Feb 3, 2002
I had a huge thing typed out and when I hit post, it was all gone. I'm not retyping it but dont make this an A>B thread. They are my 2 favoriteplayers in the league and if you have a chance to see either play, do it. You wont regret it. This was a pic I took when Kobe came to Cleveland.



They are the 2 best players on the planet and both so exciting to watch. I get greedy and wish 24 played in the East so I could see him play live more but Iguess he's better off in the west because this way they can have the ultimate face-off in June. I bet that would boost ratings.
* Waits for this post to turn into a Player A>Player B thread*

Anyway, when they hang it up, they will be 2 of the best ever, and I am glad I get the chance to watch them play in their primes.
By typing lebrons name first are you implying that he's better??

yeah thanks. that was before i knew about the light settings. brons jersey is a little off white, not bright as i would like it but if i learned photoshop ibet i could at least try to fix it.
Well Appreciated!!!

Even tho Iverson is my second favorite player. I agree with this post 100%

Kobe 4 MVP
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

much appreciated

Is this to appreciate just lebron and kobe in this thread? or areyou another d'wade hater? I'm just surprised of how many haters there are.
Originally Posted by craxyaznguy

Is this to appreciate just lebron and kobe in this thread? or are you another d'wade hater? I'm just surprised of how many haters there are.

its to appreciate it being a kobe and lebron thread, i actually find myself rooting for dwade somewhat as an underdog, i think its a lot easier for me toNOT root AGAINST dwade now that shaqs gone - another reason for me to not like phoenix
^^^ Those two on the court this summer is somethin the rest of the world should be lookin' out for
can I get that pic in a higher resolution so I can put it as my desktop background, that picture is tooo dope
do you not think they get enough recognition as it is? Every thread in S&T has to bring them up somehow
These pics do even better justice. They been my two favorite players for the longest. Kobe was my absolute favorite, but then LeBron came to the Cavs...

So many fans of a 23 year old man and a 30 year old man...
definitely appreciated

kobe's 4th quarter tonight against sactown

...waits for this thread to take a turn for the worst... im betting page 3...
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