Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Pretty sure this has already been posted but anyways

I understand why they wanna play but I wouldn't think there would be a problem if they sat out.
for some fans sport is one of the few joys in their life. I'm sure there are allot of clippers fan that don't care about this and want their team to play and win. After all we can say the owners are paying the players but it's at the fans expenses. So no sitting out is not an option IMHO they owe it to their fans to play ..
I work for a casino owned by a tribe, health insurance dental, 401k and a bunch of other perks, good try though.

I don't get why you're white knighting for this broad.
"You seem to be only concerned with dissin' women...were you abused as a child scared to smile they called you ugly?"-Nas

Cum bucket? White knighting?

Wait....Of all the things wrong with this situation--from Sterling purchasing black labor, earning a fortune, and then using typical paternalism to insist insisting that he  is the benevolent father who provides these black athletes with homes and cars, to the NBA tolerating his racist antics for years and only responding when social media puts it on blast--that its the "cum bucket" who is most detestable? 

I swear the hatred for women is concerning. 
comparing the damage gold diggers do to the damage caused by racist rich people who own land.
Can we say the girl was really a gold digger. i mean Sterling gave her all the gifts and money, if a women was showering you with the same thing would you say no to a billionaire?
Clipper fans are jolly now. Game on. Warrios are about to catch a beat down!

i still wouldnt win . I bet sterling is at home,  saying some stuff like yea they are good boys loyal to their master
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