.) If in fact the NCAA proved Bush received extra benefits (and it would have to be the worst investigating unit in history if it didn't), the most likely ramification is that the school will have to vacate wins from that period. Unless the NCAA finds the coaches had direct knowledge of said benefits (and my guess is they didn't), there should be no docked scholarships or postseason bans. The athletic department itself is in danger of a "lack of institutional control" charge, but AD Mike Garrett figures to be the fall guy for that one.
Originally Posted by rawjs

Kiffin, as much as I think he is pure scum, will help bring back USC very quickly. I'm not gonna miss Meyer going head to head with him and Ed 'O for recruits. I'd be surprised to know if he knew the allegations that USC are under before he accepted, despite SC being his dream job.
"Help bring back USC"?


We have one down year because we had a ton of guys go to the NFL, and we need to be brought back

As far as sanctions go, I could see taking a hit on scholarships. They never really had anything on Bush since him and his family denied everything and theNCAA was powerless to do anything in this case. The Joe McKnight situation will just affect this season, since that is when his baby's momma got the truckand when he got caught driving it,

The basketball program is going to get tagged hard, because they have more concrete evidence in the OJ Mayo case. The "lack of institutionalcontrol" charge will be the final nail in Mike Garrett's coffin.

Teams no longer get tagged with postseason bans, look at the recent sanctions leveled on FSU and Oklahoma. NCAA knows these teams pull too much revenue comepostseason time.
My VOLS vs. USC title game next year, im calling it. Quote me, if im wrong i will delete my account!!!!!! VOLS BY 13
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