Latino/hispanic discussion thread Vol Saludos.


Wassup with some of my students not being able to speak Spanish? They grew up in households with Spanish speaking parents and are now 14 years old and can't SPEAK the language

mother tongue retention typically

2nd gen - bilingual
3rd gen - monolingual
I don’t understand a lick of Spanish in songs, but when I was back in the city a few weeks back, Flex played an absolute banger during one his sets. Had the song stuck in my head for days, but can’t remember the name or how it goes now for the life of me smh

Wassup with some of my students not being able to speak Spanish? They grew up in households with Spanish speaking parents and are now 14 years old and can't SPEAK the language

If their parents speak Spanish at home, then they should be able to speak it. Maybe not fluently but on some level. Usually, Latino kids who can’t speak Spanish probably didn’t need to speak it at home. Their parents speak to them in English so speaking Spanish isn’t necessary in their everyday lives. A lot of Latinos get mad when they see Latino kids who don’t speak Spanish but what they don’t understand is that if you grow up in the USA, while it’s a plus to speak Spanish, you don’t necessarily need to speak Spanish in order to move around in this society. English is the main bridge language. Over time, the language will be lost completely unless the later generations decide to learn it themselves.

In my case, I was born and raised in NYC. Both of my parents came from DR but my father grew up here as an adolescent so he speaks English fairly well and we communicate in English for the most part (sometimes he mixes in Spanish but I mostly reply to him in English). My mother came here later and doesn’t speak English that well so I had to learn a certain amount of Spanish just to communicate with her. I have cousins who have one parent from DR and one parent who’s from the US and is of PR and Black descent. The DR parent speaks Spanish but rarely spoke to my cousins in spanish growing up. The other parent doesn’t know any Spanish. The result is that they didn’t have the necessity to speak Spanish at home therefore they don’t really speak Spanish.
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Hola, Mi Gente.

Como estan?
Saludos a mis hispanohablantes.

Not Latino but I speak Spanish and love latin culture. The food, music, women and history are all appreciated.
Oh and just to troll OP the words latino and latin america were coined by the french to include their overseas territories in the new found american diaspora.

So Haitians are Latino.

Wassup with some of my students not being able to speak Spanish? They grew up in households with Spanish speaking parents and are now 14 years old and can't SPEAK the language

simple, bilingual parents not speaking Spanish in da household and just assuming their kids will pick up Spanish by osmosis... only to be rudely awaken years later their kid been castrated from having a deeper understanding of their cultura cuz they can't speak Spanish.

hanging around with Nuyorkicans that can't speak Spanish scared me to death & made me double down and speak it more.
Everyone who went to NYC public schools
yall admit spanish electives was the easiest class? been getting 90s easy :pimp:
simple, bilingual parents not speaking Spanish in da household and just assuming their kids will pick up Spanish by osmosis... only to be rudely awaken years later their kid been castrated from having a deeper understanding of their cultura cuz they can't speak Spanish.

hanging around with Nuyorkicans that can't speak Spanish scared me to death & made me double down and speak it more.
Nah, these parents ARE speaking Spanish in the home. (According to the Kids)
Nah, these parents ARE speaking Spanish in the home. (According to the Kids)

I think it's that they are more comfortable speaking English than Spanish.

My cousin has a kid who is 17 and both my cousin and his wife speak both languages to him and he always replies in English.
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I think it's that they are more comfortable speaking English than Spanish.

My cousin has a kid who is 17 and both my cousin and his wife speak both languages to him and he always replies in English.
Yea But these parents don't know English and don't SPEAK ANY English in the home to these kids.
I’m half Chilean half Iranian

Mom came here when she was like 18

My mom never taught me or my bro Spanish and she says she regrets it. As I got older I do wish she did too. She speaks it to her friends and family etc

I can understand a decent amount but I’ll def get lost in a conversation

I look super white so it’d be nice to be able to bust it out when needed. I never had more people speak Spanish to me than when I had long hair :lol: I’m from Boston so I love the PR and DR girls so recently that’s been a motivation for me to learn. I need me a morenita :blush::blush:
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