Lebron James: Art of Passing

Jan 5, 2011
you dont have the random nba thread back yet, so yeaaaaaaa

dudes passing ability has always been top notch. he makes the guys around him look soooo much better than they actually are lol. some of those passes are straight filthy.

he's a good passer.. but he needs to step up in crucial moments instead of passing it.. that is when his passing is not one of his better traits of his game
We're not still playing the "Lebron James shouldn't pass in big moments" game, are we?

Its not just open court passing either.

Does it extremely well off Pick and Rolls and in the post, too.

Over Magic, I don't know but he is up there for sure.
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It's not as pretty as Magic's passing was but its to the same effectiveness. He makes the right pass every time.

Instead of having two passes to get it to a guy in the corner, he can throw a dart of a cross court pass due to his height and strength and create an open three for a teammate.

His basketball IQ is as good as anybody's ever period. He makes the right play time after time again, always in control, never gets carried away. Its amazing to watch.
he's a good passer.. but he needs to step up in crucial moments instead of passing it.. that is when his passing is not one of his better traits of his game

right, because shooting a highly contested shot is better than finding an open man for a better look at the basket.
As Big J 33 can attest, I was a Lebron hater. I always thought to be truly dominant, he needed a solid mid range jumper, work on his defense, & develop a low post game whether it be scoring or passing. He's worked on the jumper & D, now he needs that low post game. Always thought he needed to pattern his game after Jamal Mashburn's low post moves. Bron's passing would make him a complete assasin if he had a low post game like Mash's...
he's a good passer.. but he needs to step up in crucial moments instead of passing it.. that is when his passing is not one of his better traits of his game

you clearly dont know what your talking about.

Bron IQ is insane.

its not fair to be that good and the matching IQ to go with it.
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