Lebron & Bosh Painting

Oct 22, 2003
I just finished a couple paintings for above my fireplace. I figured I'd share them with you guys. Please let me know what you think.
but why bosh and bron?
Nice, Bosh's face looks a bit wierd. I usually dont paint realistically. What kind of works do you do? Is that oil on canvas? How long did those take apiece to make?
The reason I did Bosh and Lebron is cause I'm Raptor fan and Bosh is our man. As for Lebron, how can you not love his game, and once I saw that pictureI though it would make a nice painting.

Bosh's face was definitely the hardest part of either painting. There are honestly the first realistic portrait paintings I've done (I did a couplerealistic shoe paintings a couple years back). They are acrylic paint on canvas, the Lebron one took about 8 hours, and the Bosh took about 4 hours.

I do alot of pencil drawings but lately if been doing a lot of painting (with the use of stencils) to decorate my aparment. Here is a couple examples of someart I have done for my place.
Cool stuff, I like the ones with the Js. Te black and yellow ones, is that painted as well?
Did you use my pics of the V and XI for reference? Nice work. That LeBron piece is nice also.
Yeah, those are the exact pictures I use, I though they were awsome photos. I trace them in illustrator to make the templates for the paintings. The wholeprocess is pretty easy
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