Oct 5, 2003
When texting.. chatting...im'ing....NT'ing... we ALL use it. The question is, do you actually "lol" when you type "lol?" I know Idon't everytime. With texting it kinda opens up doors.. You can text something stupid and really mean it, but put lol to make everything ok.. lol iactually laughed that time but yeah..
i'm not laughing out loud but i'm laughing in my head

it would be weird to be sitting at my computer in a quiet room and then just start laughing
I use 'lol' at funny things I read. If I'm actually laughing, I upgrade to a 'lmao' or 'rofl'. If it's really really funny,it's 'roflmao'.
lol half the time i say lol i am actually not laughing. like now i am not loling (sp?)
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

i'm not laughing out loud but i'm laughing in my head

it would be weird to be sitting at my computer in a quiet room and then just start laughing
Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

A comedian proposed we use lqtm (laughing quietly to myself).

i use haha or jk...most of the time...i hate lol...and i hate when guys use it...don't know why but it irritates me...
I remember one time. I was in the same room as someone and they sent me something. And I replied lol but didn't laugh and homie start busted out laughinglike how you say lol and not laugh. I know imma get the stone face for talking to someone on aim when there in the room but who hasn't done that before
i feel like only chicks should use the "lol" phrase....i prefer to use "tee hee"
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