LC/PC Fire Red 3s

legit, i don't think they're ds probably vnds. I've seen these go from 120-200$ so I'd probably offer 150-160 lol, but be aware of the horribly paint cracking on these..
Ask him for pictures of any other paint chippings possibly on the inner sides as that is the most common area of cracking.
If the only chips are already shown, try to get them for 140 to 160.
Originally Posted by Resist

legit, i don't think they're ds probably vnds. but be aware of the horribly paint cracking on these..

THIS. I hated to have to sell mine (DS) but the irritation at watching the paint chip away would have been too much.

As others have posted concur legit but try to keep it around $120-140.

Good luck.
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